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Hardware can do this almost for free and I can't think of a card that doesn't do ... Doom III and Half-Life 2 usher in a new era of realism. History ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CIS736Lecture2420060313

CIS 736 Computer Graphics Lecture 24 of 42 Exam
Review and Hardware Shading Monday, 13 March
2006 Reading Hardware Rendering
(shader_lecture) Adapted with permission from
slides by Andy van Dam and Kevin Egan W. H.
Hsu http//
avd November 4, 2003 VSD 1/46
  • Texturing
  • Nothing is more important than texture
    performance and quality. Textures are used for
    absolutely everything.
  • Fake shading
  • Fake detail
  • Fake effects
  • Fake geometry
  • Geometry is expensive you gotta store it,
    transform it, light it, clip it bah!
  • Use them in ways they arent supposed to be used
  • An image is just an array after all
  • If it werent for textures, wed be stuck with
    big Gouraud shaded polys!
  • Quick hardware texture review
  • Interpolation is linear in 1/z

  • Multipass Rendering
  • In 123, everything weve done has been in one
    pass but in reality you wont get anywhere with
  • Multipass rendering gives you flexibility and
    better realism
  • An early version of Quake 3 did this
  • (1-4 Accumulate bump map)
  • 5 Diffuse lighting
  • 6 Base texture
  • (7 Specular lighting)
  • (8 Emissive lighting)
  • (9 Volumetric effects)
  • (10 Screen flashes)
  • Multitexturing is the most important part of
    multipass rendering (remember all of those
    texture regs?)

  • Billboards
  • A billboard is a flat object that faces
  • There are lots of different billboarding methods,
    but well stick with the easiest, most used one
  • Take a quad and slap a texture on it. Now we want
    it to face the camera. How do we do that? (Hint
    you just did it in modeler)
  • Bread and butter of older 3d games and still used
    extensively today
  • Monsters (think Doom)
  • Items
  • Impostors (LOD)
  • Text
  • HUDs (sometimes)
  • Faked smoke, fire, explosions, particle effects,
    halos, etc.
  • ing lens flares
  • Bad news Little to no shading

  • Aliasing when scaling up
  • Bilinear Filtering (a.k.a. Bilinear
  • Interpolate horizontally by the decimal part of u
    and vertically interpolate the horizontal
    components by the decimal part of v
  • x floor(u) a u - x
  • y floor(v) b v y
  • T(u,v) (1 a)(1 b)T(x, y) bT(x, y 1)
  • a(1 b)T(x 1, y) bT(x 1, y 1)
  • (1 a)(1 b)T(x, y) a(1 b)T(x 1, y)
  • (1 a)bT(x, y 1) abT(x 1, y 1)
  • This is essentially what you did in filter when
    scaling up
  • Hardware can do this almost for free and I cant
    think of a card that doesnt do it by default
  • Not so free in a software engine

  • Mipmapping
  • Mip multum in parvo (many in a small place)
  • Solves the aliasing problem when scaling down
  • Its possible for more than one texel may cover
    the area of a pixel (edges of objects, objects in
    the distance). We could find all texels that
    fall under that pixel and blend them, but thats
    too much work
  • This problem causes temporal aliasing
  • Will bilinear filtering help? Will it solve the
  • Solution more samples per pixel or lower the
    frequency of the texture
  • Mipmapping solves the problem by taking the
    latter approach
  • Doing this in real time is too much work so well
  • Take the original texture and reduce the area by
    0.25 until we reach a 1 x 1 texture
  • Use a good filter and gamma correction when
  • If we use a Gaussian filter, this is called a
    Gaussian pyramid
  • Predict how bad the aliasing is to determine
    which mipmap level to use
  • How much more memory are we using?
  • Can potentially increase texture performance
    (Lars story)
  • Cards do mipmapping and bilinear filtering
    by default. A good deal of console
    games dont do mipmapping, why?

