Michel Foucault - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Michel Foucault


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault
  1. Dialectic Materialism -- Marx and Vulgar Marxism
  2. Literature, Society Ideology Althusser and
  3. Marxist Literary Theorists Macherey, Eagleton
    and Jameson
  4. Foucault ????????????

and Girl, Interrupted
Image source Foucault
  • Q A Literature, Ideology, Power Discourse
  • Michel Foucault
  • Power and Knowledge Surveillance (Panopticon)
    and Control Grid
  • Knowledge and Discourse
  • References
  • Girl, Interrupted
  • (next time Sociology of Literature
  • ??s novels and films)

Q A Literature, Ideology, Power Discourse
  • 1. Marxist reading
  • How do we do a Marxist reading of a story or a
  • 2. Ideology
  • How do we detect and analyze the ideology(ies) of
    a text?
  • Is a texts ideology the same with authorial
    ideology? Is authorial ideology the authors own
  • Is there anything outside of ideology? (In other
    words, is it possible to stand outside of
    ideology and resist it?)
  • 3. Why Foucault?
  • How is the control of ideology similar to or
    different from that of hegemony, power and

Q A Literature, Ideology, Power Discourse (2)
  • How do we do a Marxist reading of a story or a
  • Capitalist relations of production (class
    relations, consumerism) in the text itself or in
    the production of the text
  • Ideology study
  • 3 Steps Intrinsic study (form content,
    structure) ? Ideology study ? history of

Q A Literature, Ideology, Power Discourse
  • How do we detect and analyze the ideology(ies) of
    a text?
  • With the support of some knowledge of society and
    history, examine and explain the texts
  • Contradictions (between the said and the unsaid,
    the characters, form and content, or different
    parts of the text) gaps
  • Distortion and disguise of economic reality
    and/or relations
  • Thus analyzed, the texts ideology should be
    related to its contemporary social reality.

Q A Literature, Ideology, Power Discourse
  • Is a texts ideology the same with authorial
  • No. A text is a conjuncture of multiple
    ideologies (of literary production, general
    production, aesthetic ideology, etc.)
  • Is authorial ideology the authors own ideas?
  • No. Ideology is not, for Althusser, false
    consciousness it is imagined relations produced
    by many ISA. The author lives in his ideologies,
    but not generating them. (This is an example of
    Althussers anti-humanism.)

Q A Literature, Ideology, Power Discourse
  • Is there anything outside of ideology? (In other
    words, is it possible to stand outside of
    ideology and resist it?)
  • No, except for Marxism as a science.
  • No, but we can resist some ideologies (or
    hegemony) with the support of some others.

Q A Ideology, Power Discourse
  • How is the control of ideology similar to or
    different from that of hegemony, power and

Q A Ideology, Power Discourse
  • Similarity (Ref. Textbook chap 7 152-53)
  • Invisible, non-violent and pervasive control by
    consent (e.g. interpellation, containment and
  • more complicated views of social relations
  • Differences
  • social formation ? network or grids
  • As Ideology structural perspective ignores
  • Gs Hegemony counter-hegemonies formed by
  • Fs power and discourse denies economic
    determinism, ignores agency focused on
    knowledges role

Why Foucault?
Theorists Society Material Control
Althusser ISA vs. RSA relative autonomy and, overdetermination interpellation
Gramsci Competing hegemonies containment
Foucault Discursive formation Penopticism (????) carceral (???) society Knowledge (productive) power, biopower and its technologies ? Over our bodies
Psychoanalysis as a Discourse Institutionalization of literature (Cultural Studies) analysis of social discourses Psychoanalysis as a Discourse Institutionalization of literature (Cultural Studies) analysis of social discourses
Michel Foucault (1926 - 1984)
  • Has impact on areas such as --
  • Sociology, Historiography,
  • Gay and Lesbian Studies,
  • Marxism, Cultural Studies
  • and Literary Studies ( New Historicism)
  • Some Major Poststructuralist Claims
  • -- Man is a product of modernity.
  • -- Knowledge is not Truth, but power.
  • -- Sexuality does not exist except as part of
    discursive formation.

Foucault General Ideas
  • Two periods (ref. chap 7 148)
  • 1) Archaeology of knowledge ?????
  • ? Discourse rules and strategies for the
    formation of subject-positions and knowledge.
    (e.g.Medicine, Madness)
  • 2) Genealogy of power/knowledge ?????
  • examines a variety of institutions and
    non-discursive practices to show how
    power/knowledge is pervasive (e.g. Prison,

Major target psychiatry, biology, medicine,
school, criminology
Power and Knowledge/Truth
  • Power (e.g. plague or SARS control? health pp.
  • -- disciplinary and normalizing power
  • both repressive, controlling and productive
  • Operation
  • -- a perpetual series of observation and modes of
    control of conduct
  • Effects
  • -- induces pleasure, forms knowledge, produces
    discourse (1980 119 chap 7 153-quote)
  • ? producing Truth normal subjects docile
    bodies ? excluding or punishing abnormal ones.

Power Control Grid
  • Power pervasive
  • -- not just top-down it circulates, working in
    multiple direction like capillary (???)
  • e.g. control and regulation of our health,
    sexuality (as reproductive mechanism) or any
    other forms of social production.

