Title: A1258150232CwkAX
1- European Commission SOCRATES Programme
Training of Educators of Adults in an
Intercultural Module
2 3The basic aim of the project is to promote
intercultural awareness by developing
competences in a global context for adult
educators. In order to achieve this basic aim,
the partnership has set a number of objectives
to fulfill
To exchange experiences in adult education and
pedagogical and didactic approaches to
intercultural training in order to improve the
quality of teaching
To identify and exchange best practices in order
to motivate learners Group learning and its
bearing on adult motivation/learning.
Preparation of a methodological guide for group
management in learning that fosters
intercultural awareness from the linguistic
To find valid practices in order to learn how to
learn as for teachers and students.
4The three-year project falls into a typology of
Learning Partnership. Therefore it focuses on
the process more than on the result and its aim
is to establish cooperation among organisations
working in the field of adult education in formal
and informal sectors. The main activities are
addressed to teachers to adults and their
students. They include and are
needs analysis explained in a report on adult
preparation of a methodological guide for
teachers that fosters intercultural awareness
from the linguistic point of view
processing of a manual of good teaching practices
in adult education
transnational meetings of partners to establish
the working methodology, to exchange
experiences, to analyze and to evaluate the work
to develop Grundtvig 3 courses and seminars to
introduce other teachers in the practice of
adult training and of new methodologies in
languages teaching.
- A report on adults education published in the
website of each institution - A manual/guide of good teaching practices in
adult education published in the website of each
institution - A CD-Rom containing the report and the guide of
good teaching practices in adult education - A new larger project within Socrates Programme
whose aim is to help trainers in Adult Education.
- Our activities started with the first project
meeting held in Naples - Italy (26 30 November
2005). In the first meeting the representatives
of the five organizations introduced themselves
to each other and decided the activities each
partner would carry out.
7- After revising the objectives, they made up their
minds about the main activities and the expected
outcomes of the Project. This Project meeting
activity was very significant for the setting up
of the partnership. All partners agreed that
every partner would find good examples of reading
, writing , speaking and listening- the four
basic skills in language learning. Each partner
tookover a skill.
8- A second Project meeting was held in Bursa Uludag
University(Turkey) in February in order to
analyse the work done in each institution and to
define the next steps. During the meeting the
five representatives of the partners discussed
the contents of the application form for the
following year.
9- During the third meeting held in Aksaray (Turkey)
in April, the 3 partners present - from Naples,
Bursa and Aksaray- presented their exercises
(i.e. reading and writing activities with a
guideline) designed according to the worksheet
and criteria approved in the first meeting. The
complete activities in particular were discussed.
For example, successful and unsuccessful parts
were defined and reported. They wrote a
questionnaire to be used in order to evaluate the
project effects on the learners involved by each
partners organization. - During Aksaray meeting a public conference and
local press conference were organized by the host
partner in order to present the aim of the
project TEAM and to make a comparison through the
different education systems in Italy and Turkey.
10As planned, each partner organised activities to
train various language skills after a search of
new tools in language training including a
cross-cultural dimension, examples of good
practices were found and the partners
established factors to take into account when
designing the activities on those four skills
- presentation of the activity,
- duration,
- instruments,
- number of students,
- language used,
- evaluation of the activity,
- defining also the level (beginners, intermediate
or advanced) in - which these practices were carried out. These
activities were completed - by all the partners in May and June.
11In this way the partnership contributed to reach
the objective To gather information and to
create a database of the know-how and good
practices of language learning through teaching
methods and materials Each partner
was supposed to test the tools sent by the other
partners. These tests will be held at the
beginning of next year, as the pedagogical
process in the groups did not allow an immediate
12- The main output of these activities was a booklet
with exercises written in order to improve
students skills in reading, writing, speaking
and listening. - The partnership used a worksheet for the
activities proposed by GIP Formation (French
Partner). Each partner wrote four exercises, used
them with their own learners and evaluated the
results. The partners took notes about the used
method, the difficulties they came across and the
rate of success.
13- The partner GIP (FRANCE) made
- a visit of the most important French national
exhibition in Paris, - a work with 2 trainers in one of their training
centres, - a selection of tools for the listening skill
including a cross-cultural dimension. These tools
were used with two groups, one beginner, one low
intermediate -
- selected tools for some speaking activities. They
wrote the exercises and the instructions and
asked a translator to translate them into English
- translated FENICE web pages from English into
French - wrote a presentation of the project in its
magazine Information Continue, that is sent to
5000 decision makers in the field of training,
human resources, employment, etc, in Lorraine - made a presentation of the GRUNDTVIG program in
its regional net (one GRETA decided to apply for
a GRUNDTVIG 2 project).
14- The partner OYDDER (Aksaray-Turkey)
- prepared a CD with a nice story explaining the
work done during the three transnational meetings
with all the pictures of the participants and the
local authorities. -
- prepared reading activities. Some learners were
involved in this activity. This activity was done
with two groups. -
- organised a meeting to discuss the teaching
methods and difficulties found during teaching
practice in adult education in its institution .
Almost twenty teachers attended this meeting.
Every participant expressed his/her ideas about
the topic.
15- The partner Uludag University (Bursa-TURKEY) made
- a selection of tools for the reading skill
including a cross-cultural dimension and a
specific level (beginner-intermediate-advanced).
These tools were used with a group of beginners. - a selection of tools for the speaking
skills, asked by the coordinator. -
- on 24 May 2006 held a seminar with the
participation of nearly 35 colleagues (foreign
language lecturers). During the seminar, EU
projects, Team Project and the progress of work
were mentioned and during the second half of the
seminar, they discussed teaching methods and
difficulties in teaching practice since these
points would be included in project activities. -
- formed an official International Relations and
EU projects Committee (14 members from University
lecturers who have successful EU projects) with
the permission of the Rectorate in order to
disseminate and promote European projects and be
in contact with other institutions.
16- The coordinating institution FENICE
(Naples-ITALY) - proposed the calendar to be carried out by the
learning partnership - organised the meetings related to the project
- prepared writing activities and tested them with
learners in a secondary school - asked a translator to help them turn into
Italian the Grundtvig Learning Partnerships
Navigator and to translate the project in
English and also presentation to be included in
its website and the articles to be included in
its newsletters so that they could be sent to
schools and institutions in Europe - monitored constantly the respect of time limits
and the completion of the tasks distributed
among the partners. - has ensured the diffusion and dissemination of
the results through its website, its newspaper
Scuol_at_Europa was sent to 3500 secondary schools
of Italy and its newsletter sent three times a
year to 2200 relevant institutions and
educational policy-makers all around Europe.
17- Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Murcia (SPAIN)
- selected tools for speaking skills to be
tested and carried out the examples of good
practice using their own students. - Representatives of the partner Escuela Oficial de
Idiomas de Murcia (Spain) met the French partner
in Nancy on January 14, 2006. They discussed the
specific question of distance learning, as the
Spanish partner had an interesting experience in
this field. - announced its withdrawal from the project in
Februrary due to demanding tasks of other EU
- TEAM Group is looking forward to continue 2nd
year project activities in October Meeting in
19- Prepared
- by
- English Language Lecturer