  • Problem Solved

  • Were good. A little too good.
  • We got rid of aliasing, but now everything is too
  • Lets take more samples. Take a sample from the
    mipmap level above and below the current one and
    do bilinear filtering on the current mipmap level
    Trilinear Filtering
  • Trilinear filtering makes it look a little better
    but were still missing something If were going
    to take even more samples we better be taking
    them correctly.
  • Key observation suppose we take a pixel and
    backwards map it onto a texture. Is the pixel
    always a nice little square with sides parallel
    to the texture walls? NO!
  • Bilinear and trilinear filtering are isotropic
    because they sample the same distance in all
  • Now were going to sample more where it is
    actually needed
  • Of course, a pixel is NOT a tiny little square.
    But lets suppose it is

  • Anisotropic Filtering
  • Anisotropic not isotropic (surprise). Also
    called aniso or AF for short.
  • There are a couple of aniso algorithms that dont
    use mipmapping but our cards already do
    mipmapping really well so well build off of
  • When the pixel is backwards mapped, the longest
    side of the quad determines the line of
    anisotropy and well take a hojillion samples
    along that line across mipmaps.
  • Aniso and FSAA are the two big features of
    todays modern cards
  • ATI and NVIDIA have different algorithms that
    they guard secretively and continue to
    improve/screw up
  • We could be taking up to 128 samples per pixel!
    This takes serious bandwidth. This is orders of
    magnitude more costly than bilinear (4) or
    trilinear (6) filtering.
  • Pictures!

  • Aniso Rules (1/3)

  • Aniso Rules (2/3)
  • Serious Sam

  • Aniso Rules (3/3)
  • Serious Sam

  • Texture Generation
  • Who needs artists?
  • Procedural Texturing
  • Use a random procedure to generate the colors
  • Perlin noise (not just for color)
  • Good for wood, marble, water, fire
  • Unreal Tournament did it quite a bit
  • Texture Synthesis
  • No games use this to my knowledge
  • Efros Leung, Ashikhmin use neighborhood
  • Cohen (Siggraph 2003) has a much faster tile
    based method

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Summary Points
  • Solid Modeling Overview
  • Data structures
  • Boundary representations (B-reps) last time
  • Spatial partitioning representations today
  • Algorithms
  • Construction (composition)
  • Intersection, point classification
  • Know difference between B-reps and spatial
    partitioning pros and cons
  • Spatial Partitioning (Review Guide)
  • Cell decomposition know how to obtain for
    composite object (simple primitives)
  • Planar and spatial occupancy
  • Simple uniform subdivision (grid / pixel,
    volumetric / voxel)
  • Hierarchical quadtrees and octrees know how to
    obtain for 2D, 3D scenes
  • Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) trees know how
    to obtain for simple 2D object
  • Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) know typical
    primitives, how to combine
  • Next Class Color Models Visible Surface Data

Programmable Hardware
Doom III
Halo 2
Jet Set Radio Future
  • 1992 - ids Wolfenstein 3D video game rocks
    gaming world, all objects are billboards (flat
    planes) and rendered in software
  • 1996 - ids Quake introduces a full 3D polygonal
    game, lighting vertices and shading pixels is
    still done in software
  • 1996 - Voodoo 3Dfx graphics card released, does
    shading operations (such as texturing) in
    hardware. QuakeWorld brings hardware acceleration
    to Quake
  • 1999 - Geforce 256 graphics card released, now
    transform and lighting (TL) of vertices is done
    in hardware as well (uses the fixed function
  • 2001 Geforce 3 graphics card lets programmers
    download assembly programs to control vertex
    lighting and pixel shading keeping the speed of
    the fixed function pipeline with none of the
  • Future Expanded features and high level APIs
    for vertex and pixel shaders, increased use of
    lighting effects such as bump mapping and
    shadowing, higher resolution color values. Doom
    III and Half-Life 2 usher in a new era of realism

