Title: Organic Soils, i.e. Histosols
1Organic Soils, i.e. Histosols
Soils An Introduction (Singer and Munns)
2Non-agricultural Use of Soil
3Solid Waste
4Liquid Waste
5Disposal/Treatment Options
Two options On-site Septic System Off-site
Sewage Trt Plants
Soils An Introduction (Singer and Munns)
6Waste Water Treatment Plants(WWTP)
- Combined OR
- Separate sewage from runoff
Soils An Introduction (Singer and Munns)
7WWTP Goals
- Clean water (effluent) to return to streams
- remove excess nutrients
- minimize pathogens
- appropriate temperature
- Sanitary solids disposal
- landfill
- incinerate
- land application
8Biosolids solids after trtmt
Soils An Introduction (Singer and Munns)
9Biosolids Processing
10Phosphorus (P) Crop Need vs Water Quality
Soil crop production
Water eutrophication
Goal Satisfy P need, minimize P loss
NP ratio in these sources less than plant
12Effects of Biosolids Treatment
- Biosolids
- concentrated with P
- disposalland application
- Do biosolids differ in P availability as compared
to manure or fertilizer?
13P Removal Method Lime
- solids pumped to this tank
- addition of lime
- raise pH
- reduce pathogens
- precipitate P as Ca-P
- (very insoluble)
Baraboo, WI
14P Removal Method Fe or Al
- add at influent entry
- Fe
- precipitate Fe-P
- can become soluble in reducing conditions
- Al
- precipitate Al-P
- too much Al can cause toxicity in soil
- separate for solids
Lodi (Al) Portage (Fe) WI
15P Removal Method Biological
- primary influent trt
- microorganisms eat dissolved P
- solids removed by settling for further trt
Madison, WI
16Biosolids Trtmt Effects
lime (Ca)
Fe or Al
P Removal Method
17Experimental Approaches
- Field Study
- with plant
- real environment
- Incubations
- no plant
- controlled conditions
18Biosolids History Incubation
Soil ID Soil Series Field Biosolids History
1A Plano None
1B Plano 15 apps
2A Plano None
2B Plano 2 apps
3B Ringwood 13 apps
P Source Treatment TP () PWEP ()
Madison Biological 4.45 11.3
Baraboo Lime 1.05 0.1
Lodi Alum (Al) 3.67 0.3
Portage Iron (Fe) 3.63 1.2
Manure - 0.67 33.8
KH2PO4 - 22.8 100
PWEPpercent of TP that is water extractable
19Soil Classification
- Plano
- Fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic
Argiudolls - Ringwood
- Fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic
Argiudolls - Both soils are typical of MMSD land-application
20Effects on Bray P1
bars within a soil followed by the same letter
are not statistically different at p0.05
21Effects on PBC
PBC P rate/?STP
Plano 1 Plano 1 Plano 2 Plano 2 Ringwood
1A 1B 2A 2B 3B
P Sources (0) (15 apps) (0) (2 apps) (13 apps)
--------------------------PBC (kg P ha-1)-------------------------- --------------------------PBC (kg P ha-1)-------------------------- --------------------------PBC (kg P ha-1)-------------------------- --------------------------PBC (kg P ha-1)-------------------------- --------------------------PBC (kg P ha-1)--------------------------
Lime 8.4 10.5 6.6 8.5 8.3
Al 19.9 -104.7 23.8 45.4 -222.9
Fe 9.2 12.6 10.6 17.4 16.7
Biological 7.0 5.8 8.3 8.2 7.2
Manure 7.3 5.2 7.3 7.9 6.2
KH2PO4 4.2 2.7 4.5 3.7 3.7
22Predicting STP
Biosolid and manure properties Biosolid and manure properties Biosolid and manure properties Biosolid and manure properties Biosolid and manure properties
Soil Extractant WEP AmOxP TP P to FeAl ratio P to FeAl ratio
---------------------------r--------------------------- ---------------------------r--------------------------- ---------------------------r--------------------------- ---------------------------r--------------------------- ---------------------------r---------------------------
All Soils (n100) All Soils (n100) All Soils (n100) All Soils (n100) All Soils (n100)
?WEP 0.58 0.36 0.22 0.22 0.46
?BP1 0.53 ns -0.39 -0.39 0.52
?M3 0.48 ns -0.37 -0.37 0.40
, , indicate statistical significance at
p0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively
23Effects on Bray P1
Arlington Field Experiment
- P source treatment greatly influences P
availability - lime and biologically treated biosolids change
BP1 similar to a typical dairy manure - Fe and Al treated biosolids have significantly
greater PBC - P fertilizer has the smallest PBC
- Field results follow same trends as Incubations
- WEP of biosolids could be used to predict PBC
- Is there a best method for P removal?
- Does P removal method have implications for the
functionality of biosolids for other purposes
(besides keeping P from leaving in runoff)? - What do WWTP operates need to take into account
when deciding on a P removal process? - How is soil being used as a recycler?
26Green Waste
27BackgroundP Chemistry
- Solubility in Soils - pH dependent
Optimum P availability between pH 6-7.
Brady and Weil, 1999
28Effects on WEP