Title: Life after 20toLife
1Life after 20-to-Life
21 in 100
Jenifer Warren, 1 in 100 Behind Bars in America
2008. The Pew Center on the States.
3Recidivism Reality Check
- 95 return to the community
- DOC released 10,110 people in 2007 in Colorado
- Average length of incarceration for women is 18.5
months - Average length of incarceration for men is 26.6
months - Statistical Report, Fiscal Year 2007. Colorado
Department of Corrections. Published June 2008.
4Recidivism Reality Check
- 53.4 of the people released in 2004 returned
within 3 years - Statistical Report, Fiscal Year 2007. Colorado
Department of Corrections. Published June 2008.
5Upon release, ex-offenders from Colorado DOC have
- Box of belongings
- 100 debit card (not provided to everyone)
- Parole support varies
- Community corrections support varies
- Some have no support
- Low education
6From the day they are released, ex-offenders need
- Housing
- Employment
- Identification papers
- Medical/mental health
- Government benefits
- Treatment
- Transportation
- Clothing
- Support system
7Common Reentry Program Limitations
- Funding
- Staffing
- Not available in all facilities or communities
- Most programs in English only
- Classroom-oriented
- Specific program eligibility requirements
- Time crunch
8Public Library UN-Limitations
- Libraries serve
- everybody
- all ages
- all levels of English proficiency
- all reading abilities
- all communities
- information provided in variety of formats
9Why should public libraries care?
- Public library values
- Community centers
- Resource for former prisoner/family
- More than one child in 50 has an incarcerated
parent - Children of incarcerated parents are 6 times more
likely to go to prison - Service investment in the community
10Successful Transition
- Rebuilds the lives of offenders
- Protects communities
- Saves taxpayer money
11Public libraries can play an important role in
the effort to reduce recidivism.
12Reentry Subject Areas
- Computers
- Employment
- Housing
- Transportation
(Insert graphic of GO guide)
13Reentry Subject Areas
- Health care
- Legal issues
- Budgeting
- Education opportunities
14Reentry Subject Areas
- Family relationships
- Personal growth development
- Spiritual growth development
- Recreation
15Reentry Subject Areas
- Addiction recovery mental health
- The challenges of developmental physical
16Be Inclusive
- Materials at lower literacy levels
- Spanish-language materials
- Materials in print, audio, and video formats
17Besides reentry information resources, public
libraries provide
- Help using the library
- Help accessing materials
- Childrens and family programs
- Literacy outreach to local detention centers and
correctional facilities - Equitable service without prejudice or judgment
18Marketing to Former Offenders
- Drawbacks to regular methods
- Information clearinghouses
- Parole offices
- Churches
- Shelters, halfway houses
- Drug treatment centers
- Public schools
- Clinics for low income or uninsured
- Broader audiences
19(Insert graphic of Caldwell Public Library)
Have you reached out to correctional librarians??
20What correctional librarians can teach you
- Provide mini-workshops on working with offenders
and other diverse populations - Talk about the types of resources needed by
recently released offenders - Dispel myths and misconceptions about working
with offenders and the recently released
21Have YOU been to prison??
- Book talks
- Literacy programs
- Supplement collection development with donations
and discards
22Have YOU been to prison??
- Reentry programs - teleconference between a room
of offenders and public librarians - Promote public library resources and programs
- Issue library cards to offenders before they are
23- We must remember always that the doors of
prisons swing both ways. - Mary Belle Harris, first female prison warden in
the U.S.
24- Life after 20-to-Life
- Library Resources for Successful Transition from
Prison to Community - Diane Walden, Senior Consultant
- Colorado State Library
- diane.walden_at_doc.state.co.us
- Carol Peeples, Re-entry Coordinator
- Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition
- carol_at_ccjrc.org
- Erica MacCreaigh, Senior Consultant
- Colorado State Library
- erica.maccreaigh_at_doc.state.co.us
- Pamela Clifton, Outreach Coordinator
- Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition
- pam_at_ccjrc.org
- Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition
www.ccjrc.org - Family Corrections Network www.fcnetwork.org
- The Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents