Title: The AssociativeSkew Clock Routing Problem
1The Associative-Skew Clock Routing Problem
- In memory of Mr. Patrick Catapano, Jr. of
Motorola Corporation and his contributions to
modern chip implementation methodology - Yu Chen (UCLA)
- Andrew B. Kahng (UCLA)
- Gang Qu (UCLA)
- Alexander Zelikovsky (Georgia State)
- Supported in part by grants from Cadence Design
Systems, Inc. and the MARCO (SRC/DARPA) Gigascale
Silicon Research Center, and by a GSU research
initiation grant.
- Zero-Skew clock routing
- Associative-Skew Problem
- Example potential gain
- 3 composing methods
- optimal RSMT
- optimal joining
- optimal merging
- improves over GDME
- Testbed random sink sets
- Experiments
- Conclusion
- Set of sinks S s1, , sn and source s0
- Sink delay t(s0, si)
- Skew between two sinks
- skew (si , sj) t(s0 , si )- t(s0
, sj ) - Skew of a tree T maximum skew between sinks
- Objective minimize wirelength, such that skews
between certain (all) pairs of sinks are small
4Relevant Clock Routing
- Zero skew over ALL sinks
- Zero-Skew Tree (ZST) literature
- Deferred-Merge Embedding (DME)
- optimal with the given topology
- Greedy-DME finds high-quality topology
- Almost zero skew over ALL sinks
- Bounded-Skew Tree (BST) literature
- solvable with DME-like approaches
- Zero skew over SUBSETS of sinks
- zero skew inside each subset
- no skew constraints between subsets
5Associative-Skew Problem
- Given Set of sinks S partitioned into disjoint
subsets S S1? ? Sk - Construct a Steiner tree connecting all sinks
with a root S0 to achieve - zero skew within each subset Si
- unconstrained skew between subsets
- Real-world bounded global skew
- skew in subsets lt 1 gate delay
- latch-to-latch 0-level datapaths
- 0-level paths quite small
- skew between subsets lt 12 gate delays
6Potential Wirelength Gain
- Potential gain is logarithmic
- each subset has single sink, Si 1 all
sinks on a segment - standard Steiner minimum tree may be log k times
shorter than zero-skew tree
7Potential Wirelength Gain
- Potential gain is logarithmic
- each subset has single sink, Si 1 all
sinks on a segment - standard Steiner minimum tree may be log k times
shorter than zero-skew tree
8Heuristic H0
- All our heuristics combine GDME solutions for
each sink subset into single tree with common
root - H0 k-Greedy DME
- Greedy DME for each subset Si
- join the roots with any rectilinear Steiner
minimum tree heuristic - Can do better connect root of B to any point in A
9Heuristic H1
- H1 H0 but connect root from any internal point
- For each ordered pair of ZSTs A ZST(Si), B
ZST(Sj), - find optimal joining shortest edge from a
point in A to root(B) - Full directed graph G nodes ZST(Si), arcs
optimal joinings - Find optimal branching (directed MST) in G
- O(k2) - Tarjan (1977), Camerini-Fratta-Maffiol
i (1979)
Directed graph G with optimal branching
10Better Merging
- Potential gain of total wirelength of B
- Given Given two ZSTs A and B and insertion
delay offset w skew between sinks in A and B
from root(A) - Find min cost tree T(A,B,w)
- rooted at root(A)
- containing A
- offset w between path delays of sinks in A and
sinks in B
11Optimal Slice Merging Algorithm
- For each v in B
- Find merge (v) merging cost of v to A with
offset w - Find adj(v) adjusted cost of root(B)-v-path
- gain(v) adj(v)-merge(v)
- Sum of gains over slice gain of slice
- Find optimal slice by preorder/postorder traversal
merge(v) cost of thick edge adj(v) cost of
dashed edges divided by 2L, L edge level in
B slice roots of subtrees of B joined to points
of A
12Wirelength Gain over GDME
Optimal Slice Merging
Greedy DME with offset
Gain for this instance 28
13Testbed Random Sink Sets
Class 1 Shift
Class 2 Ring
14Experimental Results (Shift)
Experimental data for n-point sets randomly
generated in K shifted square regions Time1
refers to H2 runtimes Time2 refer to GDME
15Experimental Results (Shift)
Runtime improvement since GDME is nonlinear
16Experimental Results (Shift)
H2 is losing to GDME with offsets
17Experimental Results (Ring)
Runtime improvement since GDME is nonlinear
18Experimental Results (Ring)
Average wirelength improvement ? 7
19Conclusions Future Work
- We introduced the Associative-Skew Problem
- We suggested a series of heuristics
- outperform GDME for separated sink subsets
- GDME is good otherwise
- Open issues
- find a consistently better heuristic
- solve the ASP with limited-height (sub)trees