Title: Enzymes: From cheese to biofuels
1Enzymes From cheese to biofuels
- Presented at BioWales 2008 by Stuart West
2The new ancient industry
3Cheese an enzyme manufactured food
4(No Transcript)
5What is an enzyme?
- A biological catalyst
- A protein all enzymes are proteins but not all
proteins are enzymes! - Totally natural
- The key to all life
- Enzymes are found in every form of life and
without them life would not exist
6Three dimensional enzyme model
7Leather another old industry that uses enzymes
- Tanneries have a reputation for being unpleasant
smelly places, which is no wonder considering the
source of the enzymes used!
8Wash at 300C
- The use of enzymes in soap powders was first
patented around 100 years ago - Today enzymes usage is helping us to save energy
by washing at lower temperatures
9Industrial or White Biotechnology
- The enzyme industry is a major part of the
industrial/white biotechnology industry - There is now a renewed interest in the enzyme
industry as a result of bio-fuels (ethanol
diesel) enhanced crop utilisation green
chemical synthesis
10Enzymes are delicate expensive catalysts??
- Many enzymes can be used at gt1000C
- Many enzymes can work at the extremes of pH
- Enzymes are highly efficient catalysts that can
cost effectively be used in the manufacture of
cheap bulk chemicals
11Uses of enzymes are very diverse
12Enzyme market by sector
13Biocatalysts Enzyme Pyramid
14Maize is a current major crop for bioethanol
- Maize is the traditional main crop used for the
manufacture of glucose and high fructose syrups - The glucose is now being fermented to bio-ethanol
15Bio-ethanol enzyme manufactured
- Starch is turned into glucose using old enzyme
technology - Glucose is fermented to ethanol
16Bio-ethanol from cellulose
- Bio-ethanol from starch eg maize uses a food
crop, currently 30 of all US maize is used for
bio-ethanol - Currently 1 of all actual potential
agricultural land is used for bio-fuels
production - Cellulose is far more abundant than starch and
would allow bio-ethanol to be made from grass,
wood etc
- First generation bioethanol is derived from
starch using old enzyme technology - Second generation bioethanol will be produced
from cellulose using new enzyme technology - First generation biodiesel doesnt use enzyme
technology - Second generation biodiesel will use developing
enzyme technology
18The structure of plant cell walls is very complex
Xyl-Xyl-Xyl-Xyl Ara
19Ferulate structures are much more difficult to
- Man has used enzymes for thousands of years to
help process food clothes - Enzymes are now utilised in a wide range of
industries from food processing to biosensor
manufacture and from washing powders to biofuels - Enzymes are the key to the manufacture of
bio-ethanol from crops such as grass