Title: Picornaviruses
- Small (pico)
- Naked capsid
- gt230 members
- 5 genera
- 5 genera
- Enterovirus Rhinovirus Heparnavirus
- Cardiovirus Aphtovirus
- Enteroviruses
- At least 72 serotypes
- Polioviruses
- Coxsackieviruses
- Echoviruses
5International Virus Taxonomi committee
- Enterovirus genus (EV)
- Poliovirus
- and EV A, B, C and D.
- Parechovirus cinsi (PeV) echovirus 22 ve 23
- Enteroviruses (EV)
- At least 72 serotypes
- Polioviruses
- Coxsackieviruses
- Echoviruses
- Human parechoviruses 1-3 (HPeV)
- Enterovirus
- Poliovirus type 1, 2, and 3
- Coxsackie A virus types 1 to 22 and 24
- Coxsackie B virus types 1 to 6
- Echovirus (ECHO virus) types 1 to 9, 11 to 27,
and 29 to 34 - Enterovirus 68 to 71
- Rhinovirus types 1 to 100
- Cardiovirus
- Aphtovirus
- Heparnavirus
- Enteroviruses
- Capsid very resistant facilitates transmission by
the fecal-oral route - Infection initiated in the gastrointestinal tract
- Rarely cause enteric disease
- Infections are usually asymptomatic
- The specifity of the picornavirus interaction for
cellular receptors is the major determinant of
the target tissue tropism and disease - VP1 and canyon
- 80 of rhinoviruses and several serotypes of of
coxsackieviruses recognize ICAM-1 - polio a different molecule
- The diseases produced by the enteroviruses are
determined mainly by differences in tissue
tropism and cytolytic capacity of the virus - Poliovirus with the narrowest tissue
tropism recognize a receptor expressed on
anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, dorsal
root ganglia, motor neurons, skeletal muscle
cells, and few other cells
- Portal of entry
- Oropharynx
- Intestinal tract
- Most enteroviruses are cytolytic
- Excp HAV
- Viral shedding
- From oropharynx
- From the intestine (gt 30 days)
- Antibody is the major protective immune response
to the enteroviruses
- The enteroviruses are exclusively human
pathogenes - Spread by the fecal-oral route
- Asymptomatic shedding can occur
- Poor sanitation and crowded living conditions
foster transmission of the viruses - Enterovirus epidemics sewage contamination of
water supplies - Outbreaks in schools day care centers (summer)
- Spread via resp. tract coxsackie echov.
- Poliovirus has been eliminated from the Western
Hemisphere, but - not from the world
- Polio cause more severe disease in late
childhood, the adolescent years, or adulthood - Coxsackie A mor severe in adults than children
- Coxsackie B some echos can be particularly
harmful to infants
15Enteroviruses/Clinical syndromes
- Poliovirus infections
- Asymptomatic illness (90)
- Abortive poliomyelitis (minor illness)
- Nonspecific febrile illness (5)
- Nonparalytic poliomyelitis or aseptic meningitis
- 1 to 2, symptomes of the minor illness CNS sm
- Paralytic polio, the major illness
- 0.1 to 2.0
16(No Transcript)
17Enteroviruses/Clinical syndromes
- Poliovirus infections
- Paralytic poliomyelitis
- Asymmetrical flaccid paralysis with no sensory
loss - Poliovirus type 1 is responsible for 85 of cases
- Vaccine-associated disease (reversion of type
23) - Recovery, within 6 months to 2 years
- Bulbar poliomyelitis
- More severe, 75 death, iron lungs (1950s)
- Postpolio syndrome (30-40 years later) in 20-80
of the original victims)
18(No Transcript)
19Enteroviruses/Clinical syndromes
- Coxsackievirus and echovirus infections
- Herpangina
- Several types of Coxsackie A
- Hand-foot-and-mouth disease ( a vesicular
exanthem) - Usually caused by coxsackievirus A16
- Pleurodynia (Bornholms disease)(Devils grip)
- Fever unilateral low thoracic, pleuritic chest
pain - Coxsackie B
20Enteroviruses/Clinical syndromes
- Coxsackievirus and echovirus infections
- Myocardial and pericardial infections
- Coxsackie B
- Occur sporadically in older children and adults
- Most threatening in newborns
- Febrile illness, sudden unexplained onset of
heart failure high mortality
21Enteroviruses/Clinical syndromes
- Coxsackievirus and echovirus infections
- Viral (aseptic meningitis)
- Acute febrile illness CNS symptoms
- Petechia or a rash
- Summer and autumn outbreaks with Echo 11
- Fever, rash and common cold-like symptoms
- Other diseases
- Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
- Enterovirus 70 and coxsackie A24
22Enteroviruses/Clinical syndromes
- Coxsackievirus and echovirus infections
- Other diseases
- Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
- Enterovirus 70 and coxsackie A24
- transplacental infection
- Insulin-dependent diabetes
- Coxsackie B
- Respiratory infections
- Gastrointestinal infections
24Enteroviruses/Laboratory Diagnosis
- Nükleic acit detection
- Isolation
- Serology Antibody
- Pleconaril new antiviral drug
26Enteroviruses/ Prevention control
- The prevention of paralytic polyomyelitis is one
of the triumphs of modern medicine - Poliovirus vaccines
- IPV, developed by Jonas Salk
- OPV, developed by Albert Sabin (live attenuated)
27'Poliosuz Ülke Sertifikasi
- Rutin asilama çalismalarina ek olarak Ulusal Asi
Günleri (UAG) ve Mop-up gibi destek asilamalar
düzenlemesi gerekmistir. - 1998 yilinda tip 1 poliovirüse bagli son çocuk
felci vakasi Agri ilinde saptanmistir. - Bu vaka ayni zamanda DSÖ Avrupa bölgesinin de
son polio vakasi olmustur. - Türkiye, Dünya Saglik Örgütü Avrupa bölgesi ile
birlikte 21 haziran 2002 tarihinde çocuk felci
hastaligindan (polio) arindirilmis olarak
28Iron lung
29Polio sekeli
- Most important cause of the common cold and URTI
- ICAM-1
- Unable to replicate in the GIT
- Labile to pH
- Grow best _at_ 33oC
- Infection can be initiated by as little as 1
(one) infectious viral particle - Runny nose
- Most important cause of URTI 50
- Common cold
- Enteroviruses
- Coronaviruses
- Adenoviruses
- Parainfluenza viruses
- Common cold symptoms
- Sneezing
- Rhinorrhea nasal obstruction
- Mild sore throat
- Headache
- Malaise
- Cough
- Fever rigors
- The clinical syndrome of the common cold is
usually so characteristic that laboratory
diagnosis is unnecessary!!