Gametogenesis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Egg Membranes and Structure. ... (mammals) = layer of follicle cells that become sloughed off after fertilization. ... Contains nucleus ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gametogenesis

  • Reproduction in vertebrates is by sexual means
    involving haploid (1N) germ cells
  • Ovum female component
  • Spermatozoa male component
  • Both arise through meiosis cell division where
    each daughter cell receives ½ genetic material
    from original cell
  • Primordial germ cells derived from extraembryonic
    endoderm (yolk sac) ? migrate to gonads

  • Oogenesis occurs in Ovary within a follicle of
    epithelial cells
  • Spermatogenesis occurs in germinal epithelium
    lining seminiferous tubules of testis
  • Oogenesis begins with oogonium Spermatogenesis
    begins with spermatogonium
  • Both are normal 2N cells
  • Reduction in chromosome number accomplished via
    two meiotic divisions

Stages in Gametogenesis
  • Pairing and doubling of chromosomes in ____gonia,
    followed by growth as primary ____ocyte (2 X 2N)
  • 1st meiotic division produces two 2 X 1N cells (
    secondary ____ocytes)
  • 2nd meiotic division produces four haploid cells
    (spermatids, ova)
  • Spermatids mature and differentiate to form
    functional spermatozoa
  • In spermatogenesis, all 4 sperm cells produced
    are viable
  • In oogenesis, only 1 of 4 cells produced is
  • Others become abortive as polar bodies (only
    small amount of cytoplasm) that later degenerate

Fig 14.22 - Oogenesis
Fig 14.30 - Spermatogenesis
Egg Membranes and Structure
  • Cytoplasm enclosed within plasma membrane
  • Vitelline membrane thin membrane closely
    attached to plasma membrane
  • Zona pellucida glycoprotein layer (mammals)
  • Corona radiata (mammals) layer of follicle
    cells that become sloughed off after fertilization

Sperm Structure
  • Spermatozoa from different animals have a wide
    variety of forms
  • All have head and tail regions
  • Head region serves two functions
  • Contains nucleus (genetic function)
  • Acrosomal cap contains enzymes that allow sperm
    to break down membranes around egg and fertilize
  • Tail flagellum that provides motility
  • Midpiece between head and tail contains
    mitochondria that provide ATP to fuel swimming

Ovarian follicle
  • Several obstacles must be overcome for successful
  • Sperm and egg must come into proximity
  • Cell to cell contact must occur
  • Sperm must penetrate egg cell

Mechanisms for Proximity
  • Transport occurs in liquid medium
  • Eggs and sperm simultaneously shed into water
  • Occurs in fishes (except Chondrichthyes) and most
  • Sperm introduced directly into female tract
  • Usually involves copulatory organs in males (none
    present in tuatara, birds, salamanders
    copulation by cloacal kiss)
  • Occurs in animals with shelled eggs or viviparous
    habits as sperm must reach egg before shell is
    added (Chondrichthyes, most Amphibians, Amniotes)

Mechanisms for Contact
  • For internal fertilization, sperm travel within
    female tract by passive transport (dependent on
    muscular contractions and ciliary currents
    provided by female tract).
  • Little active swimming by sperm for transport
  • Contact in external fertilization accomplished by
    random swimming movements of sperm in water

Mechanisms for Egg Barrier Penetration
  • Once contact with egg has been established, the
    next step is to penetrate the egg so that nuclear
    materials can unite to form the diploid zygote.
  • Barrier penetration mechanisms are chemical in
    nature and involve acrosomal reaction
  • Sperm Lysins enzymes that locally dissolve egg
  • Produced by acrosomal cap
  • Sperm lysins differ among animal groups as
    membranes surrounding eggs differ (e.g., jelly
    coat in amphibians, follicle cells of corona
    radiata in mammals)

Mechanisms for Egg Barrier Penetration
  • Acrosome Reaction involves
  • Release of sperm lysins
  • Fusion of egg and sperm membranes
  • In some animals, acrosomal reaction involves
    exposure of binding sites on plasma membrane of
    sperm, via acrosomal tubule or filament, which
    bind to receptors on p.m. of egg in
    species-specific manner
  • This binding precedes fusion of sperm and egg
    plasma membranes

Acrosomal Reaction in Hemichordates
sperm lysins
Binding sites exposed that bind to receptors on
egg plasma membrane
Mechanisms for Egg Barrier Penetration
  • In mammals, there is no development of acrosomal
  • Instead, fluids of female reproductive tract
    induce capacitation ? primes sperm for
    fertilization and includes removal of some
    components from sperm surface.
  • After capacitation, hyaluronidase on the sperm
    head is exposed and breaks down the hyaluronic
    acid cementing the follicle cells of corona
    radiata (which surround the egg) together ?
    allows sperm passage through corona radiata to
    contact zona pellucida (a glycoprotein layer
    surrounding the egg)

