Title: AI-ECON%20Research%20Center%20Department%20of%20Economics%20National%20Chengchi%20University
1AI-ECON Research CenterDepartment of
EconomicsNational Chengchi University
2Welcome to EFMACI2004
Please take a seat and relax. The Sessions will
start in a minute. Dont forget to turn off your
cellular phone.
4- First week(8/16-8/20)
- National Chengchi University, Taipei
- Second week(8/23-8/26)
- Feng Chia University, Taichung
- Third week(8/30-9/3)
- National Kaohsiung University of
- Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung
5Forthcoming Session
Wavelets Wake Up!
Mak Kaboudan
6Mak Kaboudan
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8After my talk, dont forget your coffee break!!!
9To see more of the day
Please join us this afternoon at this room for
two marvelous tutorials.
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11Director of AI-ECON Research Center
12About AI-ECON Center
13New Mathematics and Natural Computation
(NMNC) Forthcoming
With the growing maturity of linear and
reductionist paradigms, the new frontier for
problem-solving tools will be new mathematics and
algorithms. It is clear that new tools are needed
for solving more difficult social and biological
problems. This type of mathematics will be
capable of handling uncertainties, making
decisions and modeling very large systems and
networks which are complex, nonlinear and
distributive. For more information, please refer
to the webpage http//www.worldscinet.com/nmnc.ht
14Books On Wavelets
15Books On Wavelets
16Books On Wavelets
17Books on CIEF
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