Title: Local%20Climate%20Estimator
1Local Climate Estimator
Jürgen Grieser
And The Agromet Group
And Jeroen Ticheler
- Environment and Natural Resources Service
2Local Climate Estimator
Estimates the Climate at a given location.
3Why should this be important?
- In order to investigate climatic constraints.
- investigate deviations from Normal states.
- compare different locations.
4Why should this be a difficult problem?
- Climate is highly variable in time and space.
- This variability happens to occur on all scales.
- Pole/Equator
- South/North of a tree
5How does LocClim estimate the local climate?
How gooddoes LocClim estimate the local climate?
6How to estimate the climate of a given location?
- Nearest-Neighbor Approximation
7How to estimate the climate of a given location?
- Nearest-Neighbor Approximation
8How to estimate the climate of a given location?
Fixed number of neighbors
Fixed maximum distance
9How to estimate the climate of a given location?
- Weighted Averaging
- Inverse Distance
10How to estimate the climate of a given location?
- Weighted Averaging
- Inverse Distance
11How to estimate the climate of a given location?
- Weighted Averaging
- Inverse Distance
- According neighborhood (shadowing)
12How to estimate the climate of a given location?
- Weighted Averaging
- Inverse Distance
- According neighborhood (shadowing)
- According to altitude
13How to estimate the climate of a given location?
- Systematic Approximations
- Altitude Functions
14How to estimate the climate of a given location?
- Systematic Approximations
- Horizontal Functions
Horizontal Coordinates
15Which method is the best?
- Nearest Neighbor
- Simple Averaging
- Inverse Distance Weighted Averaging
- Shadow Controlled Averaging
- Systematic Altitude Function
- Systematic Horizontal Function
There is no general answer!
16What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction to reduce all obseravtions to
the Altitude of the desired location.
17What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction to reduce all obseravtions to
the Altitude of the desired location.
18What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction to reduce all obseravtions to
the Altitude of the desired location.
19What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction to reduce all obseravtions to
the Altitude of the desired location.
20What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction to reduce all obseravtions to
the Altitude of the desired location.
21What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction
22What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction
- Horizontal Correction
23What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction
- Horizontal Correction
24What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction
- Horizontal Correction
25What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction
- Horizontal Correction
- Inverse Distance Weighted Averaging
26What is LocClim doing?
- Altitude Correction
- Horizontal Correction
- Inverse Distance Weighting
- Shadow Controlled Weighting
27How good is the estimate?
- Depends on region and climate variable
- LOCLIM only estimates the expectation value of
the observation - not the truth.
28Quality Assessment
29Quality Assessment
30Quality Assessment
- Calculate the estimation error at every station
- Average Error Bias
- Variability Local Climate Variability
31Quality Assessment
- Never trust extrapolated data.
32Quality Assessment
- Never trust extrapolated data.
33Quality Assessment
- Never trust extrapolated data.
34Quality Assessment
- Never trust extrapolated data.
35Quality Assessment
- Never trust extrapolated data.
36Quality Assessment
- Never trust extrapolated data.
37Quality Assessment
- Never trust extrapolated data.
38Are there enough data?
39Global Database(maintained by Fulvia Petrassi,
The Agromet Group)
Variable (Monthly Values) Number of stations Max. Distance (km) if homogeneously distributed
Mean Temperature 20828 49 km
Minimum Temperature 11550 65 km
Maximum Temperature 11544 65 km
Precipitation 27375 43 km
Potential Evapotranspiration 4285 107 km
Windspeed 3779 114 km
Vapor Pressure 3959 111 km
40Lets try it!
41(No Transcript)
42Maximale Entfernung bei gleichmäßiger Verteilung
43Maximale Entfernung bei gleichmäßiger Verteilung
Variable Max. Entfernung Stationen
Temp. 49 km 20828
Min. T. 65 km 11550
Max. T. 65 km 11544
Nieder. 43 km 27375
PET 107 km 4285
Wind 114 km 3779
Dampf 111 km 3959
44Mögliche Fehlerquellen
- Systematische Fehler
- - Horizontalgradient der Variable
- - Vertikalgradient der Variable
- - ...
- Statistische Fehler
- - Durch lokale Schwankungen
- - Durch Ausreißer (Ort, Wert)
- - ...
- Behandlung mit Jackknife-Verfahren
45How does the climate look likeat any location on
- Investigate climatic constraints
- Investigate deviations from normals (average
conditions) - Compare different locations