Panopticon (????) a metaphor for social control

Detailed regulation constant surveillance Chap
7 p. 150
A circular building with the central control
tower ? control internalized.
  • (textbook 150)
  • Total Visibility of the prisoners, invisibility
    of guard, or anybody taking the position in the
    central control tower (subject position)
  • Isolation cannot see the other prisoners in the
    other cells
  • internalize the control
  • disciplined when not watched.(151)
  • Society as ???? carceral archipelago
  • Prison, penitentiary, rehabilitation center,
  • Hospital, social worker, school, etc.
  • Combining punitive system with normalizing
  • practices

Panopticon as a metaphor
  • (textbook 149-51)
  • ? an individual is distributed, located and
    examined in their fixed position.
  • e.g. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Net
  • -- the patients as willing subjects of medical
    science (since they are excluded from the world
    of normality).
  • -- ways of discipline and surveillance
  • -- public confession moralism clip 1, 2 what

-- control of their space, schedule, value
standard, and deprivation (of freedom,
pleasuresgambling, sex, smoke--and self-decision)
Q Power and Knowledge/Truth
  • Which types of social or self surveillance are
    legitimate, and which types, unnecessary?
  • How about the quarantine of SARSa modern
  • Do we really live in a prison-like penopticon?

Example of surveillance
  • ?????,????????????????????,??????????. . .
  • A????????--?SARS?????????SARS???????,
  • B??????--???????????????????,???????????????

Examples of surveillance
  • Polices petrol and criminal records
  • Traffic Control System
  • Electronic Game
  • Domicile Registration System and Census
  • IC card

Other Systems of surveillance and discipline
  • Any system which includes and connects us (esp.
    through numbers) telephone, computer, student
    no., banking system (account, credit card),user
    account no., educational platform,
  • The schools merit/de-merit system
  • Discourse e.g.
  • A. ????,?????????,?????,
  • self-discipline self-imposed home quarantine,
    wearing a mask
  • B. normal sex the forbidden ?
    self-disciplined, normal sexual subjects

Power Control Grid e.g. (1)
  • Power Grid Hospital as a regime of health
    supported by various institutions
  • 1) hospital spatial arrangement nursery
    station ? waiting room? clinic ? examination
    room doctors
  • -- 2) ideological control the posters,
  • -- 3) pharmacy, insurance co., etc.
  • -- 4) government
  • -- 5) school

Power Control Grid e.g. (2 3)
  • Educational Systems Production of Knowledge
  • (In the past) inspectors ??
  • Evaluation and reports e.g. 1, 2.
  • (Always) exams
  • Is it bad? No, it helps produce knowledgebut of
    certain forms.
  • Are you producing knowledge which is meaningful
    for yourself, too?

Discourse Definition
  • Discourse is "a group of statements which provide
    a language for talking about ...a particular
    topic at a particular historical moment."
  • Constructed through some discursive practices
  • Three major procedures of discursive formation
  • Definition Prohibition ? defining statements
    Rules about the sayable and thinkable
  • Division and Rejection ? subject positions
    exclusion of other statements
  • Opposition between false and true ?
    Authority/Power of knowledge (Truth)
  • (Ref. Textbook 154)

Discourse Power Definition (2)
  • Influences
  • -- productive produces knowledge
  • -- regulative (not unlike penopticon) offers us
    subject positions which is hierarchical.
  • -- controlling and discriminatory discipline the
    subjects and punish or exclude those who do not
    follow the rules.

Literary Discourse example (1)
  • The discourse of Romantic Poetry
  • -- values imagination, nature, ? Truth
  • -- methodology quest poem, use of common
  • -- discursive practices walking in nature,
    writing poetry, reviews, prefaces, etc.
  • -- inclusion the six poets
  • -- hierarchy and exclusion the poetesses
  • the formation of literary
  • hiring, examination and

Q Discourse and Truth
  • Which of the following statements truth or part
    of a certain discourse, and what possible effects
    do they have?
  • William Wordsworth creates the Immortality Ode.
  • Our sexual desire is the source of our energy
    which can be both constructive and destructive.
  • Any English major should know Shakespeare.
  • Necrophilia, pedophilia, and sex with animal
    should not be allowed.
  • We are born to be male or female, and taught to
    be man or woman.

Discourse example (2)
  • Sexuality as a discourse
  • Discourses of sexuality have increased and become
    a science since the 17th century, when sex in the
    West became a taboo. ? for normlization and
    regulation. (Freudian Psychoanalysis included.)
  • Produces different subject positions and objects
    of gaze and control. The sodomite had been
    temporary aberration the homosexual was now a
    species. (1979 43)
  • Sexual identities regulatory fictions
    inscribed on our bodies.

Discourse Sexuality (For reference)
  • Two Foucauldian views of sexuality and our body
  • Sexuality not something hidden but a great
    surface network in which the stimulation of
    bodies, the intensification of pleasures, the
    incitement to discourse, the formation of
    knowledges, the strengthening of controls and
    resistances, are linked to one another.
  • modified Body as an interface between internal
    forces (psychic, physiological) and the external
    social forces.
  • extensions ? biopolitics (biology economy
    politics) ? the pervasive control and
    regulation of our bodies as part of a population
    (Biopolitics is concerned with population as a
    political and scientific problem source )

Literary Discourse Implications
  • No fixed boundaries between literature and other
    social practices ? popular fiction such as those
    of ?? can be discussed with some literary work.
  • The author is not the creator of his work. S/he
    serves as a label to put on a group of works
    related to him. (e.g. Wordsworth discourse??s
    discourse of Romantic love)
  • Defining some subject positions (of the author,
    the reader, etc.)

  • Miller, Peter. Domination Power. Routledge
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