Title: Properties%20of%20the%20sQGP%20at%20RHIC%20and%20LHC%20energies
1Properties of the sQGP at RHIC and LHC energies
Wolfgang Cassing CERN, 04.06.2007
2Aim Transport study of relativistic many-body
Transport theory off-shell Kadanoff-Baym
equations for the Green-functions Glth(x,p) in
phase-space representation
Actual solutions Monte Carlo simulations with a
large number of test-particles
Parton-Hadron-String-Dynamics (PHSD)
Scetch of an ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus
collision (S. A. Bass)
3what are the properties of the new medium?
At RHIC the strong QGP (sQGP) was found, but
Ask lattice QCD ? effective approach!
4From lattice QCD to gluon quasiparticle properties
quasiparticle entropy
spectral function
Andre Peshier, PRD 70 (2004) 034016
5Gluonic quasiparticles of the sQGP
T 1.053 Tc
T 1.35 Tc
T 3 Tc
? broad distributions in (w,k)
Andre Peshier, PRD 70 (2004) 034016
6average glue-glue cross section
percolation parameter
plasma parameter
shear viscosity
gt The QGP looks like an almost perfect liquid !
PRL 94 (2005) 172301
7The Dynamical QuasiParticle Model (DQPM)
The quasiparticle entropy density
Complex selfenergies, e.g.
some thermodynamics
? pressure P
energy density
interaction measure
8The DQPM model assumptions
Spectral functions for partonic degrees of
freedom (g, q, qbar)
gluon mass
quark mass
gluon width
quark width
9The strong coupling g2
3 parameters Ts/Tc0.46 c28.8 l2.42
? Quasiparticle properties (Nf3 Tc 0.185 GeV)
10DQPM thermodynamics (Nf3)
some short-hand notations
time-like - space-like
11Time-like and space-like quantities
12Time-like and space-like densities
scalar densities
? time-like densities are small except close to
Tc !
13Time-like and space-like energy densities
- space-like energy densities dominate except
close to Tc ! - space-like parts are identified with potential
energy densities!
14Thermodynamical consistency ?
Total energy density
gt matches well the thermodynamical energy
15Potential energy per time-like parton
Potential energy
Plasma parameters
huge !
? Partonic liquid should persist at LHC !
16Potential energy versus parton density
Potential energy
Parton density
Gluon fraction
17Self-energies of time-like partons
18Effective 2-body interactions of time-like partons
2nd derivatives of interaction densities
effective interactions turn strongly attractive
below 2.2 fm-3 !
19Finite quark chemical potentials
energy density
parton density
pot. energy per particle
- slight increase with chemical potential
close to Tc - Fermion potential energy per particle practically
independent !
20Parton densities and gluon fraction
- fermion densities increase with quark chemical
potential - gluon densities slightly decrease !
21Parton energy densities
- increase with chemical potential close to
Tc - gluon potential energy density practically
independent !
22Net fermion densities
Net fermion densities approximately scale with T2
and chemical potential mq !
23Net fermion density comparison to lQCD
Nf2 lQCD C. R. Allton et al., PRD 68
(2003) 014507
Comparison to lQCD looks quite reasonable !
24Dilepton back-to-back radiation from the sQGP
Born rate
DQPM rate
Nf2 lQCD F. Karsch et al., PLB 530
(2002) 147
? massive suppression of low mass dileptons
in line with lQCD !
25Dilepton radiation from the sQGP NA60
Preliminary PHSD results
NA60 data
sQGP is here!
Conjecture the sQGP shows up already at SPS
energies !
- The dynamical quasiparticle model (DQPM) well
matches lQCD (with only 3 parameters) ! - DQPM allows to extrapolate to finite quark
chemical potentials presently out of reach for
lQCD. - DQPM separates lime-like quantities from
space-like (interaction) regions (needed for
off-shell transport). - DQPM provides mean-fields for gluons and quarks
as well as effective 2-body interactions ? PHSD - and gives transition rates for the formation of
hadrons if the average distance is larger than
0.77 fm ? PHSD . - The plasma parameter G suggests that the sQGP
and its related experimental observations
(scaling of elliptic flow with parton number
etc.) will persist at LHC (i.e. the partonic
- PHSD Conjecture the sQGP shows up already at
SPS energies !
27Dilepton radiation from the sQGP NA60