Group items tagged - My BlackHawk Mines Music | Diigo Groups Seeded on Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:38 PM EDT (Ainemacdermot's Favorite Links from Diigo) - [MY BLACK HAWK MINES MUSIC] PRIVACY POLICY - Black Hawk Mines MusicMy BlackHawk Mines Music treats the privacy of our visitors with extreme importance. This privacy policy outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by My BlackHawk Mi …
My BlackHawk Mines Music is a news portal and entertainment blog that caters to music fans of all ages who are into rock and alternative genre. We have bands onboard that we deemed deserving of more mainstream attention.
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Two of the biggest mining firms in the world, Rio Tinto PLC and BHP Billiton Ltd are teaming up to invest over USD 4 billion to boost their copper output, according to their announcement on Tuesday. Rio and BHP have staked their investment on a high copper demand worldwide as they approve plans for USD 4.5 billion expansion of their Escondida mine in Chile. BHP is even reopening their copper mine that has been out of commission since 2009 due to the global fiscal crisis.
It seemed that every week I was doing an Oil and Gas Play. Alternative energy plays were very popular…biofuels and solar, too. BUT, the clear winner over the past year has been the Lithium mining sector. I saw a succession of mining plays like LIEG, AMEL, LTUM, BHWX and AMLM parade across the paid promotion universe. They did just want “pump and dumps” should do…they skyrocketed and then fell. They all has slick, professional websites that touted that Lithium was the “energy source of the future”. It may well be, but these companies are very far away from being viable companies.
Black Hawk Mines Reviews - Let’s predict the future by analyzing culture and trends today. Last year has been the year for the solo female pop vocalists like Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, etc. Solo male vocals were also hit last year like Psy, Eminen, Bruno Mars, Chris Brown, Justin Bieber, etc. These guys churning out all Top 20 hits all over the world. There has been much collaboration with featured singers, with all the rapping, dub step and dance music. But what genre or style of music will be dominant this 2013. If 2012 meant to the dub step it is not the case this year because 2013 cannot come quick enough.
Decades ago, huge quantities of gold was being pulled from this town, making it one of the richest place in California. But earlier this month, a different incident of obtaining gold nuggets earned the ire of locals.
My BlackHawk Mines Music is a news portal and entertainment blog that caters to music fans of all ages who are into rock and alternative genre. We have bands onboard that we deemed deserving of more mainstream attention. You can find band profiles, singles, tour and gig schedules, lyrics with chords and, of course, artist news. Once in a while, a band would even grace our pages with an interview (either about their new album or a personal one). We regularly feature bands like BlackHawk on this Blog so you better check back often to see if an up and coming band you like will be here.
A recent survey conducted in Australia shows that although their mining sector is enjoying a boom, services sector is in an opposite condition. Most of the contraction was caused by a decline in new orders among the various players in the services sector while sales and prices also fell. Just 2 out of 9 sub-sectors (namely, personal and recreational services and finance and insurance) included in the survey has grown during the month. The increased activity in the mining sector is not positively affecting the remaining sectors of the local market.
Republicans in the House of Representative have passed a bill that basically exempts silver, uranium, copper and gold mining on federal land from formal environmental assessment, consequently making it more difficult for environmental organizations to oppose new mining operations.
The Olympic and Titanic have been built. The HMHS (His Majesty's Hospital Ship) Britannic was the third " wonder ship" to be built. Originally, the ship was to be named " Gigantic ", but due to the loss of the Titanic, her name was changed to Britannic. The White Star Line knew if they were to keep ahead in the race across the Atlantic the new liner would have to be more magnificent than her older sisters. Due to the sinking of the Titanic, large scale alterations would have to be made to her design. She could not sink in under 3 hours. She must carry enough lifeboats to accommodate every passenger and crew member. CHESTERFIELD, VA (WWBT) - For the first time, the Commander at the Defense Supply Center of Richmond (DSCR) is speaking out about an international conspiracy that sent a serial fraudster to prison for life. Those involved say the scam could have put our troops in harms way had it not been caught by the Department of Defense at the Chesterfield County operation. It sounds so much like a movie script, and takes place at a closely guarded site, home to one of Central Virginia's largest employers.