Fixed Function Pipeline
  • Starting in 1999 some graphics cards began to do
    the standard lighting model and transformations
    in hardware (TL). CPUs everywhere sighed in
  • Hardware TL existed in the 60s and 70s, it was
    just really slow and really expensive.
  • Implementing the pipeline in hardware made
    processing polygons much faster, but the
    developer could not modify the pipeline (hence
    fixed function pipeline). The fixed function
    pipeline dates back to the first SGI
  • New programmable hardware allows programmers to
    write vertex and pixel programs to change the
  • Vertex and pixel programs arent necessarily
    slower than the fixed function alternative
  • Note that the common term vertex shader to
    describe a vertex program is misleading
    vertices are lit and pixels are shaded

A Quick Review
  • By default, GL will do the following
  • Take as input various per-vertex quantities
    (color, light source, eye point, texture
    coordinates, etc.)
  • Calculate a final color for each vertex using a
    basic lighting model (OpenGL uses Phong lighting)
  • For each pixel, linearly interpolate the three
    surrounding vertex colors to shade the pixel
    (OpenGL uses Gouraud shading)
  • Write the pixel color value to the frame buffer

Programmable Hardware Pipeline
  • clip space refers to the space of the canonical
    view volume
  • New graphics cards can use either the fixed
    function pipeline or vertex/pixel programs

Example Cartoon Shading
  • Cartoon shading is a cheap and neat looking
    effect used in video games such as Jet Set Radio
  • Instead of using traditional methods to light a
    vertex, use the dot product of the light vector
    and the normal of the vertex to index into a 1
    dimensional texture (A texture is simply a
    lookup function for colors nothing more and
    nothing less)
  • Instead of a smooth transition from low intensity
    light (small dot product) to high intensity light
    (large dot product) make the 1 dimensional
    texture have sharp transitions
  • Textures arent just for wrapping 2D images on
    3D geometry!
  • Viola! Cartoon Teapot

dot product
1 dimensional texture
What is Cg?
  • Cg is a C-like language that the graphics card
    compiles in to a program
  • The program is run once per-vertex and/or
    per-pixel on the graphics card
  • Cg does not have all the functionality of C
  • Different types systems
  • Cant include standard system headers
  • No malloc
  • http// has the
    technical documentation for Cg
  • Cg is actually an abstraction of the more
    primitive assembly language that the programmable
    hardware originally supported

Cg Tips
  • Understand the different spaces your vertices may
    exist in
  • model space the space in which your input vertex
    positions exist, in this space the center of the
    model is at the origin
  • world space the space in which you will do most
    of your calculations
  • clip space the space in which your output vertex
    positions must exist, this space represents the
    canonical view volume
  • If you want a vector to have length 1 make sure
    to normalize the vector, this often happens when
    you want to use a vector to represent a direction
  • When writing a Cg program try to go one step at a
    time, one sequence of steps might be
  • Make sure the model vertex positions are being
    calculated correctly
  • Set the color or texture coordinates to an
    arbitrary value, verify that you are changing the
    surface color
  • Calculate the color or texture coordinates
  • Check out http// for some
    helpful documents

The Big Picture
  • Write a .cg file. This will invariably take some
    sort of information as a parameter to its
    main() function
  • Note that this main() is not compiled by gcc (or
    any C/C compiler). That would generate a
    symbol conflict, among other things. It is only
    processed by NVidias Cg compiler
  • Write a class that extends CGEffect. This is
    cs123s object-oriented wrapper around the basic
    C interface provided by NVidia
  • The CGEffect subclass allows you to bind data
    from your .C files to variables in your .cg
    vertex program
  • Make that CGEffect the IScenes current CGEffect
    by calling IScenesetCGEffect(). IScene will
    take ownership of the CGEffect at this point, so
    you will not be deleting the memory you allocated
    yourself. Rendering will now be done using your
    vertex shader
  • Call ISceneremoveCGEffect() if you want to turn
    vertex shaders off again

