Venezuela - Canaima (Yveta) Národní park Canaima se rozkládá na 3 miliony ha v jihovýchodní Venezuele podél hranice mezi Guyanou a Brazilií. Zhruba 65% parku pokrývají útvary stolových hor (tepui). Do osady Canaima nevedou žádné pozemní cesty. Jediný přístup je letecky.. Existuje mnoho vodopádů, včetně Angel Falls, nejvyšší na světě, s volným pádem 1002 m. Vysoký stupeň endemismu nalezený na vrcholcích tepuis vedl k uznání Pantepui jako jedinečné biogeografické entity. Džungle a lesy národního parku Canaima obsahují mnoho různorodých květin, včetně nesčetných orchidejí a bromélií. Mnoho rostlin, které rostou na vrcholu tepui se nenachází nikde jinde na planetě. Jaká zvířata žijí v národním parku Canaima? Mezi nalezenými druhy jsou: pásovec obrovský, vydra velká, ,mravenečník obrovský, puma a jaguár. Hudba v prezentaci: Leo Rojas — The Last Of The Mohicans.
Venezuela's Canaima National Park. Focus on Culture: The Feast of. Corpus ... In the Andes, temperatures drop by four degrees Fahrenheit every 1000 feet. Llanos ...
Angel Falls. Angel Falls is located in Canaima National Park, Venezuela in a remote jungle. ... Angel Falls, Venezuela. Aurora Borealis 'Northern Lights' ...
Pico m s alto de Venezuela, Telef rico m s alto y largo del mundo! ... LA TORTUGA, D.F. LOS ROQUES, D.F. MARGARITA, EDO. NUEVA ESPARTA. MORROCOY, EDO. FALCON ...
With a population around 4 million, Caracas is the capital and more populated city in Venezuela. ... To reach it you can take commercial flights from Caracas. ...
Aan de Zambezi rivier vindt men de Victoria Watervallen Deze zijn keurig verdeeld tussen Zambia en Zimbabwe. En wat te denken over deze waterval? Hoe hoog ...
Durante mis vacaciones me voy a alojar en el Hotel Rosal. El gasto total de mi viaje va a ser $3,250. Mi Itinerario Que voy a hacer durante mis vacciones.
Title: Snow blankets parts of boats docked on the Rhine near Lahn, Germany. Besides gorgeous scenery, the Rhine presents an arresting overview of a busy working river ...
Three times the height of the Empire state building. ANGEL FALLS. Angel Falls ... When there is such cloud cover we can see only about one fourth of the fall. ...
Margarita is an island in the Caribbean off the north-east coast ... Here there are wondrous waterfalls and canyons to see and a great subculture to experience. ...
... el templo del imperio Khmer, ... de Gangjin al suroeste de Korea del Sur. El sol se pone mientras los visitantes de la terraza de observaci n del Empire ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: Sue Last modified by: Sue Created Date: 11/26/2006 12:22:39 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: equi Other titles
Voyons maintenant pourquoi vous ne devriez pas ignorer ces chutes... Les ch tes de l'Ange vues du bas environ un km de la base. Avec un tel couvert nuageux, ...
Scott Calta The Landform Wonders of the World Tour Lists of seven wonders began in ancient times by the Greeks. The Seven Wonders lists varied, resulting in many more ...
... Mt_Roraima_in_Venezuela_001.JPG Zdroj: Svahy stolov ch hor a tropick d ungle v ...
... height of the Empire State Building, and three times the ... It is 18 miles across at its widest point and consists of more than one million acres of land! ...
Snow blankets parts of boats docked on the Rhine near Lahn, Germany. Besides gorgeous scenery, the Rhine presents an arresting overview of a busy working river ...
G ndolas surcando las aguas del Gran Canal de Venecia, Italia. ... rboles cubiertos de nieve, en la monta a Cannon en Franconia, ...
Waterfalls are an eternal beauty with a spectacular sight. The cascade of water flowing down from the mountains give a breathtaking view. If you are an explorer then waterfalls are the most beautiful encounters you can come across.
Title: Lockheed-Martin / Boeing Author: Jurij Stra ek Last modified by: Peter Created Date: 4/18/2000 1:50:00 PM Document presentation format: Diaprojekcija na zaslonu