Title: The%20Flower%20and%20Sexual%20Reproduction
1The Flower and Sexual Reproduction
2Significance of the Flower
- Flowers and fruit least affected by environment
- Appearance of flowers and fruits important to
understanding evolutionary relationships among
3Function of Flowers
- To facilitate the important events of gamete
formation and fusion
4Steps in Sexual Cycle
- Production of special reproductive cells after
meiosis - Pollination
- Fertilization
- Seed and fruit development
- Seed and fruit dissemination
- Seed germination
5Flower Parts
- Four whorls of modified leaves
- Sepals
- Petals
- Stamens
- Carpels
6Flower Parts
Part Description Collective Term Function
Sepals Usually green, encloses other flower parts Calyx Protect reproductive parts inside flower
Petals Colored, attractive flower parts Corolla Catch attention of pollinators
Stamens Just inside corolla, male flower part, made up of anther and filament Androecium Produces pollen
Carpels (pistil) Modified leaves folded over and fused to protect ovules, usually in center of flower, made up of stigma, style, and ovary Gynoecium Contains ovules
7Flower Parts
- Perianth
- Collective term for calyx and corolla
- Protects stamens and pistil(s)
- Attracts and guides movements of some pollinators
- Whorl of stamens
- Consists of
- Filament
- Anther
- Made up of four elongated lobes called pollen
- Pollen sac
- Contains microsporocytes
- Each microsporocyte
- Divides by meiosis to produce four haploid
microspores - Each microspore nucleus divides mitotically to
form two-celled pollen grain (male gametophyte)
- Contains tube cell and generative cell
- Elaborate cell wall
- wall pattern genetically determined
- Varies among plants
- Contains sporopollenin
- Resists decay
- Reason pollen grains make good fossils
11Mature Pollen
- Anther wall splits
- Releases pollen
- Pollen transported to stigma (pollination)
- Pollen absorbs water
- Secretes proteins
- Some involved in pollen recognition and
compatibility reactions - Pollen grain germinates
- Female organs
- Simple pistil
- Single folded carpel
- Compound pistil
- Several separate carpels or a group of fused
carpels - Ovary
- Chambers called locules
- Placenta
- Tissue within ovary to which ovule is attached
- Types of placentation
- Parietal
- On ovary wall
- Axile
- On axis of ovary
- Central placentation
- Ovules form on central column
- Style
- Often withers after pollination
- Stigma
- May have hairs that help hold pollen grains
- Sometimes secretes sticky fluid that stimulates
pollen growth
- Ovule
- Structure that eventually becomes the seed
- As it matures, forms 1 or 2 outer protective
layers called integuments - Micropyle small opening in integuments where
pollen tube enters - Consists of 1 or 2 outer protective integuments,
micropyle, megasporocyte, and nucellus - Megasporocyte
- Enlarges in preparation for meiosis
- Embedded in tissue called nucellus
- Embryo sac
- Female gametophyte plant (haploid)
- Megasporocyte
- Undergoes meiosis
- Produces 4 megaspores (1n)
- 3 megaspores nearest micropyle disintegrate
- 1 remaining megaspore develops into mature embryo
- Stages in embryo sac development
- Series of 3 mitotic divisions form 8 nucleate
embryo sac - Nuclei migrate
- Cell wall forms around nuclei
- Within embryo sac
- At micropylar end of embryo sac
- Egg cell and 2 synergic cells
- All 3 of the above cells sometimes called egg
apparatus - Center
- Polar nuclei lie in center of central cell
- Opposite end
- 3 antipodal cells
19Double Fertilization
- Generative cell within pollen grain divides by
mitosis to form 2 sperm cells - 1 sperm cell fuses with egg to form diploid (2n)
zygote - 1 sperm fuses with the 2 polar nuclei
- Forms triploid (3n) primary endosperm nucleus
- Divides to become food reserve tissue called
20Double Fertilization
- Double fertilization actually refers to
- Fusion of egg and sperm
- Fusion of sperm with polar nuclei
21Flower Development
