Shirk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... gods in turn gave way to a national god and monotheism was supposedly born. Thus, according to this view, monotheism has no divine origin. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Shirk

  • The Greatest Sin!

Meaning of Shirk
  • The famous Arabic linguist Ibn Faaris defines it
    as to add or append, not being single or one.
  • Ar-Raaghib al-Asbahani (d. 425 AH) said Shirk is
    defined as affirming partners with Allaah.
  • Ibn Masood asked the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi
    wassallam) What is the greatest sin? he replied
    To take alongside Allaah a partner (nidd) even
    though it was He that created you. (al-Bukhari
    and Muslim)

Incorrect Definitions of Shirk
  • The belief that other than Allaah has full
  • to believe that an entity is a lord besides
  • to believe that there is a creator besides

  • The above definitions would mean that the
    mushrikeen who the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi
    wassallam) was sent to did not commit shirk!
  • We only worship them in order that they bring us
    closer to Allaah in ranks
  • az-Zumar (39) 3

  • And they worship other than Allaah that which
    neither harms them nor benefits them, and they
    say, These are our intercessors with Allaah
  • Yoonus (10) 18

Definition of an ilah
  • Ibn Abbaas said one whom everything turns to,
    and is worshiped.
  • The mufassir ar-Raghib al-Asbahani said Ilah is
    a name given to every object that is worshipped.
  • The famous lexicographer of Arabic, Ibn Manzoor
    said any object that is taken as an object of
  • Al-Fayroozabadi every object that is worshipped
    is an ilah for the one that worships it.

Important points
  • The jaahiliyyah Arabs believed in Allaah, and
    that He created everything, and gives life and
    death, yet this did not cause them to enter
  • The people whom the prophet was sent to
    worshipped different objects. Some worshipped
    idols and stones, whereas others worshipped
    angels and prophets. Yet the Prophet did not
    distinguish between these people and considered
    them all equal in their disbelief.

  • The reason these people worshipped other objects
    was that they desired these objects to intercede
    on their behalves with Allaah. They said that
    they have a high status and thus, by pleasing
    them, they would in turn please Allaah.
  • The Prophet was sent to mankind in order that
    people worship Allaah alone. He was not sent so
    that he be worshipped besides Allaah, or that
    people turn to saints and graves in order that
    they be venerated.

The Prophets Stance on Shirk
  • The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam)
    prohibited building mosques over graves, as this
    is one of the primary methods through which shirk
    is sanctioned. Once Umm Salamah mentioned the
    beautiful churches she had seen in Ethiopia. The
    Prophet said, whenever a pious person died
    amongst them, they would build places of worship
    over their graves and carve images. Such people
    are the worst of mankind in the sight of Allaah.
    (Bukhari and Muslim)

  • He also forbade burying the dead inside mosques,
    for it too is one of the primary ways that leads
    to shirk. He prayed on his deathbed O Allaah!
    Do not make my grave an idol that is worshipped.
  • He forbade worshipping Allaah at places where
    shirk occurs.
  • The Prophet also prohibited the Muslims from
    excessively praising him, as this is one of the
    ways to shirk.

  • He (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) said Do not
    excessively praise me as the Christians did with
    Jesus the Son of Mary. Rather, I am only the
    slave of Allaah and His messenger. (Bukhari and
  • The Prophet also forbade image-making, which is
    how shirk began in history. Thus by stopping
    this, he (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) blocked
    one of the paths to shirk. The most severely
    punished on the Day of Judgement will be those
    who tried to imitate Allaahs creation. (Bukhari)

  • The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam)
    commanded the companions to level all graves
    (which are raised with monuments built on them)
    and destroy images that they came across. Ali ibn
    Abi Taalib told Abul-Hayyaj al-Asadi to do this.
    (Saheeh Muslim).
  • During the Battle of Hunayn when some of the new
    Muslims wanted a Dhaat Anwaat as the mushriks
    had one.

Ash-Shawkaanee said
  • Shirk is to make dua to other than Allaah in
    matters in which only Allaah should be asked, or
    to believe that a certain object has powers that
    only Allaah has, or to intend to please an object
    with an act that should only be done for Allaah.

Allaah says,
  • So do not attribute to Allaah equals while you
    know (that there is nothing similar to him).
  • al-Baqarah (2) 22

  • Therefore, shirk involves believing in a partner
    along with Allaah. Such a partner could be in
    lordship (ruboobiyyah) or in worship (uloohiyyah)
    or in attributes (asmaa was-sifaat).
  • The essence of shirk involves giving Allaahs
    rights to other that Him.
  • To therefore claim that a certain object or deity
    has the power to bless one with ones needs is
  • To prostrate or make dua to other than Allaah is
    also shirk.

