Title: Artemis Center and Dr. Anjali Kumar
1Artemis Center and Dr. Anjali Kumar artemis
center was set up in July 2007 by Apollo Tires
Ltd, one of the main tire producers in India.
Spread crosswise over 9 sections of land, Artemis
is a 380 bed best in class, super-claim to fame
doctor's facility situated in Gurgaon. Dr.
Anjali Kumar is a renowned gynecological
endoscopic surgeon, having done certificate
course in endoscopy from Ethicon endosurgery
institute and world association of Laparoscopic
surgeons and has till date performed many
complicated gynecological laparoscopic and
hysteroscopic surgeries (Total laparoscopic
hysterectomies ,Laparoscopic assisted vaginal
hysterectomies, Lap ovarian cystectomies,
laparoscopic fertility enhancing surgeries,
Laparoscopic myomectomies and operative
hysteroscopic surgeries).