Tells us how sensitive faults are to stress changes. Given an applied stress load we can estimate how much more likely an earthquake ... Peak at 2 cycles/day ...
Mayday. Telematics. Response. Rescue, care. Post Crash. Studies. Threatening situation. Golden ... Night Vision, Blind Spot, Parking Aid. Relieving Some Driver Control ...
ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Read-Out-Buffer (RobIn) Prototype Outline Read-Out Environment RobIn (HW, SW) Status + Future Work on behalf of the ATLAS TDAQ Dataflow Group
Most of the run have a majority of events with Cherenkov Bit On; ... Mu Scinitllator could used to clean off the Minimal Ionization peak as well as ...
International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, July 21st-27th 2005, Lisbon, Portugal The First-Level Trigger of ATLAS Johannes Haller (CERN)
Fixed Frequency Trigger Veto The problem: Currents in wire bonds in presence of strong magnetic fields DC current not a problem (small force) Time-varying current a ...
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, LHC Electronics ... Large Floor to ceiling spacing to ease cable layout Code: ... Fans out 160 MHz clock & adjusts phase to all boards ...
USCMS Physics, April 2001. Darin Acosta. 2. EMU Software Workshop. Workshop held at UCDavis in late February helped focus EMU software and physics activities ...
Aldo Zenoni (MC) - Brescia. Francesca De Mori (OA) - Torino. FINUDA TRIGGER Strategy. SELECTIVE TRIGGER based on fast detector (TOF) and electronics ...
The Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC) comprises of = 44 120= 5280CsI crystals in ... The amplitude of the output signal is controlled by the digital potentiometer. ...
but if they are easy for the Muon front end, they will reduce/eliminate sorting... 16 May 2001 ... implications on front end readout (order) fixed table sizes ...