Title: 17May2009
1BBC Baptist Catechism 101
and it fell not for it was founded upon a
rock. Matthew 725
- What are 2 important yet neglected chapters in
any book? - The Preface and/or Introduction
- High-Level Overview
- Authors Overall Perspective
- Targets and Expectations for the Reader
- The Conclusion
- Summary of Material Covered
- Closure of Loop for Target Achievement
- Motivation for the Reader
- Consider this session as my Preface to this
catechism series
3What Will Be Studying?
- Keachs Baptist Catechism from 1677
- 118 Focused Questions
- 118 Direct Answers, each supported by Scripture
- Written in a way that even a child can understand
- The expectation is that anyone bold enough to
call himself a Baptist ought to know at minimum
these questions and answers COLD.
Cheating is Encouraged in this Class!!!
4Who Was Benjamin Keach (1640-1704)?
- A Reformed Baptist preacher in London.
- Originally from Buckinghamshire.
- Worked as a tailor early on.
- Baptized at the age of 15 and began preaching at
18. - Minister of the congregation at Winslow before
moving in 1668 to the church at Horse-lie-down,
Southwark where he remained for 36 years as
pastor (1668-1704). - This congregation later became the New Park
Street Church and then moved to the Metropolitan
Tabernacle under Charles Spurgeon. - It was as representative of this church that
Keach went to the 1689 General Assembly and
subscribed the 1689 London Baptist Confession of
5Who Was Benjamin Keach (1640-1704)?
- Keach wrote 43 works, of which his "Parables and
Metaphors of Scripture" may be the best known. - He wrote a work entitled The Child's Instructor
which immediately brought him under persecution
and he was fined and pilloried in 1664. - He is attributed with the writing of a catechism
commonly known as Keach's Catechism, although it
is most likely that the original was compiled by
William Collins. - Keach is also known to have promoted the
introduction of hymn singing in the Baptist
6Who Was Benjamin Keach (1640-1704)?Pilloried for
Writing Childrens Catechism
- On the pillory at Aylesbury Mr. Keach defended
himself and the truth with great boldness. The
jailer frequently interrupted him. and finally
the sheriff himself threatened to have him
gagged. The people, contrary to custom, had no
words of mockery for the good, persecuted
minister, and no offensive missile was hurled at
him. An Episcopal minister who ventured to assail
Mr. Keach in the pillory was immediately
reproached by the people with the ungodliness of
his own life, and his voice was drowned in
laughter. At Winslow, where he lived, he suffered
the same shameful penalty, and a copy of his
little book was burned. 1
pillory n. A wooden framework on a post, with
holes for the head and hands, in which offenders
were formerly locked to be exposed to public
scorn as punishment. v.  pilloried,
pillorying, pillories To expose to
ridicule and abuse. To put in a pillory as
1Cathart, William, The Baptist Encyclopaedia,
PhiladelphiaEverts, 1881 pp. 637-638.
7Why Are We Doing This?Life Exists Beyond The
Romans Road!
- Is a Calculus professor expected to know his
times-tables? - Does a Pulitzer Prize Writer understand basic
Grammar? - Will a Chemical Engineer know the Periodic Table
of Elements? - Should the Iron (Fe) Chef know his seasonings?
- Can NASCAR mechanic fix and start a lawn mower?
- Would you choose a Dermatologist who had Severe
Acne? - So is it really that unreasonable to expect
someone who calls himself a Bible-Believing
Baptist to know - The Bible
- All of the Fundamental Baptist Beliefs based off
his Bible? - II Timothy 215
Ist der Papst Katholik?
- The Truth About Infomercials and Like Propaganda!
Hebrews 121, II Timothy 23
9Biblical Illustrations of This Warning
- Exodus 1614-21, 31 The Miracle of Manna
- Exodus 1635 The Monotony of the Miracle
- Numbers 215 Murmuring caused by the Monotony
- Numbers 216 The Resulting Mess!
- Daniel 18-15 The Purpose and Properties of
Pulse - Get Ready to Do Some Tiresome Work!
- be admonished of making many books there is no
end and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
Ecclesiastes 1212
10Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 1. Who is the first and best of beings?
- Q. 2. What is the chief end of man?
- Q. 3. How do we know there is a God?
- Q. 4. What is the Word of God?
- Q. 5. How do we know that the Bible is the Word
of God? - Q. 6. May all men make use of the Scriptures?
- Q. 7. What do the Scriptures principally teach?
- Q. 8. What is God?
- Q. 9. Are there more gods than one?
- Q. 10. How many persons are there in the Godhead?
11Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 11. What are the decrees of God?
- Q. 12. How does God execute His decrees?
- Q. 13. What is the work of creation?
- Q. 14. How did God create man?
- Q. 15. What are God's works of providence?
- Q. 16. What special act of providence did God
exercise towards man, in the estate wherein he
was created? - Q. 17. Did our first parents continue in the
estate wherein they were created? - Q. 18. What is sin?
- Q. 19. What was the sin whereby our first parents
fell from the estate wherein they were
created? - Q. 20. Did all mankind fall in Adam's first
12Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 21. Into what estate did the fall bring
mankind? - Q. 22. Wherein consists the sinfulness of that
estate whereunto man fell? - Q. 23. What is the misery of that estate
whereunto man fell? - Q. 24. Did God leave all mankind to perish in the
estate of sin and misery? - Q. 25. Who is the Redeemer of God's elect?