Cg Example Code (1/2)
  • pragma bind appin.Position ATTR0
  • pragma bind appin.Normal ATTR2
  • pragma bind appin.Col0 ATTR3
  • // define inputs from application
  • struct appin application2vertex
  • float4 Position
  • float4 Normal
  • float4 Col0
  • pragma bind vertout.HPosition HPOS
  • pragma bind vertout.Col0 COL0
  • // define outputs from vertex shader
  • struct vertout vertex2fragment
  • float4 HPosition
  • float4 Col0

Cg Example Code (2/2)
  • vertout main(appin IN,
  • uniform float4 lightpos,
  • uniform float4x4
  • uniform float4x4 ModelView,
  • uniform float4x4 ModelViewProj,
  • uniform float4x4 Projection)
  • vertout OUT
  • OUT.HPosition mul(ModelViewProj,
  • float4 wsnorm mul(ModelViewInvTrans,
  • wsnorm.w 0
  • wsnorm normalize(wsnorm)
  • float4 worldpoint mul(ModelView,
  • float4 lightvec lightpos - worldpoint
  • lightvec.w 0
  • lightvec normalize(lightvec)

Cg Explanation (1/6)
Declare input struct and bindings
  • pragma bind appin.Position ATTR0
  • pragma bind appin.Normal ATTR2
  • pragma bind appin.Col0 ATTR3
  • // define inputs from application
  • struct appin application2vertex
  • float4 Position
  • float4 Normal
  • float4 Col0
  • The appin struct extends application2vertex
    indicating to Cg that appin will be used to hold
    per-vertex input. The name appin is arbitrary,
    but the name application2vertex is part of Cg
  • The pragma statements establish the mapping
    between OpenGLs representation for vertex input
    and the members of appin
  • pragma bind statements are kind of confusing.
    Vertex inputs are supplied by the OpenGL program
    and are then stored in registers on the graphics
    card. These statements tell Cg how to initialize
    each member of the input struct i.e. use the
    value stored in the register specified by the
    pragma binding

Cg Explanation (2/6)
Declare output struct and bindings
  • pragma bind vertout.HPosition HPOS
  • pragma bind vertout.Col0 COL0
  • // define outputs from vertex shader
  • struct vertout vertex2fragment
  • float4 HPosition
  • float4 Col0
  • The vertout struct extends vertex2fragment
    indicating to Cg that vertout will be used to
    return per-vertex output. The name vertout is
    arbitrary, but the name vertex2fragment is part
    of Cg
  • The pragma statements establish the mapping
    between the members of vertout and OpenGLs
    representation for vertex output
  • Similarly to inputs, the graphics card expects
    the vertex outputs to be stored in registers.
    These pragma bind statements tell Cg what to do
    with the values stored in members of the output
    struct returned from main put them in the
    register specified by the pragma bind
  • The card then uses the values in these registers
    in the rest of the pipeline

Cg Explanation (3/6)
Entry point to the Cg program
  • vertout main(appin IN,
  • uniform float4 lightpos,
  • uniform float4x4
  • uniform float4x4 ModelView,
  • uniform float4x4 ModelViewProj
  • uniform float4x4 Projection)
  • Cg requires a main() function in every vertex
    program and uses this function as the entry point
  • The return type vertout indicates we must
    return a structure of type vertout which will
    hold per-vertex output
  • The IN parameter is of type appin Cg uses the
    pragma bindings from the previous slide to
    initialize IN with per-vertex input before it
    is passed to main(). This is read-only
  • The uniform keyword indicates to Cg that the
    specified input parameter is constant across all
    vertices in the current glBegin()/glEnd() block
    and is supplied by the application
  • The ModelView matrix maps from object space to
    world space
  • The ModelViewProj matrix maps from object space
    to the film plane
  • The ModelViewInvTrans is the inverse transpose of
    the modelview matrix
  • Used to move normals from object space to world
  • The Projection matrix maps from world space to
    film plane

