Title: A%20Young%20Mathematician
1- A Young Mathematicians Reflection on
- Vision
- Illposedness Regularizations
- Jackie (Jianhong) Shen
- School of Mathematics
- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455
- Workshop on Regularization in Statistics
- Banff International Research Station, Canada
September 6-11, 2003
- Vision, the perception of the 3-D world from its
2-D partial projections onto the left and right
retinas, is fundamentally an illposed inverse
problem. But after millions of years' of
evolution, human vision has become astonishingly
accurate and satisfactory. How could it have
become such a remarkable inverse problem solver,
and what are the hidden (or subconscious)
regularization techniques it employs? - This talk attempts to reflect and shed some
light on these billion-dollar or Nobel-level
questions (the works of several Nobel Laureates
will be mentioned indeed), based on the limited
but unique experience and philosophy of a young
mathematician. In particular, we discuss the
topological, geometric, statistical/Bayesian, and
psychological regularization techniques of visual
perception. - I owe deep appreciation to my former advisors,
mentors, and teachers leading me to the Door of
Vision Professors Gil Strang, Tony Chan, Stan
Osher, David Mumford, Stu Geman, and Dan Kersten.
- An Abstract View of Vision Imaging and
Perception - Illposedness of Visual Perception Root and
Solutions - Conscious or Subconscious Regularizations
- Topological Regularization Generic Viewpoint
Principle - Geometric Regularization Perception Role of
Curvature - Statistical Regularization Gibbs Fields and
Learning - Psychological Regularization Role of Webers
- Dedicated to all pioneering mathematicians in
Mathematical Image and Vision Analysis (Miva), - on whose shoulders we the younger generations are
standing, - and on whose shoulders, we the younger must think
deeper, speak louder, and look further beyond - - Jackie Shen
5- An Abstract View of Vision
- Passive Imaging
- Active Visual Perception
6Biological or Digital (Passive) Imaging Process
Lattice (or continuum) of photoreceptors
q viewing position angle
u 2-D image on the biological or digital retina
Passive Imaging Process
A 3-D world scene
Optical imaging process (human vision or digital
camera) can be modeled as a function (or
Here, 2 and 3 indicate the dimension of the
spatial variables. G and R denote the
configuration (scene geometry) and the
reflectance. All the as are parameters such as
I and q.
7Active Visual Perception
Lattice (or continuum) of photoreceptors
q viewing position angle
u 2-D image on the biological or digital retina
Active Visual Perception
Perception is to reconstruct the 3-D world
(geometry, topology, material surface
properties, light source, etc.) from the
observed 2-D image
A 3-D world scene
8A Quick Overview of Mathematicians Missions
- Develop mathematical formulations for all the
important psychological and cognitive discoveries
in visual perception. - As in geometry and physics (Hamiltonian,
Statistical or Quantum Mechanics), unify and
extract the most fundamental laws or axioms of
perception, and develop their mathematical
foundations. - Decode the computational and information-theoreti
c efficiency behind human visual perception, and
integrate such knowledge into digital and
computational decision and optimization
algorithms. - Develop novel mathematical tools and theories
arising from such studies, and apply them to
other scientific and engineering fields, such as
data visualization/mining pattern
recognition/learning/coding multiscale modeling.
9Is It Risky for a Young Mathematician to Study
- Quoting Albert Einstein
- The object of all science, whether natural
science or psychology , is to co-ordinate our
experiences and to bring them into a logical
system. - - from Space and Time in Pre-Relativity
Physics, May, 1921. - To me, as for Special or General Relativities,
being logical necessarily means being
mathematical - Cause-effect modeling and description (e.g.,
learning theory) - Formulating basic psychological/perceptual laws
(e.g. Weber) - Simulating brain computation using computers
- Verifying existing data, and furnishing
reasonable predictions. - etc.
10- Illposedness of
- Visual Perception
- Root of Illposedness
- Solutions to Illposedness
11Vision is an Inverse Computer Graphics Problem
Dan Kersten (1997)
- 3-D Computer Graphics (Hollywood animated
movies) - G Geometric configuration of a 3-D scene (bike,
table,) - R Material surface property reflectance field.
