Title: Buy Assembled Axle Shafts in India
1 Welcome To
Talbros Engineering Limited
F a r i d a b a d, H a r y a
n a
2Assembled Axle Shafts
Axles are the most important part of your car,
without which no car will be able to run. This is
a key component of your vehicle. It controls the
power that propels the vehicle. Different types
of vehicles use different types of Axles. Several
factors determine the type of Axle. Some vehicles
come with pre-built Axles which fit the make and
model of the vehicle. You can also customize your
Axles if you feel its necessary for your
vehicle. But we advise you to consult an
Assembled Axle Shafts Supplier in India, as they
can guide you better.
3Top Assembled Axle Shafts Manufacturer Supplier
in India
Talbros Engineering a winner in providing rich
quality Assembled Axle Shafts. We are one of the
accredited manufacturers, suppliers and exporters
of a wide range of Axle Shafts. We use the best
standard quality raw material for manufacturing
our product.
- Mission To build a competitive advantage in
manufacturing higher quality axle shafts in a
faster and lower cost way. - Vision To be respected as an ethical and
sustainable company and acknowledged worldwide as
a leading supply chain partner in the automotive
industry. - Goals 100 on time customer service, 50
reduction in defects each year, 20 productivity
gain each year, 20 inventory turns, Visual
Control the 5Ss, Double in size every 5 years,
Be 1 or 2 in the markets we serve.
4 Contact Details Talbros Engineering
Limited Phone 91-1294284300 Fax
91-129-4061541 Email axleshafts_at_talbrosaxles.com
Address Plot No. 74-75-76, Sector-6, Faridabad,
Haryana- 121006 Website https//talbrosaxles.com/