Once the exclusive realm of a visionary verge movement, cryptocurrencies have lately become appealing to conservative retail investors. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the estimation of cryptocurrencies sky-rocketed, reaching a market capitalisation of $2 trillion+. Cybercriminals are always searching for the proverbial chink in crypto security’s armour to make money. Cryptocurrencies are now in their crosshairs. Android crypto mining scams are the new plague. Security researchers at a prominent lab have identified 170+ Android apps, including 25 on Google Play, scamming cryptocurrency zealots. Many of them are available globally. These apps trumpet their providing cloud cryptocurrency mining services for a fee. But, post analysis, you find that no cloud crypto mining takes place in reality.
The allegations were further aggravated when V Sundaram, the first district collector of Tirunelveli, sent a letter to the Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu. The letter targeted VV Mineral and accused it of amassing several crore rupees through illegal sand beach mining. The director of VV Mineral Mining, V Subramanian, dismissed all the allegations as a conspiracy theory against the company. “Sundaram is passing this as a cruel joke. He is on the payroll of our business rival... Our hands are clear. We will come out clear from these allegations. Our records are straight,” Ravindram Duraiswami, advocate for VV Mineral told NDTV.
World Nuclear Association (WNA), a global body of nuclear industry, reported that India hosts up to 3,00,000 tonnes of Thorium deposit. Unfortunately, the beach minerals in India have seen a significant decline in the last few years. Going by the reports, close to 2,00,000 tonnes of Thorium Oxide stands missing in India. Additionally, monazite quantity along the Indian coastline has seen a decrease by more than 2.1 million tonnes. It is a known fact that VV Minerals India is one of the largest producer of Garnet an Ilmenite. When the reports of missing Thorium Oxide were circulated, naturally, fingers were pointed at one of the biggest exporters in India. The company finds itself surrounded by allegations concerning illegal beach sand mining as stakeholders scrutinize a possible scam.
VV Mineral Vaikundarajan is a mining industry veteran and a businessman to land the first ever commercial mining license back in the 1980’s when he started VV Mineral. VV Minerals India is now over 20 years old and is commonly known as the forerunner of the mining industry in Tamil Nadu. However, the recent allegation pertaining to a suspected beach sand mining scam has brought VV Mineral Vaikundarajan under the scanner.
As per some reports, the thorium deposit on the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala have seen depletion over the last few years. The two states are well-known for being world’s largest reserves of Thorium. The reason for this depletion has been cited as one of the biggest illegal beach mining scam by some companies. However, evidence confirming the same are missing from the scene.
VV Minerals India is continually fighting the battle to prove their innocence. Other than stating the obvious reasons that acquit them from the alleged scam; Vaikundarajan and VV Minerals now need to be conservative about what is being said about them in the media by and large. Thus, they begin with bringing to notice the absolute absurdity of the scam amount which is pegged at Rs. 96,000 crore as of now. A recent survey conducted in Australia shows that although their mining sector is enjoying a boom, services sector is in an opposite condition. Most of the contraction was caused by a decline in new orders among the various players in the services sector while sales and prices also fell.
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At least for a few investment banks like JP Morgan Cazenove and Citigroup, the negative tides for mining stocks appear to shifting towards the positive as they have changed their views from bearish to neutral.
It seemed that every week I was doing an Oil and Gas Play. Alternative energy plays were very popular…biofuels and solar, too. BUT, the clear winner over the past year has been the Lithium mining sector. I saw a succession of mining plays like LIEG, AMEL, LTUM, BHWX and AMLM parade across the paid promotion universe. They did just want “pump and dumps” should do…they skyrocketed and then fell. They all has slick, professional websites that touted that Lithium was the “energy source of the future”. It may well be, but these companies are very far away from being viable companies.