Mechanisms for Egg Barrier Penetration
  • Zona pellucida has species-specific receptors for
    binding sperm
  • Binding causes rupture of acrosome, which
    releases contents that break down zona pellucida
    and allow contact with egg plasma membrane
  • Binding also exposes proteins on sperm surface
    that bind with receptors on egg plasma membrane
    to facilitate fusion of sperm and egg
  • Fusion of plasma membranes releases sperm genetic
    material into egg as sperm pronucleus
  • Male and female genetic material will soon
    combine forming a diploid zygote

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Post-fertilization Responses in Zygote
  • Formation of Fertilization Cone outward bulge
    of egg cytoplasm that serves to engulf sperm
  • Occurs upon fusion of sperm and egg plasma
  • Recession of cone brings sperm nucleus into egg
  • Egg Activation
  • Upon fusion (within 3 sec) get membrane
    depolarization or hyperpolarization
    (species-dependent) ? blocks entrance of gt 1
    sperm ( Fast block to polyspermy)

Post-fertilization Responses in Zygote
  • Next, get Ca2 release from internal stores
    within egg triggers cortical reaction ? release
    of cortical granules to perivitelline space
    around egg
  • Cortical granule release causes development of
    fertilization membrane blocking further sperm
    entry ( Slow block to polyspermy)
  • Slow block to polyspermy occurs about 25-30 sec
  • Seems to occur only for microlecithal eggs (e.g.,
    mammals) entrance of gt 1 sperm into eggs of
    birds, reptiles and some amphibians common, but
    only 1 sperm contributes to zygote (others
    somehow inactivated)

Fast Block to Polyspermy
Slow Block to Polyspermy
Post-fertilization Responses in Zygote
  • Rearrangement of internal constituents within egg
  • Sets up gradients of certain substances and plane
    of bilateral symmetry within zygote for some
  • Fusion of Haploid Nuclei
  • In most vertebrates, meiosis within egg arrested
    after 1st meiotic division. Sperm entry
    stimulates 2nd meiotic division to produce female
    pronucleus (and 2nd polar body)
  • Once this 2nd division occurs, female pronucleus
    is ready for union with male pronucleus

Post-fertilization Responses in Zygote
  • Fusion of Haploid Nuclei (cont.)
  • Male and female pronuclei next approach each
    other (mechanism by which this movement occurs is
    not known with certainty)
  • Next get fusion of pronuclei
  • In some animals (including most vertebrates),
    pronucleus membrane degenerates ? free
    chromosomes arrange themselves at spindle
    (metaphase of mitosis) ? completion of mitosis ?
    dipolid zygote

  • Definition development of the egg in the
    absence of sperm
  • Occurrence suggests that
  • (1) egg activation and nuclear fusion are
    separate developmental processes
  • (2) the ovum contains all the capacities
    necessary for embryo formation all that is
    necessary is some triggering agent
  • Eggs can be activated by a number of chemical,
    thermal, electrical or mechanical means

  • Parthenogenetic individuals are expected to be
    haploid (and many are), but these embryos are
    often diploid.
  • Doubling of chromosomes accomplished in 3 ways
  • Suppression of 2nd meiotic division occurs only
    in eggs completing this division after
  • Refusion with second polar body
  • Suppression of 1st mitotic division ( 1st
    cleavage division)

  • Haploid embryos generally show premature
    developmental arrest
  • Parthenogenetic diploid embryos also usually show
    premature developmental arrest
  • However, in several invertebrates parthenogenesis
    is normal (e.g., male drones of bee colony) and
    there are several species of naturally occurring
    parthenogenetic lizards (the entire population is
  • Artificial selection procedures have developed
    parthenogenetic strain of turkeys

The asexual, all-female whiptail species
Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (center), which
reproduces via parthenogenesis, is shown flanked
by two sexual species having males, C. inornaus
(left) and C. tigris (right), which hybridized
naturally to form the C. neomexicanus species.
Methods of Bearing Young
  • Oviparous egg laying
  • Primitive condition for vertebrates
  • Occurs in most fishes, amphibians, reptiles, all
    birds, monotremes
  • Viviparous live-bearing
  • Advanced condition in vertebrates
  • Some live-bearers occur in all vertebrate classes
    except cyclostomes and birds
  • Evolved by retention of eggs within body to
    increase survival of young

