Title: Datasets for Computer Vision - bounding.ai
DDaattaasseettss ffoorr CCoomppuutteerr
2Datasets for Computer Vision
- Get access to specialized datasets for Computer
Vision. Datasets on Bounding.ai are approved for
your commercial use. Images are already labeled
for your convenience. - The only restriction is that you cannot resell,
share, or otherwise distribute the data. But you
may use the data to train your own AI models and
commercialize those models. - Keep the AI community bounding forward!
3Curated Datasets for Computer
Vision Synthetic Dataset of Small Engine
Parts QR Code Dataset
4Synthetic Dataset of Small Engine Parts
The dataset contains images and masks of parts
used in engine assembly.The Large Bolt class
consists of images of bolts that are larger in
diameter than the Small Bolt and Rocker Arm
classes. The Small Bolt class consists of images
of bolts that are smaller in diameter than the
Rocker Arm class.
5QR Code Dataset
This dataset contains images of QR Codes in
various lighting conditions at a variety of
angles. The goal is to develop a model that can
accurately read and decode QR Codes in all
conditions. QR Codes are a type of
two-dimensional barcode that can be scanned
using a smartphone or other mobile device.
6data-centric ai
- Data-centric AI focuses on labeled data to
improve the performance of AI and deep learning.
The mission of Bounding.ai is to democratize
labeled data for computer vision. As a result,
our marketplace to dedicated to helping AI ML
teams accelerate their journey with pre-made
datasets for computer vision.
7Cortex Innovation Center 4220 Duncan Ave, Suite
201 St. Louis MO 63110
Phone no .- Website -
1(123)123-1234 https//bounding.ai/