1School of Computing
2Singapore at a Glance
- Cosmopolitan City Island
- Population
- (residents 3.2M total 3.9M)
- Multi-racial multi-religious composition
- Christians (15), Buddhism (42), Islam (15)
- 5-10 GDP Growth for the last 20 years.
- Per Capital GDP 39,721
3NUS School of Computing
- Established July 1998
- Formerly Department of Computer Science, then
changed to Department of Information Systems
Computer Science
4Faculty Staff members
CS IS Total
Professor 7 4 17
Associate Professor 34 9 43
Assistant Professor 14 7 21
Fellow/Senior Fellow 10 2 12
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer 8 2 10
Instructor 4 1 5
Senior Tutor 6 3 9
Teaching Assistant 35 13 48
Total 118 41 159
5Our Campus
Students working in the canteen
6Our Campus
Students working in a laboratory
7Our Campus
Students attending a lecture
8Structure within NUS
School of Computing
Business Sch
Information Systems
Computer Science
9Major Facilities
- Super-Computer
- 200 workstations, 1,000 personal computers, and
200 X-terminals - Plug and play
- Wireless network
10Degree Programmes
- B.Comp. (Hons.) in Computer Science
- B.Comp. (Hons.) in Information Systems
- B.Comp. (Hons.) in Computer Engineering
- B.Comp. (Hons.) in Electronic Commerce
- B.Comp. (Hons.) in Communications and Media
- B.Comp. with Technology or Business Focus
Freshman intake CS/IS CE Total
1996 524 - 524
1997 457 66 523
1998 433 86 519
1999 621 129 750
2000 690 80 770
2001 774 80 854
2002 gt800 gt800 gt800
M.Comp - approx 200M.Sc - approx 200Ph.D. -
approx 100
12Computer Science
- Duration 4 year degree programme
- Focus Strong technical knowledge of computer
science and technology - Topics Programming languages, theory and
algorithms, computer systems, and human-computer
interaction - Careers RD specialists, technical support
specialists, and systems software specialists
13Information Systems
- Duration 4 year degree programme
- Focus Multi-disciplinary knowledge combining
computing and management - Topics IT trends and impact, IT strategy, IT
security, and knowledge management - Careers Technology analysts, management
consultants, and systems integrators
14Computer Engineering
- Duration 4 year degree programme
- Focus Integrated view of software and hardware
interface and design - Topics Embedded systems, mobile devices,
wearable computing, and communications appliances - Careers RD engineers, computer engineers, and
communications engineers
15Electronic Commerce
- Duration 4 year degree programme
- Focus Integrated view of business development
and IT trends - Topics IT trends, entrepreneurship, consumer
behavior, and economic analysis of businesses - Careers IT entrepreneurs, electronic business
analysts, and electronic business consultants
16Communications and Media
- Duration 4 year degree programme
- Focus Technological underpinnings and social
aspects of communications and media - Topics Multimedia information processing,
human-computer interaction, game development,
entertainment with IT, and mass communication
with IT - Careers IT regulators, information services
specialists, and advertising media specialists
17Technology or Business Focus
- Duration 3 year degree programme
- Focus Theoretical computing training and
practical computing experience - Topics Systems analysis and design, systems
integration, end-user computing, and electronic
commerce - Careers Systems analysts, systems programmers,
and end-user support analysts
18Special Programmes
- University scholars programme (for top students)
- Undergraduate research opportunity programme (for
senior students) - Students exchange programme (with overseas
19SoC Affiliated Programmes
- Singapore-MIT Alliance
- Co-taught by MIT and NUS Professors
- SM(CS) and PhD (by research)
- MSc in Logistics
- Dual MSc from NUS and Georgia Tech
- Coursework programme with industrial project
20Industry Connection
- School advisory board (comprises senior IT
practitioners) - Corporate affiliates programme
- (involves leading IT organizations)
- School incubation centres
- (facilitates technopreneur activities)
21Financial Support
- NUS Scholarship
- Top-Ups
- Instructor Assistants
S1500 per mth plus tuition waiver Additional top
ups available
iDA/SoC Fellowships Research Grant
Top-Up Part-time Teaching
Full-time positions. Assist with Tutorials/Labs
Promotion for students who excel.
22Website for School Brochures
- http//www.comp.nus.edu.sg/aboutsoc/SchBrochures.h
23Directions in Research
- Strategic areas Embedded systems, Media,
Electronic Commerce and Bioinformatics - Pursue large grants
- Enhance external collaboration
- Emphasize Ph.D. research
- Emphasize impactful publications Enlightened
review procedures
24CS Areas and Divisions
- Artificial Intelligence
- Media
- Databases
- Systems
- Programming and Theory
- Bioinformatics
25Major CS Research Activities
- Databases
- indexing, web apps, data-mining, P2P,
Genomic, DB, - Systems
- parallel/distributed computing (grid),
embedded systems (architecture), embedded systems
(design), - Bioinformatics
- Artificial Intelligence
- vision, speech and NLP, data-mining, machine
learning, - Media
- information retrieval, security,
- Programming and Theory
- constraint, functional and logic programming,
concurrency models, -
26Research Funding
Unit thousand S
28Research Organizational Structure
- Research laboratories
- 21 labs Algorithms, Centre for Internet
Research, Centre for Systems Security,
Computational Biology, Computer Systems,
Electronic Commerce, Database,Multimedia etc - Research centres
- Systems Security
- Internet Research
- Information Mining and Extraction
- Future centres
- Edutainment Technology
- Computational Logistics
- E-Commerce Technology
29Major Research Activities
30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32Life after Graduation
33Thank You