- Shoot apex transformed into floral apex
- Broadening of apical dome
- General increase in RNA and protein synthesis
- Increase in rate of cell division in apical dome
- Bracts
- 1st organs to form from floral apex
- Flower itself is really a shortened and modified
22Flower Types
- Complete flower
- Has all four sets of floral whorls (sepals,
petals, stamens, carpels) - Incomplete flower
- Lacks one or more of the sets of floral whorls
23Flower Types
- Perfect flower
- Bisexual flowers
- Have both male and female flower parts
- Imperfect flower
- Unisexual flowers
- Flowers will be either
- Staminate (stamen bearing) ? male
- Pistillate (pistil bearing) ? female
24Flower Types
- Monoecious
- Plant with staminate and pistillate flowers on
one individual plant - Dioecious
- Staminate and pistillate flowers on separate
individual plants
25Flower Symmetry
- Regular symmetry
- Any line drawn through center of flower divides
flower into two similar halves - Irregular symmetry
- Only one line can divide flower into two similar
26Fusion of Flower Parts
- Connation
- Union of parts of same whorl
- Adnation
- Union of flower parts from different whorls
27Ovary Position
- Superior ovary
- Ovary located above the points of origin of the
perianth and androecium - Inferior ovary
- Ovary located below the points of attachment of
the perianth and stamens
- Clusters or groups of flowers
- Types
- Raceme
- Spike
- Umbel
- Head
- Cyme
29Types of Inflorescences
Type Description Example
Raceme Simple type of inflorescence, main axis has short branches called pedicels, panicle ? branched raceme Radish
Spike Main axis elongated, no pedicels, catkin ? spike that usually bears only pistillate or staminate flowers Walnut, willow
Umbel Short floral axis, flowers arise umbrella-like from approximately same level Onion, carrot
Head Flowers lack pedicels, crowded together on short axis Sunflower
Cyme Main axis produces flower that involves entire apical meristem so axis does not elongate, other flowers arise on lateral branches farther down axis Chickweed
30Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination
- Joseph Koelreuter
- 1760s
- 1st to demonstrate importance of pollen to plant
reproduction - Christian Sprengel
- Correctly distinguished between self-pollinating
and cross-pollinating species - Described role of wind and insects as pollen
31Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination
- Koelreuter and Sprengel
- Founders of study called pollination ecology
32Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination
- Two types of pollination
- Self-pollination (selfing)
- Cross-pollination (outcrossing)
Self-pollination or selfing No genetic recombination Only one plant involved
Cross-pollination or outcrossing Genetic recombination Transfer of pollen from one plant to stigma of another plant
33Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination
- Outcrossing or cross-pollination
- Insured by separation of sexes into different
individual plants - Self-pollination prevented by
- Different maturation times for stigma and anther
of same plant - Inhibition of pollen tube growth through style
- Inhibition of zygote formation
34Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination
- Advantages of self-pollination
- Means of reproduction for scattered populations
in extreme habitats - Common among plants in disturbed habitats
- Saves pollen and the metabolic energy to produce
it - Increases probability that pollen will reach
stigma because distance traveled and travel time
are short
- Sexual reproduction in which no fusion of sperm
and egg occurs - Parthenogenesis
- Embryo develops from unfertilized egg
- Adventitious
- Embryo arises from diploid tissue surrounding the
embryo sac
36Pollination Syndrome
- Unique set of pollen traits that adapt a plant
for pollination
37Flower Trait Beetle Fly Bee Butterfly
