Albuminuria is a condition that results in foamy urine. Though there is no particular cure for this disease, albuminuria treatment in Ayurveda can give permanent and satisfying relief from the problem.
Albuminuria is a sign your kidney function is not accurate, and you have too much protein in your urine. During the albuminuria, the kidneys may allow the excretion of large molecules of protein through their filters. That being the case, the urine has a foamy appearance as you urinate.
Both Chronic Kidney Disease and Acute Renal Failure are related to Kidney health. Let’s understand the basic difference between them and how to deal with it.
The nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment focuses on the diet and consumption of natural herbs to cure the damage in the kidneys. Ayurveda works by customizing the diet and lifestyle of the patient and adding ayurvedic herbs that have no side effects on the body.