Title: :Dr' ChinYew LIN , Microsoft Research Asia
- ???Dr. Chin-Yew LIN , Microsoft Research Asia
- ????????
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- ??97.09.03(???)9001200
- ??????????EC022?
In this talk, I will briefly introduce recent
advances in information retrieval and natural
language processing at the Natural Language
Computing group at Microsoft Research Asia. In
particular, I will use question answering as an
example to illustrate the approach that we are
taking toward solving real world problems .
Question answering has been a very active
research field in information retrieval and
natural language processing. Despite the success
of TREC QA track, large scale robust QA systems
are still yet to be found in the real world. In
this talk, I will briefly introduce recent
progress on SQuAD - a question and answering
project aiming to crawl, index, and serve all
question and answer pairs existing on the web. I
will address six main challenges of the project
and then focus on discussion of online
community-based question answering services.