Physiological Optics III - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Physiological Optics III


... introduced, and eventually diplopia will occur as the limits of Panum's areas are reached. ... rod is moved closer to the subject until diplopia is reached. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Physiological Optics III

Physiological Optics III
  • Dr. Prasert Padungkiatsakul

Ocular Motility
  • Horopter

  • is a spatial map of corresponding points across
    the retina, appear to be _at_ the same distance from
    the observer as the fixation point
  • zero disparity, an equidistant horopter
  • representing how we perceive 3-D visual space
  • Theoretical point horopter the locus of all
    points in visual space that are imaged on
    corresponding points in each eye w/n the eyes are
    converged to aim _at_ particular fixation point.

  • Extends both horizontal and vertical
  • Longitudinal / horizontal horopter a slice of
    the horopter along the horizontal plane.
  • The two fovea, each representing the oculocentric
    primary visual direction are corresponding points

Corresponding points
  • A point w/c displacement by a degree off the
    fovea in one eye and an equal displacement off
    the fovea in the same direction in the other eye

Vieth-Müller circle
  • The set of all possible pairs of corresponding
    points would be stimulated by objects lying
    anywhere on a circle that intersects the fixation
    point and the nodal points of the two eyes.
    theoretical horopter circle, geometric horopter

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  • Because we cant stimulate the retinal points
    directly, but we do know the corresponding points
    in each eye by placing an object in physical
    space so that its images in each eye are formed
    on corresponding points.
  • With controlled condition, eye stationary,
    convergence symmetrically, we can map the whole
    corresponding retinal points horopter

Facts about corresponding points
  • are perceived as having identical visual
    directions in the two eyes. ?can split the images
    of an object into two independent segregated
    images each presented to one eye, and see where
    the object can be seen from visual direction for
    each eye.

Facts about corresponding points
  • Have no binocular disparity.
  • Horopter show us all the points in space that are
    perceived as being _at_ the same distance from the
    eye as the fixation points
  • ?horopter have zero disparity and be seen in a
    flat plane equidistant to the fixation point
  • ? no fusional eye movements needed

Facts about corresponding points
  • If images displaced off the corresponding points,
    we get crossed disparity or uncrossed disparity
  • ?horopter the location in visual space of
    boundaries between crossed and uncrossed
    disparities as we fixate a particular point
  • ? horopter will be the place in space where we
    are most sensitive to changes in depth, change
    from crossed to uncrossed, objects will appear to
    change from being closer than fixation point to
    farther away

Facts about corresponding points
  • As locations in space deviate more from the
    horopter, crossed or uncrossed disparity will be
    introduced, and eventually diplopia will occur as
    the limits of Panums areas are reached.
  • ? horopter the center of the range in w/c we
    have single vision

Methods of Measuring the Horopter (Horopter
  • Identical visual directions
  • Equidistance / Stereoscopic depth matching
  • Singleness / Haplopia
  • Minimum stereoacuity threshold
  • Zero vergence

Identical visual direction horopter
  • Measured by comparing two rods, one by both eyes
    (Fixation point), other upper half be seen by one
    eye and bottom half be seen by another eye w/
    polaroid filter
  • The subject move the rod forward and backward
    until both half-images of the rod appear to line
    up perfectly

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Identical visual direction horopter
  • The subject move the rod forward and backward
    until both half-images of the rod appear to line
    up perfectly
  • Plot all the corresponding points horopter
  • Thick line, become thicker _at_ periphery because
    the elevated spatial localization thresholds in
    the peripheral retina

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Identical visual direction horopter
  • W/ fixation disparity, the horopter will be
    displace inward for eso FD, outward for exo FD
    relative to where the physical fixation rod line
  • Because the eyes are not really aiming _at_ the
    physical fixation rod, they aimed _at_ a true
    fixation point slightly in front of (eso FD) or
    behind it (exo FD)
  • The horopter is then simply shifted toward where
    the visual axes of the two eyes crossing

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Equidistance / Stereoscopic depth matching
  • Apparent frontoparallel plane (AFPP) method
  • More precise method and easy to do w/ untrained
  • If an object produces monocular images that have
    zero disparity, the visual direction of their
    images must also be identical

