MCS%20312:%20NP%20Completeness%20and%20Approximation%20algorthms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MCS 312: NP Completeness and Approximation algorthms Instructor Neelima Gupta The 2SAT Problem Note: a + b is equivalent to each of a b and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: MCS%20312:%20NP%20Completeness%20and%20Approximation%20algorthms

MCS 312 NP Completeness and Approximation
  • Instructor
  • Neelima Gupta

Table of Contents
  • Circuit Satisfiablity is NP Complete
  • (CNF) SAT is NP Complete
  • 3(CNF) SAT is NP Complete

C SAT is NP Complete
  • The Cooks Theorem

  • Do it yourself

Circuit SAT or C SAT is a set of all
combinatorial circuits such that C is satisfiable
ltcgt ltcgt is satisfiable
All NP Hard problems should be reducible to CSAT
for it to be NP Hard
Let P be an arbitrary problem in NP. P is a
decision problem (say).
Let L be the language corresponding to P.
Since P ? NP, there exists an algorithm A that
verifies P (or L) in polynomial time.
This implies that for every x ? L, there exists a
certificate y, polynomial in the length of x,
such that A(x,y) 1 (by def. of NP)
To reduce the given NP problem, P to CSAT
The algorithm A changes the state of the
system from one configuration to another
Suppose x n Then y O(nk), const k (by
def.) A runs in time T(n) O(x y)
Reduction of an NP problem to Circuit-SAT
  • Claim
  • Cx is satisfiable if there exists a certificate y
    such that A(x, y) 1.
  • If Cx is satisfiable then there exists a
    certificate y such that A(x, y) 1.
  • Proof The claim follows from the construction
    that Cx (y) A(x, y).

Reduction of an NP problem to Circuit-SAT
  • Claim Reduction runs in polynomial time.
  • Proof Well prove that the size of the circuit
    Cx is polynomial in x.
  • 1. Size of the program for A is independent of
    the size of x. (Size of any program is
    independent of its input size, its execution time
    may depend but not the size of the code.)
  • 2. y is polynomial in x
  • 3. Working Storage Area in each configuration
    O(T(n)) where T(n) is the running time of A.
    (Thats true for any algorithm)
  • 4. Size of M is polynomial in the length of a
  • 5. Number of configurations is T(n).
  • Hence proved.

  • We shall construct a 2-input , polynomial
  • time algorithm that can verify CIRCUIT -
  • SAT.

The CNF-SAT Problem
  • Terminology
  • Boolean Formula is a parenthesized expression
    formed from Boolean variables using Boolean
    operations, such as AND, OR, NOT, IMPLIES, IF AND
    ONLY IF.
  • A clause is formed as the OR of Boolean variables
    or their negation called literals.
  • A Boolean Formula is in Conjunctive Normal
    Form(CNF) if it is formed as a collection of
    subexpressions, called clauses, which are
    combined using AND.
  • For example, the following Boolean formula is in
  • (x1 x2 x4 x7) (x3 x5) (x2 x4 x6
    x8) (x1 x3 x5 x8)

The CNF-SAT Problem
  • Statement CNF SAT takes a Boolean
  • formula in CNF as input and asks if there is
  • an assignment of Boolean values to its
  • variables so that the formula evaluates to 1.

The CNF-SAT Problem
  • To Prove CNF-SAT is NP Complete
  • Step 1 Show that CNF-SAT belongs to NP
  • It is possible to design a polynomial time
  • which takes the following 2 inputs and checks
  • whether the assignment specified by S satisfies
  • every clause in I
  • An instance I of the problem
  • A proposed solution S

CNF-SAT is NP-Hard
  • Step 2 Show that CNF-SAT is NP hard
  • We shall do this through the Local-Replacement
  • by trying to reduce the CIRCUIT-SAT problem to
  • in polynomial time.
  • Given A Boolean circuit C
  • Assume that each AND / OR gate has 2 inputs, and
  • each NOT gate has 1 input

CNF-SAT is NP Hard Reduction from Circuit-SAT
CNF SAT is NP-Hard
  • ? y4 ?(y1 ?? x1 ?x2)
  • ?(y1 ?? x3)
  • ?(y3 ?? x2 ?y2)
  • ?(y4 ?? y3 ? y1)
  • Note that for every assignment of xis there is
    an assignment of yjs. These values of xis and
    yjs will always saitisfy the last four clauses
    above by construction
  • Suppose the the circuit is satisfiable. Then
    there exists an assignment of xis which makes y4
    true.. Hence the above formula is satisfiable.
  • If the circuit is not satisfiable. Then every
    assignment of xis will force y4 to be set to
    false. Hence the above formula is not

