East African fossil remains assigned to the genus Australopithecus (or in some ... of large animals, such as antelope, were discovered near the fossils displaying ...
Discovered by Mary Leakey in 1959 at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania (Leakey 1959) ... group, with teeth similar in size to gorillas (who weigh as much as 10 times as much) ...
Australopithecus afarensis The species A. afarensis is one of the better known australopithecines, merely with regard to the number of samples attributed to the species.
Chapter 6 The First Bipeds Chapter Outline What Is the anatomy of bipedalism and how is it preserved in the fossil record? Who were the Australopithecines and what ...
Australopithecines An Apposable Thumb HOMO HABILIS ... 30,000 BCE HOMO ERECTUS ( Upright Human ... Why do some archaeologists believe that women were the first ...
Early Humans Australopithecines 1st to grow the opposable thumb Homo Habilis Man of Skill Traits 2.5-1.5 million BC Brain size = 700 cubic cm Achievements Made ...
Primate to Human From simple to complex! Primates First primates evolved about 50 mya! Two features of the primates: Opposable thumbs: allow for grasping Forward ...
Primates and Human Origins Identify traits that distinguish primates from other mammals. Describe fossil evidence relating humans to primate ancestors.
Title: No Slide Title Author: Kelly L. Moore Last modified by: Kelly L. Moore Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles: Arial Times Default ...
The Land Before Time Also known as Pre-History Scientists Study Human Origins Anthropologists- Study a people s culture: food, language, religion, music, art ...
Human Evolution Chapter 17 Primates Order primates includes prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans Adapted for an arboreal life Human Evolution Humans and apes have a ...
18 Outtakes. Johanson and Edey, Lucy (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1981) Johanson and Edey, Lucy (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1981) Early Hominids II. Orrorin. Ardipithecus ...
... possible in SA. Correlate with Plio-pleistocene fauna at the East African sites. Breccia ... Secondary deposits: Bob Brain. South African sites: 4.4 1.5 mya ...
HUMAN EVOLUTION: GENUS HOMO Time-Line of Hominid Evolution: 5 Adaptive Radiations First Adaptive Radiation: 6-7 mya in the late Miocene, potential last common ...
Some classify Neanderthals as archaic H. sapiens Homo sapiens First fossils of anatomically modern humans about 100,000 years old in Africa and Israel, ...
Title: Pre-History and Ancient Civilizations Author: orm16385 Last modified by: Philip Kroeger Created Date: 8/11/2003 3:11:54 PM Document presentation format
Bell-Ringer Response On which of the following continents were the oldest human remains found in 1974? A. Europe B. Africa C. Asia Understanding Our Past Foldable I ...
Chapter 11 Hominid Origins in Africa Chapter Outline The Bipedal Adaptation Early Hominids from Africa (Pre-Australopithecus Finds) Australopithecus/Paranthropus from ...
Each subdivision is associated with a particular group of hominids. Late Australopithecus and early Homo lived during Lower. Homo Erectus spanned most of Middle, ...
Hominin Evolution * * * Pre-dating Australopithecus Hominins discovered in north-central and eastern Africa Bipedal debatable in some species We will focus on the ...
Chapter 8 Hominid Origins Chapter Outline Definition of Hominid The Bipedal Adaptation Biocultural Evolution: The Human Capacity for Culture Paleoanthropology as a ...
Human Evolution Our biological history What is evolution? Evolution is change Biological evolution is change in the properties of a population over time Why ?
Evolution of Hominids. Human relatives. The ancestors of our species, based on ... Foramen Magnum Position is under the brain in hominids, toward the back in other ...
Primate. origin. K-T boundary marked by an asteroid impact. Evidence, ... Primate Origins. Challenge is to minimize speculation on things that do not fossilize. ...
H habilis as early as 2.3 mya to about 1.5 mya. Lived at same time as A boisei and possibly at same ... Oldowan basalt choppers and chert flakes. Homo habilis: ...
... Predation one organism catches and kills the other type of organism and take it as food Cyclopes and Laestrygonians Ammensalism or antibiosis A by-product of ...
Culture is a way of life for a. group of people. Give the definition ... Paleolithic = Old Stone Age. Mesolithic = Middle Stone Age. Neolithic = New Stone Age ...
... having a single cavity in their skulls through which muscles from the jaw pass. ... aethiopicus - 2.6-2.3 Ma - known from one skull plus some other bits. ...
Primate Evolution Chapter 16 16.2 Hominoids to Hominins Hominins The lineage that most likely led to humans split off from the other African apes sometime between 8 ...
Primate and Human Evolution main points . 1. primates demonstrate a great deal of variation and increasing complexity through time. 2. hominids include present day ...
First members of our own genus. Early Homo had a brain capacity almost 1/3 ... The paleoanthropology term for the 'third chimpanzee tribe' since the common ...
The Origin and History of Life on Earth What is Life? It is to best of our knowledge unique to our planet. Life forms are able to act on their own behalf to support ...