  • The subject views a numbers of rods while
    fixating the middle rod.
  • The subject then adjusts the distances of all of
    the other rod until they all appear to be _at_ the
    same distance away as the middle rod in a plane
    parallel to the subjects face
  • The horopter will be curved, but the percept of
    the subject will be a flat plane

Equidistance / Stereoscopic depth matching
  • The shape of the frontoparallel plane as
    perceived by the subject will be the mirror
    images of the horopter setting
  • Move the rod closer than fixation because the
    horopter farther away from the fixation and they
    are trying to compensate for this by moving the
    rod inward to make their position appear in

Equidistance / Stereoscopic depth matching
  • Advantage the examiner can see the shape of
    horopter directly from the subjects placement
    the rods
  • Disadvantage fails to reflect the effects of FD

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Singleness / Haplopia horopter
  • The horopter is related to the absolute placement
    of the rods in space, the bias in the rod
    setting, and stereoscopic threshold can be
    obtained from the variance of those setting, or
    our sensitivity _at_ detecting binocular disparities
    between the images of the rods

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Singleness / Haplopia horopter
  • Images on slightly noncorresponding points may be
    fused into a single percept as long as they lies
    w/in Panums fusional area
  • Measures the extent of Panums fusional area _at_
    the fovea and _at_ eccentric location

  • The arrangement of the rods is similar to AFPP
  • Middle rod is always fixated, the 2nd test rod is
    moved closer to the subject until diplopia is
    reached. Repeated moving the rod farther away
  • Zone of singleness space between these two
  • Measurement are made w/ test rods _at_ several
    eccentricities on either side of the fixated rod

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Singleness / Haplopia horopter
  • The center of this zone of singleness is taken to
    be the singleness horopter
  • The haplopia horopter indicates where
    corresponding points lies
  • The width of the zone of singleness reflects
    Panums area in w/c noncorresponding points are
    still seen as single
  • The present FD can bias the location of the

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Minimum stereoacuity threshold (Maximum
stereoacuity horopter)
  • Measured by fixating on a central rod while
    measuring stereoscopic threshold for a second
  • More eccentric rod, determining the smallest
    stereoscopic disparity (change in depth) that can
    be detected for that rod
  • Relies on the observation that we are most
    sensitive to changes in disparity and less so
    from changes relative to a nonzero

  • Start the test rods _at_ the same perceived distance
    as the fixation point, move it in depth until the
    subject just perceives it as being _at_ a different
  • Repeat this for different target distance.
  • The measurement is obtained by determining the
    variance of the rod settings that are seen as
    lying _at_ the same distance
  • The problem w/ this technique is that it is
    extremely time-consuming and difficult, is not
    practical use

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Zero vergence
  • The most difficult horopter to measure
  • Requires measurements of extremely small fusional
    movements of the eyes using sensitive objective
    eye movement recording equipment
  • The subject would view the fixation target, and a
    second target would be flashed momentarily
  • If the test target fell on noncorresponding
    points in the two eyes, the exposure of the test
    target elicits a motor fusional response from the

Zero vergence
  • If the test target has a binocular disparity
    because it lies off the horopter, it would serve
    as a stimulus to the vergence eye movement system

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Important to note
  • For all horopter criteria, horopter are typically
    measured with the eyes fixating a target _at_ the
    same vertical height, to ensure symmetric

The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • The Vieth-Müller circle is defined by 3 points,
    the fixation point and the entrance pupils of the
  • For any point on the circle, the angle between
    the entrance pupil, and fixation point for the
    left eye (angle ?1) is equal to same angle for
    the right eye (angle ?2)
  • Angle ?1 and ?2 are called external longitudinal

The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • The Vieth-Müller circle is the loci of all
    corresponding retinal points as influenced by the
    optic of the eye
  • R the ratio of the tangent of the two external
    longitudinal angles _at_ any point on the horopter
  • R the relative magnification of the retinal
    images between two eyes

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  • R 1, ?1 ?2, the left and right eye
    magnification are equal