Color Dull white or green Pale and dull to dark brown or purple sometimes flecked with translucent patches Bright white, red, yellow, blue, or ultraviolet Bright including red and purple
Nectar guides Absent Absent Present Present
Odor None to strongly fruity or fetid Putrid Fresh, mild, pleasant Faint but fresh
Nectar Sometimes present not hidden Usually absent Usually present somewhat hidden Ample deeply hidden
Pollen Ample Modest in amount Limited often sticky and scented Limited
Flower shape Large, regular dish-like erect Funnel-like or a complex trap Regular or irregular often tubular with a lip erect Regular tubular with a lip erect
Examples Tulip tree, magnolia. dogwood Skunk cabbage, philodendron Larkspur, snapdragon, violet Phlox
38Trait Moth Bird Bat Wind
Color Pale and dull red, purple, pink, or white Scarlet, orange, red, or white Dull white, green, or purple Dull green, brown, or colorless petals may be absent or reduced
Nectar guides Absent Absent Absent Absent
Odor Strong and sweet emitted at night None Strong and musty emitted at night None
Nectar Abundant deeply hidden Abundant deeply hidden Abundant somewhat hidden None
Pollen Limited Modest Ample Abundant small, smooth, and not sticky
Flower shape Regular tubular without a lip closed by day pendant or horizontal Regular or irregular tubular without a lip pendant or horizontal Regular trumpet-like closed by day pendant or borne on trunk Regular small anthers and stigmas exserted
Examples Tobacco, Easter lily, some cacti Fuchsia, hibiscus Banana, agave, sausage tree, Walnut, grasses
- Animals
- Visit flowers for some reward
- Incidentally transfer pollen
- Rewards include
- Pollen
- Nectar
- Pollen
- Excellent food for animals
- Contains
- 15-30 protein
- 15 sugar
- 3-13 fat
- 1-7 starch
- Trace amounts of vitamins, essential elements,
secondary substances - Highly noticeable
- Distinctive odor
- Nectar
- Sugary water transported by phloem into secretory
structures called nectaries - Contains
- 15-75 sugar
- Minor amounts of amino acids
- All 13 essential amino acids needed for insects
are present
42Biotic Pollen Vectors
- Beetles
- Among oldest insect groups
- Flowers pollinated by beetles typically have
primitive traits - Regular symmetry
- Large, simple flowers
- Bowl shaped architecture
- Floral parts not fused
- Many beetle-pollinated species are tropical
43Biotic Pollen Vectors
- Flies
- No single syndrome of floral traits for fly
pollination - Bees and butterflies
- Active by day
- Need landing platform
- Harvest nectar as reward
44Biotic Pollen Vectors
- Moths
- Active by night or at dawn and dusk
- Harvest nectar as reward
- Moth pollinated flowers
- White or faintly colored
- Emit heavy odors
- Fringed blossom rim
- Are pendant or horizontal
- Have no nectar guides
- Often closed during day
- Have long, narrow tubes with pools of nectar at
their base
45Biotic Pollen Vectors
- Butterflies
- Flowers pollinated by butterflies
- Vividly colored
- Emit faint odors
- Have broad blossom rim
- Are erect
- Exhibit prominent nectar guides
46Biotic Pollen Vectors
- Birds
- Not recognized by botanists as pollinators until
relatively recently - Bird pollinated flowers
- Scarlet to red to orange in color
- Generally lack nectar guides
- Deep tubes usually without a landing platform
- Are pendant or horizontal
- Have abundant nectar
- Emit no odor
47Biotic Pollen Vectors
- Bats
- Bat pollinated flowers
- Open at night
- Positioned below foliage of parent tree hanging
pendant or attached to trunk or low limbs - Drab white, green, or purple
- Strong musty odor at night
- Large, tough flowers
- Lots of pollen and nectar
48Abiotic Pollen Vectors
- Wind-pollinated flowers
- Small
- Colorless
- Odorless
- Nectarless
- Petals often lacking or reduced to small scales
- Positioned to dangle or wave in open
- Stigmas enlarged and elaborate and often extend
outside of flower
49Abiotic Pollen Vectors
- Pollen from wind-pollinated flowers
- Generally smoother, smaller, drier than
animal-pollinated species - Often changes shape from spherical to Frisbee
