Title: Bashkortostan, Fyodorovsky district, Deniskino, school
1 Bashkortostan, Fyodorovsky district, Deniskino,
- English teacher
- Mullabaewa
- Raisa Mudarisovna
2I can. I cant. --- Can you (it) ?
--- Yes, I (it) can. ---- No, I (it)
3 - A bird can fly
- A fish can swim
- A horse can run
- A frog can jump
- A chimp can dance
4- A fish cant run
- A bird can fly
- A horse cant dance
- A frog can jump
- A chimp cant fly
5- Swim Im a fish. I can swim.
- Fly Im a bird. I can fly.
- Run Im a horse. I can run.
- Jump Im a frog. I can jump.
- dance Im a chimp. I can dance.
61. a fish
4. a bird
2. a horse
5. a frog
3. a chimp
Whats this?
Its a .
Its a .
Its a .
Its a .
Whos this?
This is a ..
This is a .
12Yes or No?
I can swim.
13Yes or No?
I can fly.
14Yes or No?
I can fly
15Yes or No?
I can swim
16 What is it? Its brown. It can run. It cant
sing. It is a .
17Its green. It can jump and swim but it cant
fly. It is a
18Its white. It can run, climb the tree
but it cant fly. It is a .
19Im a bird! Im a bird! I can fly! I can
fly! Look at me! (????????) Im a fish! Im a
fish! I can ! I can ! Look at me!
(????????) Im a frog!...... (????????) Im a
horse!..... (????????) Im a chimp!......
20--- Can you swim? --- Yes, I can. --- Swim! ---
Can you fly? ---No, I cant.
211. I can swim like ? fish
2.I can run like a horse
3.I can jump like a frog
4.I can dance like a chimp
I cant fly like a bird
22Ex.3.p.69. --Can you fly? Can you fly? Can
you fly? --No, I cant!
-- Can you climb?
Can you climb?
Can you climb?
--Yes, I can! --Can you climb like a chimp? Can
you fly like a bird? Can you climb? --Yes, I
can! --Can you fly? --No, I cant!
23Thank you!
25?????????????? ????????? ????????-
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Spotlight-2, ???. 69,71