Credal set (of possible probability measures) Relaxes the idea of a single probability measure ... Credal sets. Distributions with interval-valued parameters ...
Belief functions (Shafer 76): special case of credal sets ... Belief networks or credal networks. at each node a belief function or a convex set of probs ...
Complexity Challenges of critical situations caused by flooding ... credal - vision. psychic - cultural production well being. biotic - population processes ...
Title: Expans o da cana no Estado de S o Paulo Author: Herve Last modified by: Herv Th ry Created Date: 9/15/2006 3:16:29 PM Document presentation format
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To provide an overview of major philosophies and ideologies and ... Axiology: What is of Value? Ethics: What is morally correct? Aestethics: What is beautiful? ...
Seed propagation along time ... find assignment between eigenfunctions of the two shapes ... of the content given the current estimate s of the style ...
Buzz! Chat about examples of Fresh Expressions of Church you know of and why they are Fresh Expressions of Church. What are Fresh Expressions of Church?
... associated with two quite different concepts: divine revelation and religion. ... on the other hand, 'religion' is a term which describes an act of man. ...
1/. Le R seau Europ en de la Microfinance. 2/. La Microfinance en ... Membres sont principalement des acteurs de la microfinance et des banques, ainsi ...
We'll be primarily concerned here with dogmatism about knowledge, though we'll ... updating this state by conditionalisation does not allow for ampliative learning ...
Vigour, Vitality, and Virtue: How to stay awake in church: Breathing new life into Anglicanism Clergy Day 2nd July St Joseph s Centre Kevin Ward s research ...
'In discussions of OT Theology, the term theology has generally ... But the terms 'OT' and 'NT,' . . . are incorrect. Israel's scripture was an open collection. ...
1.1 'The Reformation's understanding of the biblical text, the influence of the ... The agendum of hermeneutics encompasses the issue of the author's - in ...
Isaac Newton A Brief Look at his Faith Isaac Newton was a heretic. But like Nicodemus, the secret disciple of Jesus, he never made a public declaration of his private ...
Les fronts pionniers de l'Amazonie br silienne. La formation de nouveaux territoires. ... des flux cependant (cons quence sur les productions actuelles) ...