  • To claim that any created object knows
    everything, or can hear any plea directed to it,
    is shirk. Whenever any specific right of Allaah
    is given to any other object, whether that object
    be a living being or an inanimate object, real or
    imagined, shirk has taken place.

Tawheed Came Before Shirk
  • Human beings were created upon the pure worship
    of Allaah, before they deviated into the practice
    of shirk and there are many proofs for this.
    Allaah created humans with a natural inclination
    (fitrah) which is ingrained in everyone, and
    guides people about right and wrong.

  • It is due to this that all peoples know that
    murder, lying an stealing are evil actions and
    that looking after people, being kind to parents
    are good acts. This fitrah was placed in every
    single person at the time of Adams creation.
    When Allaah created Adam and the progeny of Adam,
    He made a covenant with them. The covenant is
    known as the mithaaq in Arabic, and it specified
    that only Allaah is the true Lord deserving of

  • Allaah says,
  • And mention when your Lord took from the
    children of Adam from their loins their
    descendents and made them testify of themselves,
    (saying to them), Am I not your Lord? They said
    Yes, we have testified. (This) lest you
    should say on the day of Resurrection, Indeed,
    we were of this unaware.
  • al-Araaf (7) 172

  • The mithaaq is referred to in the hadeeth where
    the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam)
    narrated that Allaah said I have created My
    servants, all of them, pure (and inclined towards
    worship), but the Shayaateen came and diverted
    them from the religion. They prohibited them from
    matters that I allowed and commanded them to
    associate partners with Me (Saheeh Muslim).

  • The mithaaq is ingrained into the subconscious of
    human beings, even though they do not remember
    it. Allaahs prophets delivered the message of
    the pure worship of Allaah, which is in the
    fitrah. So when a person hears the prophets
    message, she/he becomes inclined towards it, as
    it conforms with her/his natural way.

  • The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) said
    Every child is born upon the fitrah then his
    parents make him a Jew or a Christian.
  • Ibn Qayyim (raheemahullaah) wrote The fitrah is
    open to knowledge of Islaam and the love of
    Islaam. The fitrah necessitates acknowledgement
    and love (of Allaah)so every single child is
    born in a state in which he or she acknowledges
    the Lordship (of Allaah). So if the child were
    left without any preventive factors, he would not
    turn away from the fitrah to anything else.
    (Shifaa al-Aleel).

  • The People of Nooh
  • The distinguished scholar of hadeeth Shaykh
    Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee
    (raheemahullaah) stated It is established in
    Islaam and the Shareeah that mankind in the
    beginning was a single nation upon true tawheed
    then shirk gradually overcame them. The basis for
    this is the saying of Allaah,
  • Mankind was one Ummah then Allah sent the
    Prophets as bringers of good tidings and warners
  • al-Baqarah (2) 213

  • Ibn Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, said
    between Prophet Nooh (Noah) and Aadam, peace be
    upon them both, were ten generations, all of them
    were upon the Shareeah of truth, but then they
    differed. So Allaah sent Prophets to bring good
    news and also warn their people.
  • Shaykh al-Albaanee then went on to say that this
    refutes the philosophers and atheists who claim
    that the natural basis of man is Shirk, and that
    Tawheed evolved in man!

The Opposing Views (Evolution Model)
  • Religion began with humanity worshipping the
    forces of nature due to their amazement at the
    cataclysmic and devastating effects of their
    environments and the natural world. Thus,
    thunder, lightening, earthquakes, volcanoes etc
    were believed to be conceived of supernatural
    beings. Thus, humans sought ways to appease the
    beings through rites, rituals, prayers and

  • The native North Americans, who believe in
    spirits of the river and of the forest, are used
    as examples of this early stage in the evolution
    of religion, known as Animism. Eventually
    Diathesis emerged in which all of the
    supernatural powers were confined in two main
    gods, usually a god of good and a god of evil.

  • According to the evolutionists, an example of
    this stage can be seen in the religion of the
    Zoroastrians of Persia. When tribes gave way to
    nations, tribal gods in turn gave way to a
    national god and monotheism was supposedly born.
    Thus, according to this view, monotheism has no
    divine origin.

  • It was merely a by-product of the evolution of
    early mans superstitions based on the lack of
    scientific knowledge.

  • Whats the evidence against this?
  • The evidence which proves that humanitys
    monotheistic concept of One God degenerated into
    idol-worship, man-worship, saint worship, and
    minor gods is extensive. Islaam believes that
    humans beings started out as worshipping God
    alone then after deviated into various forms of
    polytheism as have just been mentioned. Islaam
    holds that God sent Messengers to all the tribes
    and nations of the Earth to guide them back to
    the path of monotheism.