Cg Explanation (4/6)
  • vertout OUT
  • OUT.HPosition mul(ModelViewProj,

Create output vertex compute and set its clip
space position
The first thing we do is declare a struct OUT
of type vertout which we will use to return
per-vertex output. This is a write-only
variable We calculate the vertexs clip space
position by multiplying the model space position
by the composite modelview and projection matrix
Compute and normalize world space normal
float4 wsnorm mul(ModelViewInvTrans,
IN.Normal) wsnorm.w 0 wsnorm
We calculate the world space normal by
multiplying the model space normal by the inverse
transpose of the modelview matrix We set w equal
to 0 for the world space normal since all vectors
should have 0 as a homogenous coordinate. Do Not
assume that Cg will do this sort of thing for you
its not IAlgebra We normalize the world space
normal to assure that it is of length 1
Cg Explanation (5/6)
Compute vertex world space position
Compute and normalize
vector from vertex to light (in world space)
  • float4 worldpoint mul(ModelView,
  • float4 lightvec lightpos - worldpoint
  • lightvec.w 0
  • lightvec normalize(lightvec)

We calculate the vertexs world space position by
multiplying its model space position by the
modelview matrix (we previously calculated the
vertexs clip space position) Since the lightpos
constant used in this example is already in world
space coordinates we calculate the vector from
the vertex to the light by subtracting the
vertexs position from the lights
position Again, to normalize the light vector we
set the homogenous coordinate to 0 and call
Cg Explanation (6/6)
  • float dp dot(wsnorm, lightvec)
  • dp clamp(dp, 0.0, 1.0)

Compute and clamp dot product (used in lighting
To calculate the intensity associated with the
incoming light we dot the world space normal with
the world space light vector So that we do not
have to worry about negative dot product values
we clamp the dot product to be between 0.0 and
1.0. Note that we dont use a conditional here.
You should almost never have a branch instruction
in one of your vertex shaders.
Set output color return output vertex
OUT.Col0 IN.Col0 dp return
To calculate the diffuse contribution of the
light source we scale the diffuse color of the
object by the dot product We have set both the
clip space position and color in the OUT
structure so we now return the OUT structure from
How Can I Set The Parameters?
  • We have two different address spaces
  • You have parameters to your main() function in a
    .cg file
  • You have floats and pointers to floats in a C/C
  • We provide support code to help bind the two
    together. Our wrappers also make this all a bit
    more object-oriented
  • Look at the documentation for CGEffect.H/C
  • There are bindings for the actual vertex programs
    and for the individual parameters sent to the
    vertex program
  • The support code handles the ModelView/Projection/
    etc matrices automatically
  • Lets take a look at a .C file

The .C File (1/2)
  • include "CGDiffuse.H"
  • CGDiffuseCGDiffuse(CGcontext context,
  • const char strCgFileName,
  • const char strModelViewName,
  • const char strModelViewProjName,
  • const char strProjectionName,
  • const char strMVInvTransName,
  • const double_t lightPosX,
  • const double_t lightPosY,
  • const double_t lightPosZ)
  • CGEffect(context, strCgFileName,
  • strModelViewProjName,
  • m_lightPos0 lightPosX
  • m_lightPos1 lightPosY
  • m_lightPos2 lightPosZ
  • m_cgLightPosParam NULL

The .C File (2/2)
  • void CGDiffuseinitializeStudentCgBindings()
  • m_cgLightPosParam cgGetNamedParameter(m_cgProg
    ramHandle, "lightPos")
  • assert(cgIsParameter(m_cgLightPosParam))
  • void CGDiffusebindStudentUniformCgParameters()
  • if (cgIsParameter(m_cgLightPosParam))
  • cgGLSetParameter4f(m_cgLightPosParam,
  • m_lightPos0,

  • m_lightPos1,

  • m_lightPos2,
  • 1)