The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • R ? 1 the physical targets are not actually
    lined up in physical space, although they are
    perceived as being lined up.
  • R gt 1 angle ?2 gt angle ?1 in physical space, the
    right eyes image gt the left eyes
  • R lt 1 angle ?1 gt angle ?2, the left eyes images
    gt the right eyes

  • R gt 1 ?2 gt ?1 in physical space, right gt left
  • R lt 1 ?1 gt ?2, left gt right

The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • Plot the value of R for each data point on the
    horopter as a function of the magnitude of the
    angle w/ ?2 ? analytical plot
  • Interested in 2 values
  • Slop H
  • Y-intercept, R0

The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • The analytical plot is simply the graph of the
  • R H(tan?2) R0
  • R0 value of the tangent ratio R measured _at_ the
    fixation point, the ratio of the magnification of
    the image size in one eye relative to the fellow
  • This relative magnification results in a tilting
    of the horopter relative to the frontal plane

The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • R0 1, there is no skewing of the horopter, flat
    slope _at_ the fixation point

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The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • R0 ? 1, there is uniform relative magnification
    (equal magnification _at_ every retinal location),
    tilting the horopter
  • R0 gt 1, left image larger, horopter is rotated
    toward that eye.
  • R0 lt 1, right image larger, horopter is rotated
    toward that eye.

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The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • Empirical horopter does not coincide w/ the
    theoretical Vieth-Müller circle
  • The horopter tends to be less sharply curved
  • The different between the horopter and the
    Vieth-Müller circle is called Hering-Hillebrand
    horopter deviation, H
  • It tell us that our perception of space is warped
    a little

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The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • H tell us the relative curvature of the horopter
  • H 0, horopter lies on Vieth-Müller circle
  • H , horopter is less curved than Vieth-Müller
  • H ? horopter is more curved than Vieth-Müller

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The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • H is typically in the range of 0.1 to 0.2
  • H is a measure of nonuniform relative
    magnification across visual field
  • Local sign are not laid out equiangularly, nasal
    more packed gt temporal

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The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • The precise shape of the empirical horopter is a
    function of the fixation distance used when
    measure it.
  • W/ greater fixation distance, the horopter curves
    more and more away from the observer, eventually
    becoming convex
  • Abathic distance distance _at_ w/c the apparent
    and objective frontal planes coincide, horopter
    is flat

The shape of the empirical horopter and its
  • H 2a/b
  • 2a the interpupillary distance
  • b fixation distance
  • The bathic distance is typically about 6 m from
    the observer
  • The curvature of the Vieth-Müller circle is also
    changing proportionately w/ increased fixation

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Vertical horopter
  • _at_ near point fixation distances, the theoretical
    vertical horopter is a straight line parallel to
    the head and intersecting the Vieth-Müller circle
    _at_ the fixation point.
  • Empirically, vertical horopter tilts away from
    true vertical
  • Vertical horopter actually inclines w/ its top
    farther away from the observer than the bottom

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Vertical horopter
  • Being less inclined relative to the visual axis
    w/ near fixation and more inclined w/ distance
  • This inclination increase until, _at_ distance, the
    empirical vertical horopter tend to lie parallel
    to the ground below eye level
  • The most natural horizontal surface _at_ distance
    are below eye level

The horopter in abnormal binocular vision
  • Aniseikonia a different in magnification
    between the two eyes, different size or shape

  • About 2-3 of population
  • Different retinal images size between 2 eyes
  • Optical origin (Optical aniseikonia)
  • Neural origin (Neural or essential aniseikonia)

Optical aniseikonia
  • Axial aniseikonia (Axial anisometropia)
  • Refractive aniseikonia (Refractive anisometropia)
  • Induced aniseikonia caused by external optical
    factors, an afocal magnifier called size lens.

Neural aniseikonia
  • A small magnitude nonoptical aniseikonia that can
    occur even in emmetropes, two retinal images are
    physically equal in size yet still perceived to
    be different in size.
  • Optical and Neural aniseikonia are independent
    phenomena that can either have an additive effect
    or cancel out one another.

  • May have a substantial effect on binocular visual
    perception, distorting our 3-D perception,
    degrading stereopsis, large enough inducing
    binocular suppression.

