Title: Additive Effects on Piezoelectric Properties of Leadfree Na0'5K0'5NbO3LiNbO3 Ceramics
1Additive Effects on Piezoelectric Properties of
Lead-free (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3LiNbO3 Ceramics
11th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity
September 5-9 , 2005Cataratas del Iguazú / Foz
do IguaçuArgentina / Brazil
- Chang Won Ahn, Sun Hee Kang, Hai Joon Lee and
Ill Won Kim - Department of Physics, University of Ulsan,
680-749, Korea - Mun Seok Choi, Jae Shin Lee
- School of Materials Science and Eng., University
of Ulsan, 680-749, Korea - Hyung Wook Kim, Byung Moon Jin
- Department of Physics, Dong-Eui University,
Busan, 614-714, Korea - cwahn_at_mail.ulsan.ac.kr
- kimiw_at_mail.ulsan.ac.kr
2Why Lead-Free Materials?
- Lead zirconium titanate (PZT) ceramics are
high-performance piezoelectric materials, which
are widely used in sensors, actuators and other
electronic devices they contain more than 60
weight percent of lead. - Lead has recently been prohibited from many
commercial applications and materials (for
example, from solder, glass and pottery glaze)
owing to concern regarding its toxicity. - The European Commission has been agreed to a ban
on four heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, and
hexavalent chromium) from 1st July 2006.
3Candidate Materials as Lead-free Piezoelectric
(Na,K)NbO3 ceramics
Merits - High Curie temperature (TC)
- Relatively high planar coupling coefficient
(kp) - Large piezoelectric
longitudinal response (d33)
Demerits - Poor sinterability by ordinary
sintering process. ? Lower
electrical properties
4Research of (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-based Ceramics
Improve sinterability by additive
Y. Guo et al., JJAP 43, 6662 (2004).
Y. Shimojo et al., J. Korean Phys. Soc. 46, 48
Formation of a morphotropic phase boundary (MPB)
between tetragonal and orthorhombic phases
Y. Saito et al., Nature 432, 84 (2004).
Y. Guo et al., APL 85, 4121 (2004).
5Experimental Process
Solid-State Reaction Method
(1-x)(Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-xLiNbO3 (1-x)NKN-xLN x
0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.05, 0.6, 0.08, 0.10
Zr ballethyl alchol 24hr
Ball milling
850 ? 2 hrs
- Crystal structure (XRD)
- Surface morphology (SEM)
- Dielectric properties 1kHz1MHz(HP4192A)
- Piezoelectric properties (HP4194a, d33 meter)
- P-E hysteresis loop (Sawyer-Tower circuit)
- dc conductivity (KEITHLEY237)
Ball milling
1075? 2 hrs
6SEM Images of NKN-LN Ceramics
5 mm
Grain sizes of NKN-LN ceramics were increased
with increasing LiNbO3 concentration.
7XRD Patterns of NKN-LN Ceramics
8Lattices Parameters of NKN-LN Ceramics
The structure changes from orthorhombic to
tetragonal symmetry. MPB between orthorhombic and
tetragonal phase exists at 0.05ltxlt0.08.
9Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constant and
tand for NKN-LN Ceramics
10dc Conductivity of NKN-LN Ceramics
Potassium has relatively low melting points
compared to those of other elements. So,
potassium is vaporized easily during the process
of the high-temperature treatment. The loss of
potassium causes many defects such as potassium
vacancies and oxygen vacancies. Therefore, NKN
ceramics exhibited a high dc conductivity. The
substitution of LiNbO3 in the NKN could reduce
11P-E Hysteresis Loops of NKN-LN Ceramics
Polarization (mC/cm2)
Cannot saturate
Electric Field (kV/cm)
The P-E loops of NKN and 0.98NKN-0.02LN ceramics
show leaky behavior whereas that of
0.95NKN-0.05LN ceramics are well saturated. The
substitution of LiNbO3 in the NKN could improve
ferroelectric properties.
12d33 and kp of NKN-LN Ceramics as a function of
LiNbO3 Concentration
The maximum value of d33 was obtained at x0.05
which is belonging to MPB region. The mechanical
coupling coefficient, kp also has similar trend.
- We have fabricated (1-x)Na0.5K0.5NbO3-xLiNbO3
(x00.1) ceramics and investigated their
ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties as
function of LiNbO3 concntration. - The structural phase transition from orthorhombic
to tetragonal structure occurred at the
composition range of x0.050.08. - At the morphotropic phase boundary composition of
x0.05, NKN-LN ceramics showed the highest values
of kp (34.5) and d33 (172 pC/N). - The substitution of LiNbO3 (0.05 mol) in the NKN
could reduce conductivity and improve
ferroelectric properties.