Title: UXO%20101%20Informational%20Brief
1- UXO 101 Informational Brief
- 1940s Bomb and Shell Disposal Squads
- Source National Archives
- Donated by Rick Stauber (U.S. Army EOD Retired)
2TRIVA Questions
- 1) When was the earliest concerted civilian lead
effort by the DoD to clear UXO areas (i.e., WWII
bombing, gunnery and training areas)? - 2) Who conducted the clearance and who (i.e.,
what USACE District) managed / contracted the
31940s- Bomb and Shell Disposal Units (multiple
at least 14 squads)
TSU (Detachment 14) Bomb and Shell Unit
4Who, Where, and Policy
- USACE LA District
- Engineers
- Laborers
- Local hired horsemen
- Prisoners
- Locations
- Camp Lockett, Ca
- Victorville Army Air Base, Ca
- Fort Huachuca, AZ
- Port Angeles, WA
- Camp Claiborne, LA
- Camp Wolters, TX
- Pueblo Precision Bombing Range, CO
- Camp Hale, CO
- Policy Directives
- Surplus Real Estate Directive (SPD) 4892-3
- LA District 2364-3
- Certificate of Clearance typically issued
- The following images are from reports found at
the National Archives documenting the progress of
Detachment 14 of the Bomb and Shell Disposal
Squad - Images from 1946 1949 taken at various
6Bomb and Shell Disposal Squad Det 14 Range Sweep
7100lbs. GP Bomb HE filled
8100lbs. GP Bomb HE filled
9100lbs. GP Bomb HE filled
10100lbs. GP Bomb HE filled
11100lbs. GP Bomb HE filled
12100lbs. GP Bomb HE filled
13Preparing the Disposal Shot
14A Disposal Shot
1581mm Mortar Tail Fin
16Unexploded Mortars
17Unexploded Mortars and Mortar Debris
18Aircraft Flare M26 Parachute
19M38 Practice Bomb
20M38 Practice Bomb
21Victorville, CA UXO Search
22Victorville, CA Target Circle
23Victorville, CA Target
24Victorville, CA Demolition Area
25Victorville, CA Demolition Target Y
26- Have an idea for a UXO 101 Presentation or want
to donate material please contact us. - Also keep in mind that Corporate Sponsorship
Opportunities are Available with
- For Details Contact the
- Marketing Coordinator
- Jenna Coven
- jenna_at_uxoinfo.com
- 267.295.8010
- 443.857.7474 (cell)