The .C File Explained (1/3)
Initialize the effect
  • include "CGDiffuse.H"
  • CGDiffuseCGDiffuse(CGcontext context,
  • const char strCGFileName,
  • const char
  • const char
  • const char
  • const char
  • const double_t lightPosX,
  • const double_t
  • const double_t
  • CGEffect(context, strCGFileName,
    strModelViewProjName, strProjectionName,
  • // this stuff shouldnt need explanation, so it
    is elided
  • Initializing the effect simply involves calling
    the superclass constructor, passing it
  • The CGcontext, which IScene stores as the
    protected variable m_cgContext
  • strCGFileName the .cg file with the Cg code for
    this effect
  • The name of the modelview, composite modelview
    projection, projection, and modelview inverse
    transpose matrices.
  • These names should be the names of our parameters
    in the main function of the .cg file, i.e.
    ModelViewInvTrans, ModelView,
    ModelViewProj, and Projection

The .C File Explained (2/3)
Initializing bindings
  • CGDiffuse initializeStudentCgBindings()
  • m_cgLightPosParam cgGetNamedParameter(m_cgProg
    ramHandle, lightPos)
  • assert(cgIsParameter(m_cgLightPosParam)
  • This function is called when the effect is
    created to initialize your bindings
  • cgGetNamedParameter takes a CGprogram and a
  • The first parameter is a handle to the text of
    the corresponding Cg program for this effect
  • The CGDiffuse class inherits m_cgProgramHandle
    from CGEffect this protected variable is used in
    most of the Cg calls
  • The second variable lightPos is a string with
    the form
  • The uniform variable is in the .cg file, not this
    .C file!
  • It returns a CGparameter
  • This binding will be used later on to set a value
    for the uniform variable lightPos
  • Well see how to do this on the next slide
  • Initializing a binding does not give it a value!

The .C File Explained (3/3)
Assigning values to a binding
  • void
  • CGDiffusebindStudentUniformCgParameters()
  • if(cgIsParameter(m_cgLightPosParam))
  • cgGLSetParameters4f(m_cgLightPosParam,
  • m_lightPos0,
  • m_lightPos1,

  • m_lightPos2,

  • 1)
  • This function is called to give actual values to
    a binding
  • It is called exactly once by the support code
    with each call you make to redraw()
  • Here, our binding represents the position of the
    light in our scene
  • cgGLSetParameters4f takes the variable in our .C
    file representing the binding, and four floats
  • The binding were specifying must be to a
    variable of type float4. In this case we are
    binding to lightPos, which is a float4 in our
    cg program.
  • The variables fields are initialized to the four
    floats we specify
  • Essentially, this function determines actual
    parameters for uniform variables in the .cg file
    the next time the Cg program is run

Lets Code!
  • As a class lets reconstruct the shader we just
    saw and add specular lighting.
  • Then lets work out what needs to change in the
    .C file
  • Fun!

Revised Cg Code
  • // the stuff at the top of the file is unchanged
    in this case. Not so if we
  • // were using textures, etc, etc.
  • float4 reflect(float4 incoming, float4 normal)
  • float4 temp 2 dot(normal, incoming)
  • return (temp incoming)
  • vertout main(appin IN,
  • uniform float4 eye,
  • uniform float4 lightPos,
  • uniform float4x4
  • uniform float4x4 ModelView,
  • uniform float4x4 ModelViewProj,
  • uniform float4x4 Projection)
  • // same
  • float4 reflectedlight reflect(lightvec,

Revised .C File (1/2)
  • void
  • CGDiffuse initializeStudentCgBindings()
  • m_cgLightPosParam cgGetNamedParameter(m_cgPro
    gramHandle, lightPos)
  • assert(cgIsParameter(m_cgLightPosParam))
  • m_cgEyePointParam cgGetNamedParameter(m_cgProg
  • assert(cgIsParameter(m_cgEyePointParam))

