Working%20with%20Adults;%20Dementia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Working with Adults; Dementia Ian Mathews Senior Lecturer in Social Work What is (senile) dementia? Dementia is an umbrella term ~ there are over ? different ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Working%20with%20Adults;%20Dementia

Working with AdultsDementia
  • Ian Mathews
  • Senior Lecturer in Social Work

What is (senile) dementia?
  • Dementia is an umbrella term there are over ?
    different types of dementia
  • NB the power of language
  • Senile dementia
  • Alzheimers (disease)
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Dementia with Lewy body
  • Multi infarct dementia/Vascular disease
  • Alcohol related dementia (Korsakoffs syndrome)
  • Huntingtons disease
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) bovine
    spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), a form of prion
    disease affecting cattle.

Some of the characteristics of dementia
  • Memory impairment particularly short term memory
  • Language impairment
  • Disorientation in time space ( wandering)
  • Changes in personality
  • Mood changes
  • Self neglect
  • Disinhibited behaviour Eg uncharacteristic sexual
    or aggressive behaviour
  • The ability to reason or to plan ahead
  • NSF for older people, DOH 2001
  • How can you diagnose dementia?
  • What are the causes of dementia?
  • How can you treat dementia?

Keady Nolan (1995) stage model of dementia
  • Slipping minor lapses in memory behaviour
  • Suspecting people those around them suspect
    that something is wrong
  • Covering up conscious deliberate attempts to
    compensate for loss of function
  • Revealing difficulties shared with those closest
    tot eh individual
  • Confirming acknowledgement, followed by
  • Maximising strategies devised to maximise
  • Disorganisation cognitive physical
    difficulties become increasingly apparent
  • Decline needs increase residential care may be
  • Death

The incidence of dementia
  • There are currently 700,000 people with dementia
    in the UK.
  • There are currently 15,000 younger people with
    dementia in the UK.
  • There will be over a million people with dementia
    by 2025.
  • Two thirds of people with dementia are women.
  • 60,000 deaths a year are directly attributable to
  • The financial cost of dementia to the UK is over
    17 billion a year.
  • 64 of people living in care homes have a form of
  • Two thirds of people with dementia live in the
    community while one third live in a care home.

The prevalence of dementia
  • Age
  • 40 65
  • 65 -70
  • 70 80
  • 80 plus
  • Crawford Walker (2005 p 72)
  • Prevalence
  • 1 in 1,000
  • 1 in 50
  • 1 in 20
  • 1 in 5

Living well with dementiaThe National Dementia
Strategy DOH 2009
  • A five year plan backed with 150 million over
    the first two years
  • Has three main aims
  • Ensure better knowledge about dementia remove
    the stigma for professionals public
  • people currently wait up to three years before
    reporting symptoms of dementia to their doctor
  • 70 of carers report being unaware of the
    symptoms of dementia before diagnosis
  • 64 of carers report being in denial about
    their relative having the illness
  • 58 of carers believe the symptoms to be just
    part of ageing
  • only 31 of GPs believe they have received
    sufficient basic and post-qualification training
    to diagnose and manage dementia
  • ( DOH 200926)

Aim 2. Ensure early diagnosis, support
treatment for people with dementia, their family
  • Positive about prevention in dementia whats
    good for your heart is good for your head
  • The current evidence base suggests that up to 50
    of dementia cases may have a vascular component
    (ie vascular dementia or mixed dementia). This
    holds out the possibility of preventing or
    minimising dementia by means of promoting better
    cerebrovascular health.
  • Current health promotion messages on diet and
    lifestyle and actions such as health checks are
    therefore likely to have a positive effect.
  • (DOH 200924)

Aim 2 contd- Ensure early diagnosis, support
treatment for people with dementia, their family
  • early provision of support at home can decrease
    institutionalisation by 22
  • even in complex cases, where the control group
    is served by a highly skilled mental health team,
    case management can reduce admission to care
    homes by 6
  • older peoples mental health services can help
    with behavioural disturbance, hallucinations and
    depression in dementia, reducing the need for
    institutional care

Aim 3 - Develop services to meet changing needs
  • Appointment of dementia advisors
  • Development of carers groups innovative
    services ( dementia cafes, dementia choirs,
  • Improve Community personal support services
  • Emphasise the benefits of personalisation for
    people with dementia ( individual budgets)
  • Provision of respite care Intermediate care

The concept of personhood
  • To be counted as a person, and so have
    personhood, some people think an individual
    should have qualities like insight, rationality
    and memory.
  • Discuss!
  • (Killick J Allan K 200117)

Malignant social psychologyKitwood T (1997)
  • Disempowerment Not letting someone do what they
    are capable of doing.
  • Treachery Tricking someone into taking
    medication by hiding it in food
  • Infantilization Talking to them like a baby
  • Intimidation Making someone frightened
  • Labelling Using their diagnosis as the main way
    of understanding their behaviour
  • Stigmatizing treating someone as an outcast
  • Outpacing Talking, giving information, and
    providing choices too quickly, so the person
    cant keep up.

Malignant social psychology
  • Invalidation Not taking the persons feelings
  • Ignoring Talking over their head, not including
  • Withholding Not giving the attention they need
  • Disruption Breaking into a persons conversation
    or activity rudely, stopping them carrying on
    with whatever they were doing.
  • Mockery Making fun of people
  • Disparagement Saying critical things about
    someone, which will damage their self esteem.
  • Imposition Forcing someone to do something, not
    giving choices.

  • Crawford K Walker J (2005) Social work with
    older people, Exeter, Learning Matters
  • Department of Health (2001) National Service
    Framework for older people
  • Department of Health (2009) Living well with
    dementia the National Dementia Strategy
  • Keady, J., Nolan, M( 1995) Assessing coping
    responses in the early stages of dementia,
    British Journal of Nursing, 4, 309-14
  • Killick J Allan K (2001) Communication and the
    care of people with dementia, Buckingham, Open
    University press
  • Kitwood T, (1997) Dementia reconsidered the
    person comes first, Buckingham, Open University
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