Beowulf A bit of background before we read... 55 BCE Julius Caesar invades Britain Romans abandon Britain circa early 5th c. Britains in conflict with the Celts ...
Beowulf An epic tradition Why Study Beowulf? 1. Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, so everything written since Beowulf stems from it in some way 2.
Beowulf What is an epic? Songlike poem that explores the speaker s feelings Brief story that teaches a moral about life Story that focuses on a single incident Long ...
... one Celtic hero The Romans ... Britain Won at Battle of Hastings Defeated King Harold of Wessex Influence of Norse Culture on Anglo Saxons Norse Mythology Odin ...
Beowulf, an epic hero, and his epic quests The three tribes ... birth, death, fame/success/glory, honor, friendship, conflict, home, ... (Hint: Think Biblical) ...
Meets Language-Arts Standards. Meets more than one standard. Use ... Fifty-three minute period not long enough to work. Lack of student knowledge of Power Point ...
Beowulf. an overview. Beowulf : The Epic Hero. Superior physical strength. Supremely ethical ... Glorified by the people he saves. Central figure in a long ...
Beowulf Part I The Defeat of Grendel What purpose does the prologue to Beowulf serve? Prologue --Shield Sheafson Sets an extraordinary standard for leadership ...
Beowulf & The Epic by The Beowulf Poet Patterson English IV Original painting by Susanne Iles Epic A long, narrative poem that deals with a hero s adventures and ...
Beowulf is an epic An epic is a long poem about a larger than life hero. Characteristics of an epic: A loyal hero with great strength. Broad setting which includes ...
Beowulf Text and Context Background Composed around 700 A.D. The story had been in circulation as an oral narrative for many years before it was written.
BEOWULF Anglo-Saxon Period The Anglo-Saxon period is the earliest recorded time period in English history. The Anglo-Saxon period ranges from 449-1066.
Beowulf Text and Context Background Composed around 700 A.D. The story had been in circulation as an oral narrative for many years before it was written.
Based on historic or legendary events. Tells the ... First written about 1000 by monks. Monks may have changed the original pagan references to Christian ones ...
Beowulf 700(?) Beowulf This epic poem marks the beginning of English literature. It was recited by scops for about 300 years before it was written down.
Beowulf Group Assignments Group 1 Find evidence of Anglo-Saxon culture in the epic poem Beowulf. Identify the pages and lines of the poem where the evidence may ...
Beowulf Anglo Saxon How is Beowulf Poetic? Alliteration in Old English form- modges mere-faran, micel fpunca, line 502 It also follows a verse form How is ...
Beowulf Journal How do you think the hero works in society? Choose ONE hero that you have seen represented in the MEDIA that s TV, music, in the news, etc.
Beowulf is an epic An epic is a long poem about a larger than life hero. Characteristics of an epic: A loyal hero with great strength. Broad setting which includes ...
BEOWULF. Introduction. BEOWULF. Marks the beginning of English literature ... BEOWULF ... Beowulf, the most powerful Geat, comes to help the Danes. BEOWULF ...
scops (Anglo-Saxon storytellers). Probably written around 700-750 AD. Only known existing manuscript written. around 1000 AD. Hand written by monks in monasteries. ...
Beowulf Written in Old English Brief History of Text One copy of the text remains Scientists have dated the copy that exists to around 1000 AD Probably hand copied by ...
Beowulf's men try to stab Grendel. Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm ... Grendel's arm hung from the rafters of Herot. Imagery and Diction. Images of Light & Dark ' ...
Beowulf Introductory Research the first great work of English national literature. the epic story of the hero Beowulf, who fights the demonic monster Grendel.
He is killed as he and Wiglaf fight the dragon. He is killed by his own army ... The dragon kills him as Beowulf goes out unarmed to fight the monster. 10 ...
BEOWULF Anglo-Saxon Period The Anglo-Saxon period is the earliest recorded time period in English history. The Anglo-Saxon period ranges from 449-1066.
Have little to no basis in historical events. Characters are typically non-human (gods) ... Are regarded as historical events. Can be sacred or secular ...
10. Hangs out with dragons. 9. Chain mail rips up bed sheets. ... The Dragon. The oldest and most base form of evil. Referred to as the worm. Man vs. Supernatural ...
Beowulf Bellwork How do you define heroism? How does society define heroism across time? Write a paragraph using 5-7 sentences. What do monsters symbolize in our culture?
Celtic influence seen primarily in place names. Many place names also come from Roman occupation ... superior or superhuman strength, intelligence, and courage ...
By killing the dragon, is Beowulf killing his own greed? ... What provokes the dragon's wrath? ... from lining up with a large army to defeat the dragon? ...
Druids-Celtic priests; performed rituals and sacrifices to appease the gods. ... Anglo-Saxon literature, and their early translations were wildly inaccurate. ...
* *Beowulf, tr. Seamus Heaney, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2000. * At the end of the Poetica, Aristotle also looked epic poetry, in particular, the Iliad as an ...
Beowulf s Last Battle Beowulf returns home and is King of the Geats. He rules peacefully for 50 years. All is calm until a dragon protecting a treasure is disturbed ...
Beowulf Text and Context Background Composed around 700 A.D. The story had been in circulation as an oral narrative for many years before it was written.
BEOWULF:By Preston Walker CAST: Hrothgar Beowulf Grendel Grendal s Mother The Dragon Beowulfs Men The Monster Herot is the Dane s ancient mom and pop s coffee ...
Beowulf Characters Part I Odin Scyld Scefing God of the Danes Sent from Odin to be king of the Danes Onela Healfdene Scyld Scefing s grandson King of the Swedes ...
... who was awake waiting for Grendel, Grendel comes and snatches a Geat. ... Grendel moves on to snatch at Beowulf. Grendal and Beowulf fight across the hall. ...
Beowulf Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem Written in LEGIT Old English Heroic Narrative Composed some time between the middle of the 7th and the end of the 10th century
Functions as the antithesis of Herot and the men of Herot. TONE. Herot. Grendel. Happy ... Made his home 'in a hell/ Not hell but earth' (18-19) Parents were ...
Plot Healfdane builds hall - Heorot Grendel lives in nearby cave; got mad because of the noise. (Grendel is a descendent of Cain) Grendel raids the hall and kills people.
The dragon bites Beowulf in the neck, and its fiery venom kills him. Mrs. Moulton * British Literature Beowulf, the epic hero According to Beowulf s wishes, ...
Beowulf Beowulf What is an epic? When and where does this epic take place? What cultural values are shown in the Prologue? What was expected of an Anglo-Saxon leader ...