shape on release to dry air - More pollen grains/ovule than animal-pollinated
50Aquatic Plants
- Many aquatic plants produce flowers that project
above water surface - Vectors are usually wind and insects
- Some produce flowers at water surface
- Pollen floats from anther to stigma
51Seeds and Fruits
52Fruits and Seeds
- Fruits
- Packaging structure for seeds of flowering plants
- Seeds
- Mature ovules
- Contain embryonic plant
- Fruits and seeds
- Most important source of food for people and
53Seed Mature Ovule
- Fertilization occurs
- Zygote develops into embryo
- Primary endosperm nucleus develops into endosperm
- Suspensor supports embryo in endosperm
- Endosperm is nutrient-rich storage tissue
- Endosperm persists in many monocots and only in a
few dicots
54Seed Mature Ovule
- Integuments of ovule develop into seed coat
- Seed coat acts as protective shell around embryo
- Sometimes contains chemical substance that
inhibits seed from germinating until conditions
are right for germination
55Common bean Castor bean Grasses Onion
Monocot or dicot Dicot Dicot Monocot Monocot
External features of seed Hilum, micropyle, raphe Caruncle covers hilum and micropyle, raphe runs length of seed Micropyle Micropyle
Endosperm Not present Massive amounts Yes Yes, small amount
Cotyledons 2 fleshy cotyledons 2 thin cotyledons 1 cotyledon 1 cotyledon
Embryo Embryonic root (radicle) at one end, shoot epicotyl at other end, hypocotyl just below cotyledons Short hypocotyl, small epicotyl, small radicle Shoot apex and several rudimentary leaves ensheathed in coleoptile, radicle surrounded by coleorhiza, scutellum secretes enzymes that digest food stored in endosperm Simple embryo, radicle, and simple cotyledon are prominent, shoot apex close to midpoint of axis and appears as notch, embryo coiled, radicle usually points toward micropyle
Germination Hypocotyl elongates, raises cotyledons and shoot apex toward light Cotyledons first function as absorbing organs, cotyledons emerge from seed coat, become green, photosyntesize, wither, die Primary root pushes through coleorhiza, adventitious roots develop, coleoptile elongates and emerges aboveground, uppermost leaf pushes through coleoptile and becomes part of the photosynthesizing shoot Slightly bent cotyledon breaks soil surface, straightens out, base of cotyledon encloses shoot apex, first leaf emerges through opening at base of cotyledon
- Key terms
- Hilum
- Large oval scar left when seed breaks away from
placental connection (funiculus) - Micropyle
- Small opening in seed coat at one end of hilum
- Opening through which pollen tube enters ovule
- Raphe
- Ridge at end of hilum opposite the micropyle
- At base of the funiculus
- Caruncle
- Spongy outgrowth of outer seed coat
- Absorbs water needed during germination
- 1st step in growth of embryo
- Begins with imbibition (uptake of water)
- Water activates enzymes that digest food stored
in cytoplasmic organelles called protein bodies,
lipid bodies, and amyloplasts - 1st indication germination has begun
- Swelling of radicle
- Two types of germination
- Epigeal germination
- Straightening of hypocotyl raises cotyledons and
shoot apex toward light - Hypogeal germination
- Cotyledons remain belowground
- Only apex and 1st leaf are raised upward
60Dormancy of Seeds
- Seeds remain viable for long periods
- Many viable seeds will not germinate even when
conditions are right - In state of dormancy
- Factors that break dormancy
- Light some lettuce species
- Scarring or breaking through seed coat legumes
- Exposure to temperatures close to freezing
gooseberry - Exposure to high temperature of fire some pines
- Ripened ovary
- Commonly refers to a juicy and edible structure
- Functions
- Protect seeds
- Aid in dispersal of seeds
- May be factor in timing of germination of seeds
- Play important role in classification of
angiosperms - Examples of fruits
- Apple, plum, peach, grapes, string beans,
