Title: KEUANGAN INTERNASIONAL (Ernoiz Antriyandarti, SP, MP, M.Ec)
MP, M.Ec)
- The Foreign Exchange Market
- The Balance of Payments
- The Price and Income Adjustment Mechanism
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy for Internal and
External Balance - The International Monetary System
2Dasar adanya pasar pertukaran mata uang
- Transfer daya beli dari mata uang suatu negara ke
negara lain - Penyediaan kredit untuk perdagangan luar negeri
- Menghindari resiko pertukaran mata uang
- Kegiatan ekspor-impor sangat bergantung pada
konversi nilai mata uang dari negara pengimpor
terhadap negara pengekspor
3Organisasi Pasar Pertukaran Mata Uang
- Eksportir, importir, turis, imigran, investor
- Bank Komersial
- Broker
- Bank Sentral
4Sistem Nilai Tukar
- Foreign Exchange Rate
- The Flexible Exchange-Rate System
- The Fixed Exchange-Rate System
- Tiga demensi yang membedakan keuangan
internasional dengan keuangan domestik 1. Risiko
valas dan politik, 2. Ketidaksempur-naan pasar,
3. Sekumpulan peluang yang semakin luas.
- Deregulasi besar2-an.
- Matinya komunisme.
- Privatisasi atas perusahaan milik pemerintah di
dunia yang menyusutkan sektor publik. - Revolusi dalam teknologi informasi.
- Peningkatan dalam pasar terhadap kontrol
perusahaan dengan gelombang pengambilalihan,
- Pembuangan atas kebijakan2 yang statis dan
menggantikannya dengan kebijakan pasar bebas di
negara2 ketiga. - Ketertundukan negara2 di dunia terhadap kekakuan
dan standar pasar global yang ada.
- 1. Munculnya pasar2 keuangan yang terglobalisasi
integrasi yang cepat atas pasar2 modal dan
keuangan. - Globalisasi pasar keuangan ini awal-nya datang
dari pemerintah2 negara utama yang mulai
menderegulasi pasar2 valas dan modalnya.
- 2. Munculnya Euro sebagai mata uang global
dimulai pada 1999, dengan jumlah anggota 12
negara berpenduduk 300 juta. - 3. Liberalisasi perdagangan integrasi ekonomi
Fenomena munculnya GATT, WTO, EU, NAFTA, dan
AFTA. - 4. Privatisasi suatu negara menjual kepemilikan
operasinya atas suatu bisnis dengan
mengalihkannya kepada sistem pasar bebas.
9How a Foreign Exchange Transaction is Conducted
10Spot Market for Foreign Exchange
- Spot Market ? value date 2 days (to clear)
- WSJ gives Ask/Offer Rate selling price
- Any published rate is for a specific time may
change 15,000 times a day or more. - Spreads
- BID (buying) rate and ASK rate
- e.g., monitor might show CAD 1.5223-28 (per
US). BID 1.5223, ASK 1.5228. Spread is 5
pips, where pip is last decimal. - Spread is a transaction cost
- Spread is larger for more thinly traded (lower
liquidity) currencies - Rate Determination supply of and demand for
currencies. - Central Bank intervention influences supply
and/or demand
11Arbitrage Buy Low, Sell High
- Exchange Rates will be equalized across
markets/actors - Example let /DM .5 in NY, and .55 in
Frankfurt - profitable to buy DM in NY, sell DM in Frankfurt
- 1000 ? DM2000 in NY ? 1100 in Frank. ? profit
100 - Demand for DM ? in NY, ENY ?
- Supply DM ? in Frankfurt, EFrank. ? ? Exchange
rates converge! - Highest ASK no lower than lowest BID Difference
in Exchange Rates no larger than transaction
cost! - Triangular Arbitrage
- Cross-rates must correspond to pairs of direct
rates - /DM in NY .5 DM/ in Frank. 3 then / in
London must be 0.667
12Foreign Exchange Risk
- Spot Rates may change in a way that makes a
transaction less (or more) profitable. - You are uncovered if you depend on spot market
- e.g., 10m account payable due in 90d. If you
wait 90d to buy yen and depreciates, the 10m
costs you more. - Types of Risk Exposure
- Translation Exposure
- Economic Exposure
- Transaction Exposure
- domestic currency value of future transactions.
- Managing XR Risk Forward, Futures, and Option
13Forward Markets
- Buying Selling currency for future delivery
30, 90, or 180 days - Contract stipulates amount traded, the price, and
value date - price forward rate F (/unit foreign
currency) - F may be quoted outright (actual quote), or by
forward spread (from spot rate used by dealing
systems). - Forward Premiums and Discounts
- F lt E fewer to buy FX in future than now
trading at forward premium - F gt E forward discount
- signs reversed if use indirect quote
- e.g., CAD 1.5228 (per US) spot, 1.5244 180d fwd
? CAD at forward discount, at forward premium
14(No Transcript)
15Forward Markets, cont.
- Forward rates reflect relative rates of return
and expectations of future exchange rates. - Actors using forward contracts are covered or
hedged. - Problems with Forwards
- Default Risk
- Illiquidity contracts customized, limited
transferability - Solutions short maturity margins limited
clientele. - Swaps
- Combine two transactions into one
- Foreign Exchange Swap spot trade with opposing
forward trade - Currency Swap firms borrow domestic currency,
swap principal w/ foreign firm cheaper foreign
currency borrowing.
- Like Forward, except
- active secondary market
- standardized contracts fewer currencies,
standardized value and expiry date - smaller than forwards more accessible to
smaller businesses - a clearing house guarantees contract against
default, requires margin against unprofitable
positions. - day-to-day losses gains posted against margin
deposit defaulting only saves last days losses,
not cumulative losses. - if margin account falls too low, have to top it
- Underlying Asset future or spot cash
- Right, but not obligation, to buy or sell at
strike price - CALL right to buy
- PUT right to sell
- Premium up-front cost of obtaining right
- American vs. European options
- Protects against unfavorable spot XR changes,
while not limiting ability to exploit favorable
spot XR changes - In the money can profitably exercise option
- CALL in the money when currency appreciates
hedge accounts payable in foreign currencies - PUT in the money when currency depreciates hedge
accounts receivable in foreign currencies - STRADDLE CALL and PUT in the money for any
large swing in exchange rates useful for highly
volatile currencies
18Hedging and Speculation
- Distinction can be fuzzy, but
- hedge reduced risk speculation increased
risk - Speculation
- long position buy FX (any contract) to sell at
higher-than-expected future spot XR (future spot
higher than expected by market) - short position sell FX you dont have for
future delivery at what you think is higher than
expected future spot price buy spot in future,
close your position at a profit (future spot less
than expected) - Example
- C5m account payable due 90d. E (spot)
.69/CAD, F .67/CAD. Call option strike
.68/CAD. Expect depreciation. - Future spot .72 ? exercise option, save
.03/CAD or 150,000 over previous spot, though F
_at_ .67 was better. - Future spot .65 ? just buy spot save .02/CAD
over fwd
191. Apa yang mendasari terjadinya pasar mata uang
asing (valuta asing)?
20- 2. Sebutkan sistem nilai tukar mata uang
- 3.Bagaimana proses terjadinya transaksi luar
negeri (boleh dijelaskan dengan bagan/gambar)?