  • We (Allaah) indeed sent to every nation
    Messengers (saying) worship Allaah and leave
    aside Taghoot (false deities)
  • an-Nahl (16) 36

  • Thus, we find amongst all of the so-called
    primitive tribes that have been discovered, the
    belief in One Supreme God. The central America
    Mayans believe in One God who created everything,
    whom they call Itzamna, 1 the Mende peoples
    of Sierra Leone in West Africa believe in One God
    who created the universe and spirits who they
    call Ngewo,2 1 John Hinnels, Dictionary of
    Religions (Penguin Books 1884), p. 93
  • 2 ibid, p.210

  • in the ancient Babylon the main deity of the
    city, Marduk,1 was seen as the Supreme God.
    In Hinduism, Brahman is the impersonal Eternal
    Absolute One God having no beginning and no
    end.2 1 ibid, p.204
  • 2 ibid, p.68

  • In the Yoruba religion, followed by over 10
    million people in West Africa (mainly Nigeria),
    there is One Supreme God, Olorius/Olodumare (The
    Lord of the Heavens). Nevertheless, modern Yoruba
    religion is characterised by a multitude of
    Orisha worship rites which thus render the
    religion closer to polytheism.

  • One of the first Western scholars to acknowledge
    the significance of the trend from monotheism to
    extreme polytheism was Stephen Langdon of Oxford.

  • Wilhelm Schmidt discovered in his studies that he
    found the primitive cultures at the lowest
    cultural levels had the purer concepts of God.
    According to Schmidt we find this form of belief
    among the Pygmies of central Africa, the
    south-eastern Australian Aborigines, the native
    Americas of north-central California, the
    primitive Algonquians, and to a certain extent
    the Koryaks and Ainu.

  • Sameul Zwemer spoke of the monotheistic character
    of the Bushmen, as well as many peoples of the
    Arctic cultures which he maintained is
    Cleareven to a cursory examination.1 1
    Samuel Zwemer, The Origin of Religion By
    Evolution or by Revelation, (Trans. Vict.
    Institute, Volume 67 1937) p. 189

Dangers of Shirk
  • 1. Shirk is the only unforgivable sin in the
    sight of Allaah,
  • Indeed, Allaah does not forgive association with
    Him, but He forgives what is less than that for
    whomever He wills.
  • an-Nisaa (4) 116

  • If a person dies practicing shirk, or not having
    repented from it, they will not be forgiven.
  • 2. Shirk prohibits a person from entering
  • Indeed, he who associates others with Allaah
    Allaah has forbidden him Paradise.
  • al-Maaidah (5) 72

  • 3. Shirk is so evil that it destroys all of a
    persons good deeds,
  • And it was already revealed to you and to those
    before you that if you should associate
    (anything) with Allaah, your work would surely
    become worthless, and you would surely be among
    the losers.
  • az-Zumar (39) 65

  • The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) said
    Do not commit shirk with Allaah, even if you are
    cut into pieces, or burnt. (Ibn Maajah)

Knowing Shirk
  • Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said The companions would
    ask the Prophet about good, but I would ask about
    evil as I was scared that I might fall into it.
  • A poet said,
  • Learn evil so as to avoid it,
  • Whoever does not know evil from good, will fall
    into it (i.e. evil)

Categories of Shirk
  • Shirk is not of one type and can be put into
    different categories which each look at shirk
    from a different view
  • FIRST a category that looks at shirk in relation
    to tawheed.
  • SECOND a category that looks at shirk from its
    various levels.
  • THIRD apparent or hidden shirk.

Shirk in the Categories of Tawheed
  • 1. Shirk in Ruboobiyyah. As Tawheed
    ar-Ruboobiyyah means affirming the Existence and
    Actions of Allaah, there are a number of ways in
    which shirk can take place in it.
  • Shirk by denial
  • Denying that creation has a Creator.
  • Denying the perfect existence of Allaah by
    denying His Names and Attributes.

  • Denying all of Allaahs Names and Attributes is
    denial of Allaahs Lordship, even if a person
    verbally acknowledges the existence of Allaah.
    Everything that exists must be characterised by
    certain attributes that distinguish it from other
  • iii. Denying the rights that He is entitled to
    such as claiming that Allaah is one with creation
    or that the universe is eternal.

  • This is like the theory of wahdat ul-wujood
    (unity of existence) perinialism and pantheism.
    Such a the sufis Ibn Arabi and al-Hallaaj and
    other extremist sufis.
  • b. Shirk by affirmation when one affirms
    another creator or lord besides Allaah. Certain
    extreme quasi-Islamic sects fall into this when
    they consider that their religious leaders can
    control the universe and have the power to give
    life death.

2. Shirk in Uloohiyyah
  • Tawheed in Uloohiyyah means that acts of worship
    are directed to Allaah only. Thus, to direct any
    act of worship to other than Allaah is an example
    of shirk in Uloohiyyah. Examples of acts of
    worship that are due only to Allaah are duaa,
    prayer, prostration, vows and oaths. Shirk in
    Uloohiyyah is the most common type of shirk
    amongst people.