eggplant, squash, tomato, cucumber, corn, oats
- Fruit wall (pericarp) has three layers
- Exocarp
- Mesocarp
- Endocarp
- Accessory
- Tissues other than ovary wall that form part of a
64Main Categories of Fruits
- Simple
- Derived from single ovary
- Dry or fleshy
- Dehiscent (splits open) or indehiscent
- Compound
- Composed of more than one fruit
65Main Categories of Fruits
- Two types of compound fruits
- Aggregate
- Derived from many separate ovaries of a single
flower - Example strawberry
- Multiple
- Enlarged ovaries of several flowers grown more or
less together into a single mass - Example pineapple
66Criteria for Classifying Fruits
- Structure of flower from which fruit develops
- Number of ovaries involved in fruit formation
- Number of carpels in each ovary
- Nature of mature pericarp (dry or fleshy)
- Whether pericarp splits (dehisces) at maturity
- If pericarp dehisces, manner of its splitting
- Role accessory tissues play in formation of
mature fruit
67Simple Fruits Dry and Dehiscent
- Legume or pod
- Arises from single carpel
- At maturity usually dehisces along two sides
- Example pea
- Shell pericarp
- Pea - seed
68Simple Fruits Dry and Dehiscent
- Follicle
- Develops from a single carpel
- Opens only along one side
- Example magnolia
- Capsules
- Simple fruits derived from compound ovaries
- Dehisces in various ways along top surface
- Example poppy
69Simple Fruits Dry and Dehiscent
- Silique
- Dry fruit derived from superior ovary consisting
of two locules - Dry pericarp separates into 3 portions
- Seed attached to central, persistent portion
- Example members of mustard family
70Simple Fruits Dry and Indehiscent
- Achene
- Dry, one seeded fruit
- Pericarp easily separated from seed coat
- Example sunflower
- Caryopsis or grain
- Fruit of grass family
- Dry, one seeded indehiscent fruit
- Pericarp and seed coat firmly united all around
71Simple Fruits Dry and Indehiscent
- Samara
- Outgrowths of ovary wall form wing-like structure
that aids in seed dispersal - One seeded simple fruit
- Example elm
- Two seeded simple fruit
- Example maple
72Simple Fruits Dry and Indehiscent
- Schizocarp
- Two carpels that split when mature along midline
into two one-seeded indehiscent halves - Example celery
- Nut
- One seeded, indehiscent dry fruit with hard or
stony pericarp (shell) - Example walnut
73Fleshy Pericarp
- Popular for food
- Fleshy fruit wall
- Attractive to animals
- Seeds tend to have hard seed coat not broken down
as it passes through animal
74Fleshy Pericarp
- Drupes
- One seeded
- Derived from single carpel
- Hard endocarp
- Thin exocarp
- Fleshy mesocarp
- Examples cherry, almond, peach, apricot
75Fleshy Pericarp
- Berry
- Derived from compound ovary
- Many seeds embedded in flesh
- Types of berries
- Hesperidium
- Exocarp and mesocarp rind with numerous oil
cavities - Endocarp thick, juicy pulp segments composed of
wedge-shaped locules - Juice forms in juice sacs or vesicles
- Outgrowths of endocarp wall
- Examples lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruit
76Fleshy Pericarp
- Pepo
- Rind consists mainly of receptacle tissue that
surrounds it and is fused with exocarp - Flesh of fruit
- Mainly mesocarp and endocarp
- Examples watermelon, cucumber, squash
77Fleshy Pericarp
- Pomes
- Fruit derived from flower with inferior ovary
- Flesh
- Enlarged hypanthium (fleshy floral tube)
- Core
- From ovary
- Example apple
78Compound Fruits
- Aggregate fruits
- Formed from numerous carpels of one individual
flower - Many simple fruits attached to a fleshy
receptacle - Example blackberry
79Compound Fruits
- Multiple fruit
- Formed from individual ovaries of several flowers
all grouped together - Fruit
- Enlarged fleshy receptacle
- Example fig (drupes)
- Example pineapple (berries)
- Parthenocarpic fruits
- Develop without fertilization
- Seedless fruits
- Regularly produced in cultivated plants
- Eggplant, navel orange, banana, pineapple
- In orchids
