Title: 22 March World Water Day.
122 March World Water Day.
2From the beginning of time the water was a
precious liquid what was used for cleaning.
Today, this water must be cleaned to ensure our
3Construction of water.
4(No Transcript)
5What is polluted surface water
- Lead
- Merkury
- Cadmium
- Arsenic
6 7Polluted water causes diseases in over 80 of
people in developing countries.
8Women and girls from the Global South countries,
staying an average of 6 km a day carrying 20
liters of water to meet the most basic needs of
their families.
93000 liters of water is consumed during
preparation of daytime food reason for one person
in europe or USA.
10Europeans consume an average of 576 liters of
water per day, including 32 of water is used for
personal hygiene (shower, brushing teeth, etc.).
11Every minute, 7 people die because of a shortage
of clean water or because of its poor quality.
128000 liters of water is consumed during the
production of one pair of shoes.
13To produce 1 ton of meat consumes 5 times more
water than the production of 1 ton of grain.
1490 of sewage water in developing countries goes
into surface waters without being cleaned.
152400 liters of water is needed to produce one
hamburger (150g.).
16In recent decades the area of Arctic sea ice at
the North Pole has shrunk by 10 and the
thickness of the ice above the water decreased by
17Man is so, what is the water that he drink.
18You have an impact on drinking water supplies
through their daily behavior!
- The use of savings programs in the washing
machine, - dishwasher,
- washing in the shower,
- then spin the water while brushing your teeth,
- make sure that the pipes do not leak,
- efficient watering the garden,
- use of rainwater.
19 20Over 80 of today diseases have a direct
relationship of drinking water quality.
21Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant in Tarnobrzeg.
22Lagoon Machow Tarnobrzeg.
23Vistula Tarnobrzeg.
24- Prepared
- Magdalena Ciach and class III a
25Sources of photos www.wikipedia.plwww.pah.o
rg.pl www.wodapitna.pl