Size lens
  • A thick lens w/ parallel front and back surfaces
    that changes the magnification of an image w/o
    having any dioptic power.
  • Spherical surface both front and back overall
  • Cylindrical surface both front and back induce
    magnification in one meridian a meridional size
    lens, cause shape changes in viewed objects.

Size lens
  • Magnifying effects
  • Power factor
  • Shape factor

Power factor
  • h vertex dist.
  • Fv back vertex power of the lens

Shape factor
  • t lens thickness
  • n? index of refraction
  • F1 front surface power

Size lens
  • Magnifying effects
  • In afocal magnifier, there is no refractive power
    ?no power factor, only the shape factor

Meridional magnifier
  • Place the magnifier axis 90 ?magnification occur
    on horizontal meridian
  • AFPP rotate about fixation point. Because the
    difference in horizontal image sizes between two
    eyes. ?R changes , horopter would be rotated in
    the opposite direction as the AFPP
  • Called geometric effect

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Geometric effect
  • Can be explained easily by the geometry of the
    horopter and of the magnified images.
  • Horopter rotate toward the magnified eye,
    observer perceives the world as rotated away from
    the manified eye

Geometric effect
  • The degree rotation / tilting of the visual space
  • tan ? (M-1)/(M1)d/a
  • M magnification of the size lens
  • d viewing distance
  • a ½ of PD

Geometric effect
  • Stronger magnification, the greater rotation /
  • Shorter the viewing distance, the greater
    rotation / tilting
  • This condition is quite confusing to the patient
    because the depth information
  • Binocular cues, horizontal disparities
  • Monocular cues, overlap, texture gradients

Leaf room
  • Literally a room in w/c the wall, floor, ceiling
    are covered w/ leaves to help obscure monocular
    cues to depth
  • The entire room look tilted and distorted w/n a
    magnifier is place before one eye, geometric
    effect is that the wall, floor, and ceiling all
    appear to slant
  • W/ an axis 90 afocal magnifier on the right eye,
    right wall appear to be farther away than the
    left, except from the tilting of the AFPP in the
    geometric effect

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Leaf room
  • The apparent size of leaves on the wall varies as
    a function of the perceived distance of the
  • The floor slant downward to the right, ceiling
    slant upward to the right
  • ?the square leaves room no longer appears to be

Leaf room
  • The changes in the ceiling and floor (vertical
    position) is not magnification effects, because
    the magnification induces only horizontal
    binocular disparities
  • The changes in the apparent size and distance of
    the side walls create a secondary illusion of
    slant in the floor and ceiling
  • Only horizontal disparities produced a percept of
    depth, vertical disparities does not

Vertical magnification
  • A small amount of vertical disparity leads to
    diplopia because humans have limited vertical
    fusional eye movement capabilities
  • ?an axis 180 meridional size lens would produce
    no change in the apparent AFPP or horopter
  • But the world will seem tilted, similarly the
    effect produced by an axis 90 magnifier placed in
    front of the fellow eye.

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Vertical magnification
  • Nobody know why vertical magnification in one eye
    looks like horizontal magnification in the other
  • Called induced effect because it cannot be
    explained in terms of geometry

Induced effect
  • W/n uniformly magnified in the horizontal and
    vertical meridians, both geometric and induced
    effects will be generated, the strength of these
    two percepts is roughly equal for small degrees
    of overall magnification but in the opposite
  • ?If uniformly magnify an image in one eye by a
    small amount, it will have little or no effect on
    the orientation of the AFPP, the geometric and
    induced effects will simply cancel each other out

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  • Can be produced by asymmetric convergence, to
    bifoveally fixate a nearpoint target that is not
    on the vertical midline, the fixate target closer
    than the other ? different retinal image size.
  • Every diopter of refractive difference between
    two eyes ? 1.4 relative magnification between
    two eyes
  • Magnification is equal in all meridians image ?no
    tilting image

  • Induced effect break down w/ magnification
    greater than 5-7
  • Relative magnification difference in aniseikonia
    gt 7 ? disruption of fusion ? amblyopia if
    present in an infant

