Title: P-T-t%20Paths%20and%20Their%20Significance
1P-T-t Paths and Their Significance
2Metamorphic Field Gradient Trend of Thermal
Maxima Across Metamorphic Facies
3Clockwise P-T-t Path
4P-T-t Path Reflecting Crustal Thickening
5A Crustal Thickening P-T-t Path
Central Indian Tectonic Zone (Proterozoic)
6P-T-t Path for Connemara Inlier
Early Barrovian P-T-t Path showing effects of
later arc-related magmatism and variable
7P-T-t Path of Burial Metamorphism
Field gradient 25 oC/Km
8Subduction and exhumation in 10 Ma. Prograde,
retrograde stages of a single metamorphic cycle
Alpine orogeny, Rhodope Region, Greece
(1, 2) Gt-hbl thermometry Gt-amph-plag-qtz
barometry (3) Jd-Ky isograd (eclogite facies) (4)
Plag-Cor isograd (granulite facies) 5) Gt-Hbl
thermometry, gt-amph-plag-qtz barometry
10 oC/Km
30 oC/Km
SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircon
Liati and Gebauer, 1999
9Clockwise P-T-t Path in a Back-Arc Basin
ODP Site 976 between Spain and Morocco Miocene
extensional basin
Exhumation in 6 Ma _at_ 4km/Ma
10Alpine Uplift Rates from Geothermobarometry and
40Ar-39Ar Dating
Uplift Rate
20 Ma
18 Ma
18 Ma
13.3 Ma
7.1 Ma
11Counter Clockwise P-T-t Paths
12Counter-clockwise Path Commonly Occurs Under
Granulite Facies Conditions
13Counter clockwise P-T-t Path Archean Granulite
14Proterozoic Metamorphism N. Australia
15Counter-clockwise Paths in HP and LP Granulite
16Clockwise P-T-t Path for Granulite Facies,
17Variscan Clockwise and Counter-clockwise Paths in
the Odenwald, Germany