Greenery has become a rarest thing to be found in the cities nowadays and Biowall is the smartest solution for it. A Biowall at your place to be it your office or your home, maximizes the perception of greenery by purifying the air and have a positive and a positive physiological effect on people by calming the people around. In addition to it Biowall also gives a nothing effect on eyes. Biowall looks good on esthetics ranks well on fighting air pollution as well. They have excellent heat absorption and pollution control abilities. So they are a key to healthy cities as they fight both indoor and outdoor pollution. They are easy to be installed in urban areas with lesser space availability.
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: I W Last modified by: Steve Conlan Created Date: 9/21/2004 5:40:17 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
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