Title: WHO/UNICEF%20Joint%20Monitoring%20Programme%20Rifat%20Hossain
1WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring ProgrammeRifat
Effective Collection of water and sanitation data
from housing censuses Joint UNECE/Eurostat
Meeting on Population and Housing Censuses (15
May 2008)
2Scope of work of the JMP
Monitortrends progresswithin the WatSan
sector(global regional reports)
Advocate for action at all levels(use JMP
products and outputs for advocacy)
Build national capacity for monitoring
(prepare tools and guidance materials)
3Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP)
- Monitors progress towards MDG 7 Target 7c through
- Global accountability and advocacy
- Track progress towards the MDG target, from 1990
base - Present data comparable over time and across
MDG 7 Target 7c calls to halve, by 2015, the
proportion of people without sustainable access
to safe drinking water and basic
sanitation Indicators 7.7 Proportion of
population using an improved water source, urban
and rural 7.8 Proportion of population using an
improved sanitation facility, urban and rural
4Improved means.
- An improved drinking water source is
- a source that by the nature of its construction
adequately protects the source from outside
contamination in particular with fecal matter - An improved sanitation facility
- a facility that hygienically separates human
waste from human contact
5Comparison between JMP and UNSD (water)
- Improved water supply
- Piped water inside the unit
- 1.1 From the community source
- 1.2 From an individual source
- Piped water outside the unit but within 200
meters - 2. 1 From the community scheme
- 2.1.1 For exclusive use
- 2.1.2 Shared
- 2.2 From an individual source
- 2.2.1 For exclusive use
- 2.2.2 Shared
- Other
- 3.1 Tube well/borehole
- 3.2 Protected dug well
- 3.3 Protected spring
- 3.4 Rainwater collection
- Improved water supply
- Piped into dwelling, plot or yard
- Public tap/standpipe
- Tube well/borehole
- Protected dug well
- Protected spring
- Rainwater collection
6Comparison between JMP and UNSD (Water)
- Unimproved water supply
- Unprotected dug well
- Unprotected spring
- Cart with small tank/drum
- Tanker truck
- Surface water (river, dam, lake, pond, stream,
canal, irrigation canal) - Bottled water
Unimproved water supply 4. Other 4.1 Vendor
provided water 4.2 Bottled water 4.3 Tanker
trucks 4.4 Unprotected dug well/spring/river/strea
7Comparison between JMP and UNSD (Sanitation)
- Improved sanitation
- Flush/pour flush to
- piped sewer system
- septic tank
- pit latrine
- Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine
- Pit latrine with slab
- Composting toilet
Improved sanitation 1. With Toilet within
housing unit 1.1 Flush/pour flush toilet 1.2
Other 2. With toilet outside housing unit 2.1 For
exclusive use 2.1.1 Flush/pour flush toilet 2.1.2
Ventilated improved pit latrine 2.1.3 Pit latrine
without ventilation with covering 2.1.4 Holes or
dug pits with temporary coverings or without
shelter 2.1.5 Other
8Comparison between JMP and UNSD (Sanitation)
Unimproved sanitation 2. With toilet outside
housing unit 2.2 Shared 2.2.1 Flush/pour flush
toilet 2.2.2 Ventilated improved pit
latrine 2.2.3 Pit latrine without ventilation
with covering 2.2.4 Holes or dug pits with
temporary coverings or without shelter 2.2.5
Other 3. No toilet available 3.1 Service or
bucket facility (excreta manually removed) 3.2
Use of natural environment, for example bush,
river, stream or so forth
- Unimproved sanitation
- Flush/Pour flush to elsewhere
- Pit latrine without slab/open pit
- Bucket
- Hanging toilet/hanging latrine
- No facilities, bush or field
9Disaggregating helps
- The ladder for sanitation and water
Sanitation (4 rungs)
Water (3 rungs)
- Moving from Improved/Unimproved dichotomy to a
more refined situation
Improved as per MDG
10Thank you!JMP Website www.wssinfo.org