Title: Well-ICU Installed Ambulance Service in Supaul | ASHA AMBULANCE
1ASHA Ambulance Service in SupaulAn ISO
Certified 24/7 Hours Ambulance Service Company
- To Know More Info Visit _at_ Ambulance Service in
Supaul - The Best Arrangements to Transfer the Patients
- All the conveniences of Dead Bodys
91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234
2ASHA Ambulance Service in Supaul, Bihar
One patient is taken from Supaul and is shifted
in Big Hospital, Patna
ASHA Ambulance takes full responsibility for this
patient from A to Z Place.
91 79035 20263
3ASHA Ambulance Service Cardiac Care Ambulance
Service in Supaul
Ventilator, Cardiac Monitor, Suction Pump,
Infusion Machine, Respirator, Defibrillator,
Oxygen Cylinders, and so on.
Call _at_ 91 79035 20263
4ASHA Ambulance ServiceBasic Life Care Ambulance
Service in Supaul
Im Basic Life Support consisting of Basic Life
Care Accessories such Oxygen Cylinder. One
Paramedic treats the patient. Only accidental or
ward like patient can travel. Usually, the
patient who recovered his health in hospital who
also demands my service.
Helpline No 91 79035 20263
5ASHA Ambulance ServiceCoffin Box Freezer Box
We provide all types of reliable coffin boxes and
freezer boxes for the dead body. We dispatch
these sacred boxes by Mortuary Vans Commercial
Airlines. We have been experience in this sacred
box transportation service since 2014.
91 79035 20263
- Reg. Office B/152, P C Colony Rd, Housing Board
Colony, Kankarbagh, Patna - Main Office House No-25, Sector-E, PC Colony,
Kankarbagh, Patna - Phone No 91-9334691234 91-7903520263
- Email id info_at_ashaambulanceservice.com
- Gmail id ashaambulancepatna_at_gmail.com