- Placing dead pollen or water extract of pollen on
stigma may start fruit development
- Commercially induced in some plants
- Spray blossoms with dilute aqueous solution of
growth substance such as auxin
82Role of Fruit
- Aid in dispersal of seeds inside
- Deter inappropriate seed-dispersing animals from
taking fruit or seed - To protect seed from herbivores who consume seeds
but do not disperse them
83Role of Fruit
- No nutritional relationship between fruit and
seeds within it - Stored food in fruit cannot be used by dormant
seeds or by germinating seedlings - Only stored food available to seedlings is in
endosperm and cotyledons within seed coat
84Role of Fruit and Seeds
- Fruits and seed are rich in chemical resources
- Sugar, starch, protein, lipid, amino acids,
variety of secondary compounds - Caloric value is approximately 5,100 kcal/gram
dry weight
85Abiotic Mechanisms for Seed Dispersal
- Wind
- Winged and plumed fruits common adaptations for
dispersal - Seeds ballistically exploded by violent
dehiscence of pericarp - Water
- Seeds float, germinate when washed ashore
- Flash floods spread seeds
86Biotic Vectors for Seed Dispersal
- Ants, birds, bats, rodents, fish, ruminants,
primates - Attracted to fruit by color, position, season
availability, odor, taste
87Biotic Vectors for Seed Dispersal
- Biotic vector
- May eat fruit and discard seeds
- True of some primates
- Swallow seeds unchewed
- Seeds pass unharmed through gut
- Excreted some distance away
- Often case with birds
88Biotic Vectors for Seed Dispersal
- May eat some seeds and cache others
- Seedlings later emerge from cached seeds
- Squirrels, jays
- May harvest seeds and deposit them in granaries
below ground - Ants
89Biotic Vectors for Seed Dispersal
- May eat elaiosomes (food bodies) at one end of
seed and then discard seed - ants
90Biotic Vectors for Seed Dispersal
- Sometimes animals transfer seeds in a more
parasitic fashion - Seeds of some aquatic and marsh plants stick to
feet of birds in mud and are carried long
distances - Birds carry sticky mistletoe seeds on their feet
to new host trees - Seeds with beards, spines, hooks, or barbs adhere
to animal hair and human clothing and are carried
to new sites
91Antiherbivore Mechanisms
- Mechanisms that discourage herbivores include
- Reducing the time of fruit availability
- Making the fruit or seed coat physically hard
- Making the fruit or endosperm chemically repellent
92Antiherbivore Mechanisms
- Reducing the time of fruit availability
- Some species produce fruit and seed abundantly
only during mast years - Low amount of seeds produced in off years keeps
number of seed eaters in check - Seed-eating populations not large enough to
consume all seeds available during mast year - Some seeds escape consumption and germinate
93Antiherbivore Mechanisms
- Making the fruit or seed coat physically hard
- Prevents seed from being damaged by grinding
action in the crop of birds or the mouths of
chewing mammals - Legume seed coats are hard and often pass through
animal guts unharmed
94Antiherbivore Mechanisms
- Making fruit or endosperm chemically repellent
- Effect is negative and often toxic
- Lectins cause red blood cells to clump
- Enzyme inhibitors
- Cyanogens release cyanide (potent nerve toxin)
- Saponins - a detergent
- Alkaloids opium
- Unusual amino acids
95Distant Dispersal of Seeds
- Benefit of fruit and seed dispersal
- Spread species far from its parent
- Many fruits and seeds wasted because eaten or
deposited in places inappropriate for germination - In stressful habitats
- Advantageous to prevent or limit dispersal away
from parents
96Distant Dispersal of Seeds
- Method of limiting dispersal
- Self-planting
- Grasses produce bent awns (slender bristles) that
drive grain into soil - Peanut
- Fruits become buried as they mature
- Seeds never leave immediate proximity of parent
- Sea rocket
- Bipartie fruit
- Top half carried by ocean currents, bottom half
attached to parent