Revised .C File (2/2)
  • void
  • CGDiffusebindStudentUniformCgParameters()
  • if(cgIsParameter(m_cgLightPosParam))
  • cgGLSetParameters4f(m_cgLightPosParam,
  • m_lightPos0,
  • m_lightPos1,

  • m_lightPos2,

  • 1)
  • if (cgIsParameter(m_cgEyePointParam ))
  • const IAPoint eyept m_camera-eyePoint()
  • cgGLSetParameter4f(m_cgEyePointParam ,
    t2, 1)

Changes Checklist
  • When we went from a diffuse shader to a specular
    shader, we did the following
  • Wrote the new .cg file
  • Added uniform float4 eye to the main function
  • Determined the specular component and added it to
    the diffuse color when setting OUT.Col0
  • Added m_cgEyePointParam member variable of type
    CGparameter to the .H file (.H file not shown)
  • Initialized the new binding in initializeStudentCg
    Bindings using cgGetNamedParameter
  • Used the program handle inherited from CGEffect,
  • The string was eye because we wanted the
    binding to specify the parameter eye in the cg
  • Gave a value to the binding in bindStudentUniformC
    gParameters using cgGLSetParameter4f
  • We got the eye point from the camera and passed
    it as four floats
  • When our Cg program is run we know that eye will
    be float4( eyept0, eyept1, eyept2, 1)

Debugging Cg
  • Debugging Cg can be hard
  • Compile errors happen at runtime, when the
    shader is loaded, and do not have any helpful
  • All you get is The compile returned an error
  • To get some useful feedback use the CG compiler
  • /course/cs123/bin/cgc profile vp20
  • No printf
  • The only output you have is the vertex you
    return, so you can use the output color to do
    primitive testing
  • Comment a lot! Treat it as if you were writing
    assembly code from cs31

Cg Types (1/2)
  • Used in .C and .H files
  • CGprogram (in example code m_cgProgramHandle)
  • All of the NVidia Cg calls are global functions.
    We need this pointer to tell the NVidia Cg
    library which program were talking about
  • CGparameter (in example code m_cgLightPosParam,
  • We need to connect the values (0,0,1, say) to a
    parameter (lightpos, for example). This
    variable represents that connection or binding.

Cg Types (2/2)
  • Used in .cg files
  • float4 (in example code eye, lightpos)
  • This is a 4-vector. (Think IAPoint) You can
    access the elements in different ways
  • lightpos.x or lightpos0, lightpos.y or
  • float4x4 (in example code ModelView, etc.)
  • This is a 4x4 matrix. (Think IAMatrix) You can
    do matrix multiplications in hardware with these
  • float (can be used within a function, but not as
    a parameter)
  • (Think float) Unfortunately, you will probably
    try to pass one as a parameter and get one of the
    absolutely opaque Cg compile errors. Dont try
    it! You cant bind to a single float.
  • Do use them within the body of a Cg function

Where did Cg come from?
(or, culture is good for you)
Old vs. New
  • Before the GeForce 3, graphics programmers sent
    position, normal, color, transparency, and
    texture data to the card and it used the fixed
    function pipeline to render the vertices (the
    left side of the picture on slide 5). Sceneview
    used the fixed function pipeline to render.
  • This meant the programmer had limited control
    over how the hardware created the final image. To
    do non-standard effects, like cartoon shading,
    required a lot of hackery.
  • Programmers had to trick the card in to doing
    different effects or handle a lot of the effects
    in software
  • The current generation of hardware, however,
    takes a different view of rendering. The
    programmer simply sends data to the card and then
    writes a program to interpret the data and create
    an image. Most programmers still send standard
    types of data like position, normal, color, and
    texture data since it often makes the most sense.

