Kallas was born in Finland, but she moved to Estonia in 1903. ... the profit and edification of others and withal as a warning of sorrow that may befall them. ...
spin-off company of the Institute for Language and Speech ... Sentiment. i came, i saw, aino. sources, services, clients. Develop. Leadership. TV. Radio ...
Part I: Kalevala's formation, origins, Ilmatar, V in m inen, Joukahainen, Aino, ... Helsinki - Ilmatar ja sotka (Ilmatar and the Scaup) by Aarre Aaltonen, 1946 ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Aino Aurik Last modified by: Preinstall Created Date: 4/13/2003 1:44:37 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
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