Converting Implications to CNF
  • Create a formula Bg corresponding to each gate g
    in C as follows
  • 1. If g is an AND gate with inputs a and b
    (which could be either xis or yis)
  • and output c, then Bg (c ? (a.b)).
  • 2. If g is an OR gate with inputs a and b, and
    output c, then Bg (c ?
  • (ab))
  • 3. If g is a NOT gate with input a and output
    b, then Bg (b ? a)
  • Convert each Bg to CNF as follows
  • 1. Construct a truth table for Bg.
  • 2. Derive a formula for Bg in CNF form.
  • ( If you dont know how to do it directly then
    convert it into DNF and then convert it into CNF
    by De Margans Law)

CNF-SAT An Example
  • Conversion of BG1
  • (y1 ? (x1.x2)) to CNF

y1 x1 x2 Bg1 (y1 ? (x1.x2))
1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
CNF-SAT An Example
  • DNF formula for BG1
  • x1.x2.y1 x1.x2.y1 x1.x2.y1 x1.x2.y1
  • CNF formula for BG1
  • (x1x2y1)(x1x2y1)(x1x2y1)(x1x2y1)
  • Similarly CNF formula for BG3
  • (x2y2y3)(x2y2y3)(x2y2y3

CNF-SAT An Example
  • Conversion of BG2
  • (y2 ? x3) to CNF

x3 y2 Bg2 (y2 ? x3)
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
CNF-SAT An Example
  • DNF formula for BG2
  • x3.y2 x3.y2
  • CNF formula for BG2
  • (x3y2)(x3y2)
  • BG3 is similar to BG1

CNF-SAT An Example
y1 y3 y4 Bg4 (y4 ? (y1 V y3))
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1
  • Conversion of BG4
  • (y4 ? (y1 V y3)) to CNF

CNF-SAT An Example
  • DNF formula for BG4
  • y1.y3.y4 y1.y3.y4 y1.y3.y4 y1.y3.y4
  • CNF formula for BG4
  • (y1y3y4)(y1y3y4)(y1y3y4)(y1y3y4)

CNF-SAT An Example
  • CNF for the entire circuit is given by
  • ?y4(x1x2y1)(x1x2y1)(x1x2y1)(x1x2y1
  • Note that for every assignment of xis there is
    an assignment of yjs. These values of xis and
    yjs will always satisfy the above clauses (but
    y4) by construction.
  • Suppose the circuit is satisfiable. Then there
    exists an assignment of xis which makes y4
    true.. Hence the above formula is satisfiable.
  • If the circuit is not satisfiable. Then every
    assignment of xis will force y4 to be set to
    false. Hence the above formula is not

  • Statement This problem takes a Boolean
  • formula S in CNF, having exactly 3 literals,
  • and asks if S is satisfiable.
  • Observation This is a restricted version of
  • the CNF-SAT problem.

  • To prove 3SAT is NP-Complete
  • Step 1 3SAT is obviously in NP (by restriction
    3 SAT is a special case of CNF SAT)
  • Step 2 Show that 3SAT is NP hard
  • Observe that Restriction form of NP hardness
    proof does
  • not apply to this situation. WHY ?
  • We shall use the local replacement form of proof
    for this
  • and try to reduce the CNF-SAT problem to 3SAT in
  • polynomial time.

  • Given A Boolean formula C in CNF.
  • Perform the following local replacement for each
    clause Ci in C
  • If Ci (a), that is, it has a single term,
    replace Ci with
  • Si (a b c) . (a b c) . (a b
    c) . (a b c)
  • where b and c are new variables not used
    anywhere else.
  • If Ci (ab), that is, it has 2 terms, replace
    Ci with
  • Si (a b c) . (a b c)
  • where c is a new variable not used anywhere
  • If Ci (abc), that is, it has 3 terms, set Si
  • If Ci (a1 a2 . ak), that is, it has
    kgt3 terms, replace Ci with
  • Si (a1 a2 b1) . (b1 a3 b2) .
    (b2 a4 b3)..( bk-3 ak-1 ak)
  • where b1, b2,..... bk-1 are new variables
    not used anywhere else.

Reducing SAT to 3SAT
  • If Ci 1 then let a_r be true..
  • if r1 or 2, then (a1 \/ a2 \/ b1) is satisfied
    so set all b_is to false to satisfy all other
  • if rk-1 or k, then (b_r-3 \/ a_r-1 \/ a-r)
    is satisfied so set all b_is to true to satisfy
    all other clauses
  • if 2 lt r lt k-1, then (b_r-2 \/ a_r \/ b_r-1)
    is satisfied so set b1 b2 ... b_r-2
    true to satisfy the first r-2 clauses and set
    b_i-1 b_i ... b_r-3 false to satisfy
    the remaining clauses.
  • Hence, Si is satisfied.

