CMPUT 402 Software Quality Paul Sorenson Ath Hall 317 Overview emphasis on quality software in product development what is quality? how to measure it? goals in sw ...
CMPUT 301: Lecture 35 Computer Assisted Collaboration Martin Jagersand Department of Computing Science University of Alberta Based on notes from Pierre Boulanger,
Graphic Design. Lecturer: Martin Jagersand. Department ... Graphic Design. What: ... design individual characters, symbols, and graphic elements to be easily ...
Sequence of frames scene structure. Get corresponding points (tracking) ... and bind more frames/points using resection/intersection. Self-calibration. Bundle ...
Two robots with same are not necessary equal ... mobile robots are non-holonomic systems! ... robots velocities and accelerations. does not adapt or correct the ...
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) interior as well as surfaces are defined ... examples are: parallelepiped, sphere, cylinder, cone, torus, triangular prism ...
Logical thinking (how computers make complex decisions) Truth Tables. Truth tables show output for all possible inputs. A truth table with n inputs has 2n rows. ...
Cognitive models provide a method of predicting user behavior and performance. 5 ... process of finding a solution to an unfamiliar task, using knowledge we ...
The lectures focus on the fundamental principles of software ... The laboratories offer an intensive apprenticeship to the aspiring software developer. ...
Local edge flipping criterion. To detect whether pipj should be replaced with pkpl: ... the triangulation is legal (no edge flips possible): A triangulation is legal ...
Albrecht D rer, Artist drawing a lute, 1525. 3. Geometries. Euclidean Geometry: ... view of the corner in a room. 3 * 90 = 360? view of a checkerboard. 6 ...
template class T ... All of a class template's member functions are function templates. You declare objects of a class template by providing a name and a ...
Solution using arrays is not dynamic and does not generalise to higher dimensions ... Split node is the node at which the search paths bifurcate. 5. 6. Discussion ...
Understand basic concepts underline file and database systems ... Berkeley DB. 6. Evolution of Computer Applications. 1. computing machines: Z:= X * Y ...
Index Fabric. ViST. XRegion. Discussion. Conclusion/Recommendation. Introduction. XML becomes the golden standard for data exchange and their ... Index Fabric ...
CMPUT 412. Experimental Mobile Robotics. Dr. Hong Zhang. Winter 2003-2004. Some Details ... Robotics. Embedded System Design/RT System. Forth. Electronics and ...
In C the special objects cin', cout', and cerr' are used for console I/O ... Arrays are 'ordinal' since every element has a clear predecessor and successor ...
... it will eat up all remaining memory in the heap and the system will shut down ... This code correctly stores the address of the next node in a temporary variable ...
CMPUT 651: Front to Front Perimeter Search & Pattern Databases. Johnny Huynh. Outline ... Find shortest path a perimeter state. Use a heuristic to find a ...
Often it's necessary to provide a program parameters (such as names of files to ... A modified version of the main' function uses two special variables argc' and ...
how much a space curve deviates from a plane how much it attempts to 'escape' ... There is a knot at 4, 5, 6, ... Uniform: knots (t parameter) equally spaced. 30 ...
Hybrid Manipulation: Force-Vision CMPUT 610 Martin Jagersand Today: How to incorporate other sensory feedback. Focus on tasks where the number of contact constraints ...
Different Combination of Multiple Pattern Database. Presented by: Yunping Wang. CMPUT 652 Project ... CPU time. No clear trend with different PDB combinations. ...
labels (addresses of other lines of program) 8/5/09. CMPUT 229, 4 ... 4 (=address of instruction after jal) is saved in register $ra ( return address ) ...
CMPUT 680 - Compiler Design and Optimization. 1. CMPUT680 - Winter 2006. Topic 3: Flow Analysis ... E: set of edges. s: starting node. and let a N, b N. ...
CMPUT 680 - Compiler Design and Optimization. 1. CMPUT680 - Winter ... Some People You Want to be Friend With. Kit Barton. Paul Berube. Stephen. Curial. Zhuang ...
Please spend time getting familiar with its contents as soon as you can. CMPUT 114, Fall 2006 ... Scheduled labs start Monday 11 September please attend the ...