Chironex fleckeri toxin as immunotoxin. IMMUNOTOXIN. Cell-specific cytotoxic agents ... Australian sea wasp, Box-jellyfish. Lethal, kills in 3-8 min. Several toxins ...
Velella velella - by the wind sailor. Fire coral. hydrocoral. Physalia - Portugese man of war ... Aurelia - moon jelly. Pelagia ~Class cubozoa - box jellies ...
Introduction to Cnidaria Jellyfish, corals, and other stingers. . . Cnidarians are incredibly diverse in form Yet, these diverse animals are all armed with stinging ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Guardians Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: del Nagle Last modified by: Coach Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
SCOMBROID Any large fish ... Preventable with proper preparation Spoilage: ... ? decontamination OTHER POISONINGS Botulism Canned foods classic but can be from ...
Radiata Phylum Cnidaria Phylum Ctenophora * CERIANT RIOS An monas-tubo Tubo de pticocistos (um tipo de cnidocisto) Tent culos labiais e marginais Coluna bem ...
Water Hazards: Immersion,Submersion and Envenomation Bruce Minnes MD, FRCPC Staff Physician and Assistant Professor, Division of Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Dangerous Marine Organisms Protistans and Invertebrates Outline Algae Sponges Cnidarians Mollusks Algae: Red Tide Red Tides occur in and around the US as well as ...
Toutefois, occasionnellement, envenimations li es des animaux exotiques, lors ... poss dent un appareil venimeux en position post rieur , avec un aiguillon. ...
Marine Toxicology Rob Hall PGY3 and Dr. I. Vicas Toxicology Rounds Jan 9th, 2003 GOALS FOR TODAY ENVENOMATIONS Three mechanisms of envenomation Standard treatment for ...
Marine Poisoning and Envenomation Jennifer Hughes Dr. David Johnson February 16, 2006 Le grand plan Marine envenomation Toxic animals that live in the ocean ...
Unsuspecting sleeping person rubs the feces into the bite and becomes infected ... Bite becomes markedly swollen and red whether trypanosomes are involved or not ...
IRON and STINGS Rob Hall Dr. M. Yarema June 20th, 2002 GOALS IRON recognize dx explain pathophysiology know how, when and why to treat STINGS know the basic ...
Multicellular and Tissue Level Organization Chapter 9 Multicellularity Multicellularity Multicellular organisms have existed for 550 million years 10 % of geological ...
Reef builders that have a nasty ... L-form hydroids Feather-shaped colonies Obelia is the most famous ... solitary Responsible for the building of coral ...
Marine Emergencies Matthew T. Hamonko MD, MPH Venomous Marine Animal Emergencies Scorpionfish 2nd most common marine fish envenomation worldwide annually Common ...