Reducing SAT to 3SAT
  • If Si is satisfiable then
  • if none of the new variables b1, ..., br-3 is
    set to false, then (br-3 \/ ar-1
    \/ ar) can only be satisfied by setting either
    ar-1 true or ar true
  • If b1 is set to false, then (a1 \/ a2 \/ b1) can
    only be satisfied by setting either a1
    true or a2 true
  • else let b_r be the first new variable set to
    false i.e. b1 b2 ... br-1 true then
    (br-1 \/ ar1 \/ br) can only be
    satisfied by setting ar1 true
  • Thus in all the cases, one of the original
    literals must be set to true. Hence Ci is

Reducing SAT to 3SAT
  • Reduction is polynomial time
  • Each clause increases in size by at most a
    constant factor and the computations involved are
    simple substitutions.
  • Thus 3SAT is NP-Complete.

  • The following 2 variants of the SAT problem can
  • be solved in polynomial time, and therefore
  • to the complexity class P.
  • If all clauses contain at most one positive
    literal, then the Boolean formula is called a
    Horn Formula, and a satisfying truth assignment
    can be found by greedy
  • algorithm.
  • If the clauses have only 2 literals, then SAT can
    be solved in linear time by finding the strongly
    connected components of a particular graph
  • constructed from the instance.
  • Well not do them here. Do them yourself.

The 2SAT Problem
  • Instance Collection C c1, , cm of clauses
    on a set U of n Boolean variables such that ci
    2 for 1 i m.
  • Question Is there a truth assignment for the
    variables in U that satisfies all clauses in C?

The 2SAT Problem
  • 2SAT can be solved by formulating it as a graph
  • Let ? be an instance of 2SAT. Construct a
    directed graph G(?) such that vertices of G(?)
    are the variables of ? and their negations.
  • There is an arc (x, y) in G(?) if and only if
    there is a clause (x y) or (y x) in ?.

The 2SAT Problem
  • Note a b is equivalent to each of a ? b and
    b ? a.
  • Thus a 2SAT formula may be viewed as a set of
  • implications. Accordingly, if we have the
    following formula
  • (a b) (b c) (c d)
  • then we have a string of implications a ? b ? c ?
    d, which
  • leads to a ? d,
  • If for some variable a, there is a string of
  • a ? ... ? a, and another string of
  • a ? ... ? a, then the formula is not
  • otherwise the formula is satisfiable.

The 2SAT Problem
  • Consider the following formula
  • (x1x2) (x2x3) (x1x2) (x3x4) (x3x5)
  • (x4 x5) (x3 x4).
  • The implication graph is as follows

The 2SAT Problem
  • x1 x2
  • x4 x3
  • x5 x5
  • x3 x4
  • x2 x1

The 2SAT Problem
  • The 2SAT problem thus reduces to the graph
    problem of finding strongly connected components
    (SCC) in the implication graph.
  • A 2SAT formula is unsatisfiable if and only if
    some variable and its complement reside in the
    same SCC.
  • As SCC is known to have a linear-time solution
    and the implication graph is constructible in
  • linear time, it is clear that 2SAT may be
    decided under the same time bound.

Horn FormulaReferences 1. Chapter 5 Greedy
Algorithms (S. Dasgupta, C.H. Papadimitriou, and
U.V. Vazirani)2. http//
BerkeleyCS 170 Ecient Algorithms and
Intractable ProblemsLecturer David Wagner)
  • In Horn formulas, knowledge about variables is
    represented by two kinds of clauses
  • 1. Implications, whose left-hand side is an AND
    of any number of positive literals and whose
    right-hand side is a single positive literal.
    These express statements of the form
  • x1 x2 xk implies xk1
  • which can alternatively be written as
  • x1 v x2 v v xk v xk1
  • Here, if the conditions on the left hold, then
    the one on the right must
  • also be true.
  • A degenerate type of implication is the singleton
    implies x, meaning
  • simply that x is true.
  • 2. Pure negative clauses, consisting of an OR of
    any number of negative literals, as in (u v v v

Horn Formula
  • The implications tell us to set some of the
    variables to true.
  • The negative clauses encourage us to make them
  • Strategy for solving a Horn formula
  • start with all variables set to false.
  • proceed to set some of them to true, one by one,
    only if an implication would otherwise be
  • once done with this phase, when and all
    implications are satisfied, turn to the negative
    clauses and make sure they are all satisfied.
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