Title: Presentation on Changjiji Housing Complex
1Presentationon Changjiji Housing Complex
- National Housing Development Corporation
- (NHDC)
- Ministry of Works and Human Settlement
2Changjiji Housing Complex
3Vital Statistics (Bidgs Units
- Total Area-53 acres
- Site coverage-40
- Phase I (10)
- Rinchen Const (3)
- M/s T K Const (3)
- Rinson Const (4)
- Phase II (44)
- BEC (9)
- Druk Chhoglay Const (9)
- Singye Const (8)
- Rinson Const (8)
- Chapcha Engg (10)
- Phase III (17)
- Druk Chhoglay Const (6)
- Chapcha Engg (6)
- Rinson Const (5)
- 71 buildings
- 676 units-Resi.
- 48 shops
- Phase I (10 bldgs-120 units)
- Feb 2001-Sept 2002
- Phase II (44 bldgs-468)
- Sept 2001-Sept 2004
- Phase III (17 bldgs-88 units,48 shops)
- Oct 2004-2006
4Vital Statistics ..cont.
- Total number of residents -2989 .
- Total number of Children -1276 .
- Total number of Family with parent(s) -85
- Total number of others 1 -482
- Total number of Single Divorced -59
- Number of residents per unit
- 12--- 50
- 34--- 158
- 56--- 267
- 78--- 93
- 9 --- 16
- Examined number of Tenants 586
- Age of the Tenants
- Unknown age --- 79
- 2125 Year-old ---17
- 2630 year old--- 146
- 3135 year old--- 154
- 3640 year old--- 114
- 4145 year old--- 36
- 4650 year old--- 27
- 50 year old--- 13
- Examined number of Tenants 586
5Project Background
- Rapid increase in the urban population.
- Urgent Housing need for the Lower Income Civil
Servants. - Lack of affordable housing for the lower income
group (LIG). - Studies in 1999 indicated requirement of 3892
units in Thimphu for the five year period
2000-2005. - CCM discussion and approval in 1998-1999.
- Project Implementation by then DUDH.
- Design and Land Acquisition-1999-2000.
- First Phase started -2001.
- Project Implementation transferred to NHDC-2004
6Objectives of the Govt.
- Alleviate acute housing shortage.
- Provide affordable shelter.
- Encourage use of local materials and promote
local industries. - Establish viable community with own town centre,
bus terminal, school, playgrounds, sports field,
Satellite Clinic etc.
7Housing Typology
- Three type designs
- Two fully residential
- One commercial on ground floor-variety
- Total 71 buildings
Type 2-9 Units/block
Type 3-4 commercial Units/b 4
Residential Units/b
Type 1-12 Units/block
8Ongoing Works
- Parking Development.
- Footpath construction.
- Drainage.
- Installation of Water Meter
- Installation of Additional Water Pump.
9To Be Developed
- Guard House for Water Tank.
- City Bus Terminal.
- RBP-Out Post.
- Satellite Clinic.
- Childrens Park.
- Pay Use Toilet.
- Youth Information Centre.
- Commercial Square.
- Landscape.
- Lhakhang.
10Problems .
- Settlement of plinth.
- Underground water seepage.
- Plumbing-Poor Workmanship.
- Roof leakage.
- Leakage from toilet/duct.
- Water supply .
- Peeling off plastering.
- No site development.
- Unskilled labours.
- Use of Local materials.
- Users Habits.
- Inadequate/Inexperienced Site Engineers.
- Labour Contracts.
11Problems .. cont.
- Settlement of plinth.
- Underground water seepage.
- Plumbing-Poor Workmanship.
- Roof leakage.
- Leakage from toilet/duct.
- Water supply .
- Peeling off plastering.
- No site development.
- Unskilled labours.
- Use of Local materials.
- Users Habits.
- Inadequate/Inexperienced Site Engineers.
- Labour Contracts.
- Allotment
- Cost.
12Lesson Learnt
- Building design to consider natural terrain.
- More time for planning.
- Specialize our contractors.
- Testing and certification of skilled people.
- Promote competition in local industries.
- Common areas to be strengthened.
- Sequence of Construction.
- Coordination among the relevant agencies.
- Specialization-services like water supply other
waste. - 3rd Phase-Aluminum shutters.
- Additional pumps for water supply.
- Store is must-designers please.
- Wall cracks-Hairline cracks in the walls,
junctions, (Advances in Building Materials
Construction, Published by CBRI, Roorkee, India
1986 Page No. 245-279) - Vandalism-manhole cover, pipes, resistance to
electrical wire even.
13Store is Must-Designers Please ?
15Changjiji- Better Examples.
Surrounding not maintained clean
16??? ??? Prepared for Happiness
Achievement -despite of all odds and critism
faced NHDC is able to solve the acute Housing
shortage for 676 family.
Housing Development Corporation