Oblique magnification
  • Produces a different kind of tilted percept,
  • Vertical lines tilted toward the meridian of
    magnification. This tilt translates to horizontal
    binocular disparities that ?in magnitude as you
    move vertically from the fovea, the vertical
    disparities are opposite in sign for the upper
    and lower visual field
  • inclination / declination effect

Inclination /declination effect
  • A percept that the world is tilted about the
    horizontal meridian, top of VF is tilted away
    from you and the bottom toward to you or vice

Cyclovergence eye movements
  • In oblique magnification, cyclorotary eye
    movements act in a compensatory manner, lessen
    the perceptual effects of the cyclodisparity
  • Patients may complain of the floor appearing to
    tilt upward or downward
  • Oblique cylindrical lenses may also produce this

Knapps law
  • Uncorrected refractive emmetropes has little
    effect on image size relative to that of the
    emmetropic eye
  • Uncorrected axial ametropia produces an image
    size much different from that of the emmetropic
    eye, correction w/ spectacle lenses placed near
    the anterior focal plane of the eye will produce
    an image size that is the same as that of an
    emmetropic eye

  • Unilateral intraocular lens implants (IOLs)
    following cataract extraction exhibit substantial
    aniseikonia, especially IOL _at_ antr chamber, even
    some patients w/ bilateral IOLs
  • Monocular refractive surgery
  • High cylindrical lenses having unequal power in
    different meridians ? unequal magnification in
    these meridians ? the geometric and induced
    effects are unequal

  • The skewing of the horopter w/ spectacle
    correction of high anisometropia and astigmatism
    explains in part the complaint distortions of
    environment around them
  • Force the patient to make unequal amplitude
    saccades and pursuit in each eye

Brecher Maddox rod technique
  • Left eye views two penlights, w/ right eye
    viewing them through a Maddox rod
  • Right eye seen two red streaks of light
  • Iseikonia equal space between the penlights and
    space between streaks of light
  • Aniseikonia the two spacings are unequal

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Space eikonometer
  • A form of stereoscope w/ two vertical lines and
    an oblique cross as target
  • A person w/ aniseikonia will see the cross as
    rotated instead of in a flat plane parallel to
    the eyes and/or one of the vertical lines closer
    to the observer
  • Iseikonic lens the lens for correcting the
    aniseikonia by modifying the front surface
    curvature, thickness, and refractive index

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  • Changes the fixation distance, the geometric
    effect, and induced effect distort our percept of
    space and distorted horopter
  • All of these case show the R (uniform
    magnification) has been altered not for H
    (nonuniform magnification)
  • The value of H does not change even under a
    variety of condition

  • The manipulations all reflect optical changes to
    the horopter rather than neural changes
  • W/ prism, there is a nonuniform magnification
    across the prism, more magnification _at_ the apex
    than _at_ the base
  • Cause nonuniform distortions in the perception of
    visual space and in the horopter

  • Base-out ? cause visual space to curve concave
    toward the viewer
  • Base-in ? cause visual space to curve convex
    toward the viewer

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Adaptation to Lens and Prism
  • Prescribing lens and prism, the space perception
    should not sacrificed in the attempt to obtain
    the best VA, use caution if that lens induces
  • The visual system is capable of adaptation to
    distortions of visual space, the adaptation is
    only partial, still some remaining spatial
  • W/ geometric effect being neutralized w/in 3-4
    days and induced effect 5-6 days

Adaptation to Lens and Prism
  • Oblique magnification, the strength of this
    adaptation is less.
  • The binocular visual system can tolerate small
    amounts of aniseikonia w/o loss of function
  • ?40 of emmetropes have neural aniseikonia of at
    least 0.8 ? clinical symptoms (asthenopia) can
    occur w/in 1-2 magnification differences, beyond
    5 begins it influence stereoscopic thresholds

Adaptation to Lens and Prism
  • Oblique magnification, the strength of this
    adaptation is less.
  • The binocular visual system can tolerate small
    amounts of aniseikonia w/o loss of function
  • ?40 of emmetropes have neural aniseikonia of at
    least 0.8 ? clinical symptoms (asthenopia) can
    occur w/in 1-2 magnification differences, beyond
    5 begins it influence stereoscopic thresholds
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