Placental Connections in Viviparous Vertebrates
  • Anamniotes with connection between yolk sac and
    maternal tissues through which exchange of
    metabolites occurs (e.g., Chondrichthyes)
  • Reptiles use yolk sac, chorion, allantois
    (extraembryonic membranes) or some combination
    for connection
  • Mammals with a variety of connections

Early Development/Placentation in Mammals
  • After formation of zygote ? cleavage ? produces
  • Blastula forms before embryo reaches uterus
  • Mammalian blastula consists of trophoblast and
    inner cell mass (ICM becomes embryo)
  • Upon reaching uterus, trophoblast overlying ICM
    makes contact with uterine endometrium ?
    trophoblast cells rapidly multiply and insert
    among epithelial cells lining endometrium and
    endometrial cells degenerate ? implantation
  • Continued trophoblast cell division ?
    placentation embryo becomes buried w/in
    endometrial lining

Fig 5.32
Mammalian Placenta Formation
  • Structure produced by apposition and fusion of
    extraembryonic membranes of embryo with uterine
    endometrium of mother
  • Extraembryonic membranes tissues external to
    embryo not participating in embryo formation, but
    functioning in maintenance of the embryo
  • In Amniotes, four extraembryonic membranes exist

Extraembryonic Membranes
  • Yolk Sac forms from extraembryonic hypomere
    (splanchnopleure) that expands to enclose yolk
  • This is the only extraembryonic membrane present
    in Anamniotes, so it occurs in all vertebrates
  • Functions to derive nutrients from yolk in yolky
    eggs to nourish developing embryo
  • In Amniotes, extraembryonic somatopleure grows
    over embryo by folding back on itself producing a
    double hood of somatopleure
  • From this structure develop Amnion and Chorion

Extraembryonic Membranes
  • Amnion forms from inner somatopleure ectoderm
  • Chorion forms from outer somatopleure
    ectoderm (outside)
  • Amnion serves as fluid-filled sac for embryonic
  • Replicates aquatic developmental environment of
    primitive vertebrates.
  • Allows complete conquest of terrestrial habitats
  • Chorion functions in protection of embryo and in
    exchange of gases (and metabolites in placenta)

Extraembryonic Membranes
  • Outgrowth of splanchnopleure from posterior
    region of gut in Amniotes eventually expands to
    fill extraembryonic coelom ( space between
    amnion and chorion)
  • This membrane is the Allantois composed of
    splanchnic mesoderm (outside) endoderm
  • Mesoderm fuses with mesoderm of chorion to form
    Chorioallantoic Membrane main gas exchange
    organ for Amniote embryos
  • Allantois also serves waste storage function

Fig 5.29 Extraembryonic membrane formation in a
Fig 5.30
Fig 5.30 Extraembryonic membrane formation in a
Mammalian Placenta
  • From chorion (outermost extraembryonic membrane),
    finger-like processes grow outward to interlock
    with uterine endometrium
  • Blood streams of mother and fetus never mix
    always separated by epithelial membrane, so
    exchange of gases and nutrients occurs by
    diffusion across this membrane
  • Chorion is not in direct contact with embryo so
    some means of blood supply from embryo to
    placenta (and back) must occur

Mammalian Placenta
  • Blood Supply to developing embryo differs between
    marsupial and placental mammals
  • Marsupials mostly Choriovitelline fetal
  • Yolk sac associated with inner surface of chorion
  • Blood vessels develop in mesoderm of yolk sac
  • This situation also occurs to some extent in
    several placental groups (e.g., rodents)
  • Placentals Chorioallantoic fetal placenta
  • Dominant connection to chorion provided by
    allantois, yolk sac usually degenerates
  • Allantoic mesoderm forms blood vessels that
    function in gas nutrient exchange, waste

Fig 5.33 Fetal extraembryonic membranes in
various Amniotes
Mammalian Placenta Types
  • Primitive Condition apposition without fusion
  • Advanced Condition fusion of maternal and fetal
    tissues (deciduous)
  • Four Types occur
  • Epitheliochorial most primitive
  • Occurs in pig and some other mammals
  • Maternal and fetal blood separated by 6 layers
    endothelium, CT, epithelium, epithelium, CT,

Mammalian Placenta Types
  • Syndesmochorial no uterine epithelium
  • Occurs in ruminant mammals (cattle, sheep, etc.)
  • Endotheliochorial no maternal epithelium or CT
  • Occurs in carnivores
  • Hemochorial advanced condition
  • Chorionic epithelium bathed in maternal blood
  • Occurs in primates and many rodents

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