Title: Engine Parameters
1Engine Parameters
3Compression ratio (r)
- VC Clearance volume
- VS Swept volume ?/4 D2 L
- where L (stroke) 2 ?, ? is the crankshaft
radius - - Increasing the compression ration increases the
thermal efficiency, compression is limited by the
knock limit.
4Engine Displacement, Swept Volume or Engine
Capacity (Ve)
- Ve VS n
- Ve (?/4) D2 L n
- WhereVe engine capacity, Vs cylinder swept
volume - n number of cylinders, L stroke, D bore
5Volumetric Efficiency ?V
6Volumetric Efficiency ?V (cont.)
- Engines are only capable of 80 to 90 volumetric
efficiency. - Volumetric efficiency depends upon throttle
opening and engine speed as well as induction and
exhaust system layout, port size and valve timing
and opening duration. - High volumetric efficiency increases engine
power. - Turbo charging is capable of increasing
volumetric efficiency up to 50.
7Indicated mean effective pressure (imep)
- Factors affecting imep
- Compression ratio
- Air/fuel ratio
- Volumetric efficiency
- Ignition timing
- Valve timing and lift
- Air pressure and temperature
8 Factors affecting (imep)-
Retarded ignition - Weak mixture -
Compression ratio - Super charged
9Pressure, Force, Work Power
10Engine Indicated Power (Pi)
- Engine power factors
- Engine capacity (Ve)
- Engine Speed (rpm) (Ne)
- Number of strokes k
- k2, four stroke engine
- k1, two stoke engine
- (imep)
- volumetric efficiency, compression ratio,
ignition quality, mixture strength, temperature
11Engine friction
- Three types of friction-bearing surfaces in
automobile engines - Journal
- Guide
- Thrust
12Engine Brake Power (Pb)
- -This is the power developed at the crankshaft or
flywheel. - -The term brake originated from the method used
to determine an engines power output by
measuring the torque using some form of friction
13Engine Mechanical Efficiency ?m
- Pb Pi - Pf
- Where
- Pi indicated power
- Pb brake power
- Pf friction power
- ?m Pb / Pi
14Engine Brake Power (Pb)
- Pb Pi ?m
- Pb (imep Ve Ne / 60 k) ?m
- Pb (imep ?m)Ve Ne / 60 k
- Pb bemp Ve Ne / 60 k
- Where
- bmep brake mean effective pressure
- bmep imep ?m
- bmep is indication of engine efficiency
regardless of capacity or engine speed, 1000 kPa
represent high efficiency.
15Gross Net Brake Power
- Gross brake power is measured without the
following items - Cooling fan, coolant pump, radiator,
alternator, exhaust system. (SAE) - Net brake power is measured with all the above
items. (DIN) - Gross power is 10-15 more than net power.
16Engine Torque Te
- Torque and crankshaft angle
- Work is also accomplished when the torque is
applied through an angle. - Distance xy r?
- W F . xy F r ? T ?
- W per one revolution T (2?)
- P W/t T (2?)/t T?/1000
- Where ? 2? Ne/60
17Engine Torque Te (Cont.)
- Pb T ? Te (2? Ne/60) Te Ne / 9550 (kW)
- bmep . Ve . Ne / k 60 Te (2? Ne/60)
- Te bmep . Ve / 2? . K
- Where
- Pe Engine power (kW)
- Ne Engine speed (rpm)
- Te Engine torque (Nm)
- bemp brake mean effective pressure (Pa)
- Ve engine capacity (m3)
- k 2, for 4-stroke engines
- 1, for 2-stroke engines
18Engine Torque Te (Cont.)
- - There is a direct relationship between BMEP
and torque output. - - The torque curve with engine rpm is identical
to the bmep curve, with different values.
19Engine Fuel consumption (FC)
- The amount of fuel an engine consumes can be
measured by - volume (cm3 or liter) per (sec. or mint, or hr)
- or
- mass (kg) per (sec, or mint, or hr).
20Engine Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC)
- Specific fuel consumption represents the mass or
volume of fuel an engine consumes per hour while
it produces 1 kW of power. - Typical gasoline engines will have an SFC of
about 0.3 kg/(kW.h). - SFC is an indication of the engines thermal or
heat efficiency. - (kg/h)/kw or kg/(kw h)
21Engine Thermal Efficiency (?th)
- The efficiency of an engine in converting the
heat energy contained in the liquid fuel into
mechanical energy is termed its thermal
efficiency. - The petrol engine is particularly inefficient and
at its best may reach 25 efficiency. - The thermal efficiency of a diesel engine can
reach 35 due to its higher compression ratio.
22Thermal Efficiency (Cont.)
23Thermal Efficiency (?th) (Cont.)
- where is the fuel consumption (kg/h)
- is the fuel consumption (L/h)
- CV is the calorific or heat value of 1 kg of
the fuel (kJ/kg or MJ/kg). (CV for gasoline is
40000 kJ/kg) - ? is the relative density (kg/L) of the
24Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) Thermal
efficiency (?th)
- Where
- ?th thermal efficiency
- fuel consumption (kg/h)
- Pb brake power (kW)
- CV calorific value (kJ)
- SFC specific fuel consumption (kg/(kW.h))
25Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) Thermal
efficiency (?th)
- A mirror reflection of the SFC curve shows the
shape of the engines thermal efficiency curve. - The lowest point on the SFC curve becomes the
highest point on the thermal efficiency curve.
26Power Units
- BHP (bhp) 550 ft lb/s
- PS 75 kg m/s
- kW 1000 (N m/s)
- BHP British and American horse power
- PS "PferdeStärke is "horse power in
- German
- PS 0.986 bhp, BHP 1.0142 PS
- kW 1.36 PS, PS 0.73529 kW
- kW 1.341 bhp, BHP 0.7457 kW
27Engine Performance Curves
- Imep
- Bemp and torque
- Indicated power
- Brake power
- Indicated thermal efficiency
- Brake thermal efficiency
- Specific fuel consumption