3. Shirk in Asmaa was-Sifaat
  • Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat involves affirming
    for Allaah the Most beautiful Names and Perfect
    Attributes. So shirk within this category can
    take place in a number of ways
  • By comparing Allaah to the creation.
  • By comparing creation to Allaah, when creation is
    given the Names and Attributes that belong solely
    to Allaah. So to claim that a certain saint knows
    everything, or can hear the plea of any
    worshipper, is in fact shirk is Asmaa was-Sifaat.

  • c. By deriving the names of idols from Allaahs
    names, this was the practice of the Jaahiliyyah
  • The Quraan mentions shirk in these three
    categories, Allaah says,
  • Say, (O Muhammad), Invoke those you claim (as
    deities) besides Allaah. they do not possess an
    atoms weight (of ability) in the heavens or on
    the earth, and they do not have therein any
    partnership (with Him), nor is there for Him from
    among them any assistant.
  • Saba (34) 22

  • A verse which mentions shirk in Uloohiyyah is,
  • So whoever would hope for the meeting with his
    Lord let him do righteous work and not
    associate (yushrik) in the worship of his Lord
  • al-Kahf (18) 110

  • Shirk in Asmaa was-Sifaat is also negated
    frequently in the Quraan,
  • And He does not share in His legislation with
  • al-Kahf (18) 26
  • And there is no equal to him
  • al-Ikhlaas (112) 4

Major and Minor Shirk
  • In the Quraan and sunnah, it can be seen that
    shirk is not all of one level. The Prophet
    (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said, The matter I
    fear for you most is minor shirk riya (showing
    off). (Musnad Ahmad)

  • Major shirk is that of making partners with
    Allaah. Minor shirk is that which does not expel
    one from Islaam. Examples are showing off, giving
    an oath by using a name other than Allaahs Names
    (such as swearing by jove, by ones parents, or
    ones honour this exalts an object that is not
    worthy), and attributing occurrences to creation
    by saying for example, were it not for the
    policeman, we would have been robbed.

Causes of Shirk
  • Exaggeration Going to extremes with regards to
    pious people and objects. Raising their status
    and transgressing the bounds. The Prophet said
    Beware of extremism, for the people before you
    were destroyed due to it. (Musnad Ahmad)
  • Ibn Qayyim said Of the primary causes of
    idol-worship is the exaggeration of the created.
    So a person is raised above his actual status
    until he is worshipped.

  • Callers to Evil who influence people with false
    arguments and eloquence.
  • Following Ancestors and Culture one of the main
    causes of shirk is due to many people not
    questioning the beliefs of their forefathers, or
    the religion of their society. Allaah says,
  • And when it is said to them Follow what has
    been revealed by Allaah, they respond, Rather,
    we will follow what we found our forefathers
  • al-Baqarah (2) 170

  • Shaytaan beautifies shirk, and acts of shirk thus
    become romanticised.
  • Incorrect comparisons the first to do this was
    Iblees when he felt that he was better than Adam,
    merely because he was created from fire and Adam
    was created from clay.
  • Comparing the creation to the Creator, by giving
    any object of creation attributes that belong
    solely to Allaah.
  • Comparing the Creator to the created.

  • For example, some say Just like an average
    person cannot approach a king except through a
    minister or aide, so too it is not possible for a
    sinful persons dua to be answered until he goes
    through a Prophet or saint. Thus, Allaah is
    compared to a king!? This analogy is in fact a
    proof against those who try to use it!
  • 3. Comparing pious people to prophets. Some
    people try to seek blessings or barakah from
    saints or marabouts or pirs or shaykhs.
    Yet this was a special matter exclusive to the
    Prophet, the companions did not attempt to seek
    blessings from Aboo Bakr, Umar or any of the
    major companions.

  • 4. Comparing the life of dead prophets with the
    life of the living. The belief that prophets are
    alive in their graves continuing a life similar
    to the life of this world drives many people to
    ask dead prophets (alayhim-salaam) for favours
    and duas. The type of life that a prophet enjoys
    after his death is completely different to the
    one that we experience in this world, to say that
    they are the same leads to shirk. There is no
    evidence that the prophets can hear conversations
    that take place at their graves.

  • The only matter that the Prophet (sallallaahu
    alayhi wassallam) stated reaches him after death
    is the sending of salutations upon him, for
    Allaah has assigned special angels to bring him
    these salaams. Other than that there is no
    evidence that requests reach him as well,
    henceforth, none of the companions ever requested
    any matter from him after his death.

A Common Doubt
  • How can you compare the Prophet or AbdulQaadir
    al-Jeelaanee to idols?
  • The response to this is in emphasising the fact
    that shirk is not dependent upon who is
    worshipped, but the fact that other than Allaah
    is being worshipped.
  • Imaam as-Sananee quote.
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