Many context-aware applications rely on information about human activity ... Linux, Nokia 6680, N80, N91, Sony Ericsson W800i and Hewlett-Packard hx4700 PDA ...
Solutions from the Past. Web Services and SOA The Future. Real ... what TCP/IP did for networks' Andy Astor, WebMethods. Non-SAP. Application. or. Business ...
Raw data & final visibility. Frame selection - SNR. Frame selection - Flux ... AMBER is capable to give very low contrast visibilities in high flux conditions ...
Betelgeuse Rigel 244 pc 152 pc d -6.8 -5.5 MV 0.14 0.41 mV Rigel Betelgeuse Back to our example of Betelgeuse and Rigel: Difference in absolute magnitudes: ...
Rigel. Betelgeuse. Deneb. Arcturus. ... The bright star Betelgeuse is even more luminous than Aldebaran, but has a cooler surface. This makes it a red supergiant.
Understanding the revised Hipparcos parallaxes. The case of the parallaxe of Betelgeuse ... Tuthill, Haniff & Baldwin (1997) interferometric observations of ...
Rigel. T=20,000 K. Classification of Stars Through Spectroscopy ... Rigel. Vega, Sirius. Sun. Betelgeuse. Further subdivision: BO - B9, GO - G9, etc. GO hotter ...
Pistol Star By Aaron Levett SIZE!!! The Pistol Star is about 450,520,000 kilometers in diameter, smaller then Betelgeuse, but compared to the Sun, it is huge.
Picture of Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant. Deep in its ... As cores contract, the density goes to 'astronomical' levels, matter acts in funny ways ...
Orion. The Hunter. Betelgeuse. Auriga. The Charioteer. Capella ... The Hero. Algol. Pleiades. Leo. The Lion. Regulus. The Sickle. Gemini. The Twins. Pollux ...
Betelgeuse Rigel Orion Nebula Orion The Life Cycle of Stars ... life on those planets. The faint red stars in this close-up image are the myriad brown ...
Stars are classified according to luminosity and surface temperature ... wd white dwarfs. Classifications. Sun is a G2 V. Betelgeuse is a M2 I. Vega is a A0 V ...
Use the HR-diagram to observe the evolution of stars (when ... Arcturus. 36 -0.1 -5.5 -0.3. Betelgeuse. 520 .08. Deneb. 1600. 1.3 -6.9. 32.6 ly. View from Earth ...
Now, magnitude is more precisely defined, so that a m= 1.0 star is 100 times as ... Most of the brightest stars have names (e.g., Betelgeuse, Sirius) ...
Examples: Betelgeuse 0.58 Venus -3.7 Sirius -1.47 Full Moon -12.6 Polaris 2.01 Sun -26.7 Pluto 13.7 Dimmest object seen with Hubble ST 30 What affects brightness?
... and that its distance is 429 light years (131.53 parsec) away. ... D = distance in parsec. Finding the Absolute Magnitude of Betelgeuse. M = m - 5 log(d/10) ...
Red giant. White Dwarf: Near end of star life. Red giant lost out atmosphere, now only glowing core ... When a red giant dies, what does it become? What kind of ...
Universe Components PLEASE LABEL THE FOLLOWING ON YOUR NOTES STARS GALAXIES COMETS ASTERIODS STARS Astronomer: Person who studies stars and constellations in the sky!
Title: The Sky and its Motions Author: Markus Boettcher Last modified by: Laura Murray Created Date: 12/16/2002 8:53:53 PM Document presentation format
Light source moving toward you: wavelength is shorter (blueshift) ... Water boils: 373 Kelvin (K) Water freezes: 273 K. Absolute zero: 0 K. Room temperature: ~300 K ...
Evolution of Stars Hertzsprung Russell Diagrams (H-R Diagrams) A graph that shows the relationship of a star s TEMPERATURE to its ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDE ( Its ...
Universe Components Objective: What are the major components of the universe? Review What type of galaxy do we live in? Spirial Elliptical Irregualr Astronomer ...
Star Life Cycle Stellar Evolution: Life of the Star The most massive stars have the shortest lives. Stars that are 25 to 50 times that of the sun live for only a few ...
E3 Stellar distances Absolute magnitude is the apparent magnitude of a star when viewed from a distance of 10 pc. Absolute magnitude M and apparent magnitude m ...
Title: The Milky Way Author: Markus Boettcher Last modified by: Created Date: 2/23/2003 4:28:17 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
B. White Dwarfs: Van Maanen's star, Sirius, Vega. C. Medium-Sized: Sun, Sirius, ... a spectroscope ... passed through a spectroscope (spectral 'fingerprints' ...
... star in the Orion constellation and the twelfth brightest star in the night sky. ... a blue supergiant that is the seventh brightest star in the night sky. ...
The Life-Cycle of a Star Fusion & Gravity Fusion exerts an external Pressure outward on the star and gravity pulls inward. The two opposing forces balance each other out.
Star Properties. Apparent Magnitude. System of Hipparchus. Group of brightest stars 1m ... mV for MV since you know all the stars are the same distance away. ...
Preview Multiple Choice Short Response Reading Skills Interpreting Graphics Multiple Choice 1. What accounts for different stars being seen in the sky during ...
clusters = those little specks in the sky that we see may really be more than one star... There are sub-groups within a constellation = asterisms (ex/ Big Dipper) ...
Spectroscopic Analysis of Sirius. A Look At Neon. Hydrogen. Go through Sodium, Magnesium, and Lithium and you will find that they do not exist on Sirius. ...
Gas-Dust-Gravity Dead Star: eventually the white dwarf will cool and stop giving off light -may take billions of years to cool Sequence of a low mass star (like ...