A recent survey conducted in Australia shows that although their mining sector is enjoying a boom, services sector is in an opposite condition. Most of the contraction was caused by a decline in new orders among the various players in the services sector while sales and prices also fell. Just 2 out of 9 sub-sectors (namely, personal and recreational services and finance and insurance) included in the survey has grown during the month. The increased activity in the mining sector is not positively affecting the remaining sectors of the local market.
The following presentation gives details about the truth behind illegal heavy mineral mining in Tamil Nadu which has been discussed highly in the last few years. VV Minerals, the leading heavy mineral mining company in Tamil Nadu has been wrongly accused in this scam. To find out more please watch the presentation below:
A scam surrounding illegal beach mining activity has recently come to light. Being the largest producer of garnet and ilmenite, VV Mineral Mining has by default found itself in the midst of this controversy. VV Mineral Vaikundarajan, founder, said in an interview, “The mineral rich sand is getting washed away from the Indian coastline in the absence of mining, and as a result, Sri Lanka, located further down, is reaping rich benefits at the cost of Indian industry.” The rising water-level due to global warming is already causing a lot of problems all over the world, and with the water moving in on the shores, India might be losing a lot of mineral reserve. If action is delayed, India will lose its Thorium-rich status.
Intelligent Investment Forum deals in Bitcoin Investment Scams.If you want to invest your money in Bitcoin, then you will have to stay up to date with the new trends and latest news about Bitcoin.
Black Holes Matthew Trimble 10/29/12 History Einstein Field Equations published in 1915. Karl Schwarzschild: physicist serving in German army during WW1.
Although it is understood that the heavy minerals that come under the alleged illegal heavy mineral mining scam are expensive and rare. It still does not make sense that the scam will amount to so much money. S Vaikundarajan of VV Minerals India has rubbished this claim and said even financial projections cannot scope out such a large amount of money to be involved.
News about a thorium scam has been doing the rounds these days and VV minerals being accused of it. However, after an investigation into the matter it was proved that VV Minerals and company owner S. Vaikundarajan is not guilty and this case has been unnecessarily hyped.
VV Minerals India came under the scanner after being allegedly held responsible for a thorium scam that supposedly was exposed by a local Turicorin collector.
The world’s largest reserve of Thorium can be found on the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. If the current reports are anything to go by, the Thorium deposits on Indian shores have seen a considerable decline. While the reason could be erosion, illegal export of minerals has been cited as the major problem behind this depletion. For a long time, VV Minerals has been the highest stakeholder of the mining business in these areas. While there is no evidence to justify illegal actions on behalf of the company, the scam has already done a considerable amount of damage to its reputation.
VV Minerals India’s involvement in the alleged illegal beach mining scam that has been revealed in south India is baseless. The mining company giant has been cleared by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). There is very little paperwork and actual proof to prove VV Mineral India’s involvement in the scam.
VV Minerals India which had deftly filed a complaint against erring authorities is finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. As per a recent ruling by the High Court of Tamil Nadu, VV Minerals along with another mining company has been acquitted of charges and has additionally ruled a renewed probe in favour of the mining companies.
A thorium scam was brought to fore and forgotten. However, many aspects that have been defined and made public knowledge are questionable. Some of those aspects being the crores of rupees claimed to be missing, the missing monazite and other rare minerals. Over and above the volume of the alleged illegal export seems a little too colossal.
When you hear of crypto mining, you perhaps let your mind wander off to the wild Western fantasy of cowboys and adventurers shovelling dirt inside a mountain’s base – and sudden riches. The analogy is not all that far-fetched. There’s a lot of the Wild West in the crypto mining realm. It is every bit crazy and, as of now, sans regulation. The Wild West is where you’d expect scammers armed with audacious schemes smacking of shenanigans and skulduggeries. Small wonder that crypto mining scams are becoming enough of a nuisance to justify a systematic response from honest consumers. Top 4 Crypto Mining Scams would be alarming, but simultaneously, educational since tackling these, we would know the efficacy of our vigilance.