- Q. 26. How did Christ, being the Son of God,
become man? - Q. 27. What offices does Christ execute as our
Redeemer? - Q. 28. How does Christ execute the office of a
prophet? - Q. 29. How does Christ execute the office of a
priest? - Q. 30. How does Christ execute the office of a
13Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 31. Wherein did Christ's humiliation consist?
- Q. 32. Wherein consists Christ's exaltation?
- Q. 33. How are we made partakers of the
redemption purchased by Christ? - Q. 34. How does the Spirit apply to us the
redemption purchased by Christ? - Q. 35. What is effectual calling?
- Q. 36. What benefits do they that are effectually
called, partake of in this life? - Q. 37. What is justification?
- Q. 38. What is adoption?
- Q. 39. What is sanctification?
- Q. 40. What are the benefits which in this life
do accompany or flow from justification,
adoption, and sanctification?
14Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 41. What benefits do believers receive from
Christ at death? - Q. 42. What benefits do believers receive from
Christ at the Resurrection? - Q. 43. What shall be done to the wicked at death?
- Q. 44. What shall be done to the wicked at the
day of judgement? - Q. 45. What is the duty which God requires of
man? - Q. 46. What did God at first reveal to man for
the rule of his obedience? - Q. 47. Where is the moral law summarily
comprehended? - Q. 48. What is the sum of the Ten Commandments?
- Q. 49. What is the preface to the Ten
Commandments? - Q. 50. What does the preface to the Ten
Commandments teach us?
15Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 51. Which is the first commandment?
- Q. 52. What is required in the first commandment?
- Q. 53. What is forbidden in the first
commandment? - Q. 54. What are we especially taught by these
words, "before me," in the first commandment? - Q. 55. Which is the second commandment?
- Q. 56. What is required in the second
commandment? - Q. 57. What is forbidden in the second
commandment? - Q. 58. What are the reasons annexed to the second
commandment? - Q. 59. Which is the third commandment?
- Q. 60. What is required in the third commandment?
16Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 61. What is forbidden in the third
commandment? - Q. 62. What is the reason annexed to the third
commandment? - Q. 63. Which is the fourth commandment?
- Q. 64. What is required in the fourth
commandment? - Q. 65. Which day of the seven has God appointed
to be the weekly Sabbath? - Q. 66. How is the Sabbath to be sanctified?
- Q. 67. What is forbidden in the fourth
commandment? - Q. 68. What are the reasons annexed to the fourth
commandment? - Q. 69. Which is the fifth commandment?
- Q. 70. What is required in the fifth commandment?
17Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 71. What is forbidden in the fifth
commandment? - Q. 72. What is the reason annexed to the fifth
commandment? - Q. 73. Which is the sixth commandment?
- Q. 74. What is required in the sixth commandment?
- Q. 75. What is forbidden in the sixth
commandment? - Q. 76. Which is the seventh commandment?
- Q. 77. What is required in the seventh
commandment? - Q. 78. What is forbidden in the seventh
commandment? - Q. 79. Which is the eighth commandment?
- Q. 80. What is required in the eighth
18Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 81. What is forbidden in the eighth
commandment? - Q. 82. Which is the ninth commandment?
- Q. 83. What is required in the ninth commandment?
- Q. 84. What is forbidden in the ninth
commandment? - Q. 85. Which is the tenth commandment?
- Q. 86. What is required in the tenth commandment?
- Q. 87. What is forbidden in the tenth
commandment? - Q. 88. Is any man able perfectly to keep the
commandments of God? - Q. 89. What then is the purpose of the law since
the fall? - Q. 90. Are all transgressions of the law equally
19Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 91. What does every sin deserve?
- Q. 92. What does God require of us, that we may
escape His wrath and curse, due to us for sin? - Q. 93. What is faith in Jesus Christ?
- Q. 94. What is repentance unto life?
- Q. 95. What are the outward and ordinary means
whereby Christ communicates to us the benefits
of redemption? - Q. 96. How is the Word made effectual to
salvation? - Q. 97. How is the Word to be read and heard that
it may become effectual to salvation? - Q. 98. How do Baptism and the Lord's Supper
become effectual means of salvation? - Q. 99. Wherein do Baptism and the Lord's Supper
differ from the other ordinances of God? - Q. 100. What is Baptism?
20Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 101. To whom is Baptism to be administered?
- Q. 102. Are the infants of such as are professing
believers to be baptized? - Q. 103. How is Baptism rightly administered?
- Q. 104. What is the duty of those who are rightly
baptized? - Q. 105. What is the visible church?
- Q. 106. What is the invisible church?
- Q. 107. What is the Lord's Supper?
- Q. 108. What is required to the worthy receiving
of the - Q. 109. What is Prayer?
- Q. 110. What rule has God given for our direction
in prayer?
21Keachs Questions Overview
- Q. 111. What does the preface of the Lord's
Prayer teach us? - Q. 112. What do we pray for in the first
petition? - Q. 113. What do we pray for in the second
petition? - Q. 114. What do we pray for in the third
petition? - Q. 115. What do we pray for in the fourth
petition? - Q. 116. What do we pray for in the fifth
petition? - Q. 117. What do we pray for in the sixth
petition? - Q. 118. What does the conclusion of the Lord's
Prayer teach us?
22BBC Baptist Catechism 101
- Thank You For Your Attention!
and it fell not for it was founded upon a
rock. Matthew 725