  • In the first generation of programmable cards,
    the programmer wrote short assembly language
    programs to create a final image.
  • Vertex shader programs take as input per vertex
    information (object space position, object space
    normal, etc.) and per frame constants
    (perspective matrix, modeling matrix, light
    position, etc.). They produce some of the
    following outputs clip space position, diffuse
    color, specular color, transparency, texture
    coordinates, and fog coordinates.
  • Pixel shader programs take as input the outputs
    from the vertex shader program and texture maps.
    They produce a final color and transparency as
    output. They are often called fragment shaders.
  • Pixel shaders are trickier so we dont cover
    them. Take CS224 if you want to learn more!
  • Pixel shaders Vertex shaders

Using a Shader
  • A programmer would write the vertex and pixel
    shaders as simple text files.
  • Then a program would load each of the shaders it
    intended to use. This sends the text file to the
    driver where it is compiled in to a binary
    representation and stored on the graphics card.
  • Each rendering pass, the program would enable one
    vertex shader and/or one pixel shader. This tells
    the graphics card to use the them to render the
    objects instead of the fixed function pipeline.
  • Finally, the program passes data to the card.
    Its interpreted by the shaders and an image is
  • Disabling the shaders (or never enabling any)
    prompts the card to use the fixed function


Ack, assembly!
  • MUL R1, R1.x, R2
  • DP4 R1.x, R3, -R1
  • MUL oCOL0, v3, R1.x
  • MOV, -c1
  • MOV R2.w, c18.x
  • DP4 R1.x, R2, R2
  • RSQ R1.x, R1.x
  • MUL R4, R1.x, R2
  • MUL R1, c0.yzxw, R4.zxyw
  • MAD R2, R4.yzxw, c0.zxyw, -R1
  • DP4 R1.x, R2, R2
  • RSQ R1.x, R1.x
  • Not only to we need to write some CPU assembly to
    make our game run fast, now we have to write
    assembly for the graphics cards
  • Different graphics cards support different
    versions of the vertex and pixel shader assembly
  • Shader programs run at different speeds on
    different cards different assembly for each
  • John Carmack, a man not afraid of assembly,
    believes that high level shader languages are
    critical for the future success of programmable
    hardware and hes right

Enter the High Level Languages
  • Microsofts HLSL
  • New in DirectX 9
  • struct VS_OUTPUT    float4 Pos
    POSITION    float3 Light TEXCOORD0    float3
    Norm TEXCOORD1
  • VS_OUTPUT VS(float4 Pos POSITION, float3
    Normal NORMAL)    VS_OUTPUT Out
    (VS_OUTPUT)0     Out.Pos mul(Pos,
  •     Out.Light vecLightDir
  •     Out.Norm normalize(mul(Normal, matWorld))
  •     return Out
  • float4 PS(float3 Light TEXCOORD0, float3 Norm
    TEXCOORD1) COLOR    float4 diffuse 1.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 1.0    float4 ambient 0.1, 0.0,
    0.0, 1.0     return ambient diffuse
    saturate(dot(Light, Norm))
  • NVIDIAs Cg
  • Geared towards OpenGL but it can work with
    DirectX and compile for DirectX specific assembly
  • The OpenGL ARBs SLang
  • Will be in OpenGL 2.0 whenever that comes out
  • (HLSL code from

  • During the summer of 2002 nVidia released Cg. Cg,
    as weve seen, is a language specification for
    vertex and pixel shaders that looks a lot like C.
    It is useful because its more intuitive and
    easier to program in than the assembly language
    used prior to its release.
  • For the modeler assignment you will take
    advantage of Cg to make a vertex program.
  • Cg programs are still simple text files and
    processed by the graphics card, just like the
    assembly programs. The only difference is the
  • We cant use HLSL because were using Linux (duh)
    and SLang isnt out yet Cg!

The Future
  • Pixel shaders, pixel shaders, and more pixel
  • Shader performance and power is increasing at an
    insane rate. Look at how far weve come in only
    two years!
  • Real time ray tracing? Radiosity?
  • Real time RenderMan?
  • Scientific computing
  • Who needs the CPU?
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