The year 2013 was full of discoveries. A whole lot of illegal beach sand mining scams came to the surface and all involved by their own fault or others misunderstanding were brought under the governmental as well as the media radar. However, it is interesting to see that not Tamil Nadu but other states have also been suffering from alleged illegal beach sand mining.
The following presentation gives information about the various news articles circling around on the internet about the illegal beach mining in Tamil Nadu. Some of them are old and have wrong facts, while some are updated with the latest developments in the case and contain the real facts. The private heavy mineral mining company VV Minerals, India, owned by Mr. S. Vaikundarajan is given a green chit by the Central Government long ago, yet these old news articles make it all confusing. Hence, watch further to find out the truth behind the illegal mining scam of Tamil Nadu.
My BlackHawk Mines Music reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at its sole discretion and at any time without notice to you. If My BlackHawk Mines Music makes a material change to these Terms of Use, My BlackHawk Mines Music will update this page and post a notice for a reasonable period of time. Your continued use of the Blog constitutes your acceptance of any changes.
In this phase the black hole radiates away the multipole moments it has ... Black-hole production at the LHC offer low-background environment for searches ...
Called 'black' because gravity is so strong that even light can not escape. ... The distance from the center of the black hole to the event horizon is called ...
The following presentation contains information about the report presented by the Department of Geology and Mining and the Indian Bureau of Mines which states that VV Mineral is proven innocent in the illegal mining case. In a news article published on Business Standard on October 28, 2013, the claims on the VV Minerals, were dismissed. It also provided information about their mining activities in India. They are the largest Ilmenite manufacturers and exporters in India. They are the first private ilmenite exporters of India. VV Minerals India has a huge market share in Europe, Middle East, East Asia, Australia and USA. They are based in Tamil Nadu and the company is owned by Mr. S. Vaikundarajan.
VV Minerals India was recently falsely blamed of being at the helm of an alleged illegal beach mining scam. S Vaikundarajan is confident that this is a rivals attack on his success and forerunner position. However, the rude shock came with the claims of Vaikundarajan and politicians being in cohorts.
A New Endpoint for Hawking Evaporation Gary Horowitz UCSB hep-th/0506166 String theory starts with: Old endpoints of Hawking evaporation: Review of Kaluza-Klein ...
India is a land of diversity where people can find Mother Nature in various forms at its best. Scenic landscapes, avifauna, and wildlife specific to a region compels tourists and nature-lovers to get wowed every time they plan to go on a trip and explore them closely Read here:
Stephen Pratt, MD, worldwide consulting and systems integration and executive council member, Infosys, says: "Our research shows that people will certainly share though they're very savvy about how they give up their personal information. Companies need to crack the code in mining data effectively to gain consumer trust and clearly articulate the benefit to their customers." Source:
Stephen Pratt, MD, worldwide consulting and systems integration and executive council member, Infosys, says: "Our research shows that people will certainly share though they're very savvy about how they give up their personal information. Companies need to crack the code in mining data effectively to gain consumer trust and clearly articulate the benefit to their customers."
Stephen Hawking s physics tutor, Robert Berman, later said in the New York Times Magazine: It was only necessary for him to know that something could be done ...
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Colloidal mineral promoters would like you to believe that mineral deficiency is a widespread cause of disease. To counter this alleged problem, they are marketing products said to be water-leached from shale in the Emery Coal Field of central Utah. According to various sales pitches, an ailing cattle rancher named Thomas Jefferson Clark was told about a healing stream by Chief Soaring Eagle, a Paiute medicine man and elder. The miracle waters were well-known to the local natives who supposedly had benefited from them for hundreds of years [1]. Clark drank from them and quickly recovered from his malady. Intrigued, he followed the stream back to its source in organic-rich shales. By 1931, after several years of experiments, he sold his own brand of tonic rich in "colloidal minerals."
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