- I ILLUMINANCE (incident lights, light source
and type). - Goal Generate a 2-D image U, which looks exactly
like the image that one sees if facing such a
real 3-D scene. - Visual Perception is an Inverse C.G. Problem
(Kersten) - Given a 2-D image U, one attempts to reconstruct
its 3-D world G, R, I, viewing position
angle, etc.
12Vision is an illposed Inverse Problem (A-1)
- A. Geometry is not invertible depth or range is
lost ! - Mathematical Model (1) Projective Imaging
- P (x1, x2, x3) ? (x1, x2) is not invertible!
- For any given 2-D curve g2, there are infinitely
many 3-D curves g3, so that P(g3) g2 . - Example.
g3 (cos t, sin t, t )
g2 is just like the projection of a circle
13Vision is an illposed Inverse Problem (A-2)
- Mathematical Model (2) Perspective Imaging
a hyperbola
a parabola
an ellipse
Imaging plane (or retina)
All three different types of curves are imaged as
a 2-D circle !
14Vision is an illposed Inverse Problem (B)
- B. The Reflectance-Illuminance entanglement.
identical images !
different 3-D scenes
15But vision still makes sense,
- after millions of years evolution ,
- which implies that
- The human vision system is a well developed
system of software and hardware, which can solve
this highly ill-posed inverse problem efficiently
and robustly. - Fundamental Questions
- What kind of regularization techniques the human
vision system employs to conquer the
illposedness? - What kind of features or variables to regularize ?
16Deterministic Model Tikhonov Regularization
- Tikhonov conditioning technique for inverse
problems - forward data generating U0 F(X).
- backward (inverse) reconstruction of X
- min d F(X), U0 R(X),
- where d is a suitable discrepancy metric, and R
is the regularizing/conditioning term. - Example. (Cleaning and sharpening of astronomical
images) - U0 h X n . (h atmosphere blurring n
white noise) - Such an inverse problem is typically solved by
17Tikhonov Meets Bayes Perception as Inference
Bayesian Perception X (geometry G,
reflectance R, ).
Gibbs energy formula Prob (y) 1/Z exp ( -
Ey / k T ). Thus, in terms of energies, we
which leads to Tikhonov Inversion !
Conclusion It is our a priori knowledge of the
world (i.e., Prob X ) that regularizes our
visual perception!
18A Priori Knowledge (Common Sense) of the World
Regularizes Vision
- G Knowledge of curve and shape geometry
- I Knowledge of light sources illuminance
(sun, lamps, indoor or outdoor, ) - R Knowledge of materials (wood, bricks, ) and
surface reflectance (metal shines and water
sparkles, ) - Q Knowledge of the viewers (often standing
perpendicularly to the ground, viewing more
horizontally, several feet away for indoor
scenes, )
19Example I Prior Knowledge on Curves
- Straight lines length(g), or 1-D Hausdorff.
- Eulers elastica (Mumford 1994, Chan-Kang-Shen
2002) - Piecewise elastica (Shah 2001)
- which allows corners or hinges (i.e. the
discrete set S) along the curve.
20Example II. Prior Knowledge on Material
Reflectance distribution R(x) in the visual field
- The Mumford-Shah 1989 free-boundary model
- Many challenging free-boundary problems.
- Connections to interface motions (such as the
mean curvature motion).
curve energy
21Deeper Question What to Learn How
- How does the vision system subconsciously choose
what knowledge to learn and store, out of massive
visual data in daily life? - For such knowledge, to which degree of regularity
or compression that the vision system decides
to process, in order to achieve maximum
efficiency and robustness? - How to mathematically model (or quantify) such
Partial answer by Nobel Laureate (1972) Gerald
Edelman Neural Darwinism (Basic Books, Inc.,
1987) The vision system in each individual
operates as a selective system resembling
natural section in evolution, but operating by
different mechanisms.
22- Topological Regularization
- Principle of Generic Viewpoint
- vs.
- Theorem of Transversality in
- Differential Topology
23Transversal Phenomenon
3-D world
Digital or Biological 2-D Retina
and are transversal, in the sense of
differential topology and are not
tangent at any point
24Transversal Is Generic Stability Universality
- Suppose that (2, 3 are dimensions, and P is the
projection) - are transversal. Then for any perturbation
to , within an e - distance under a suitable smoothness norm,
- are still transversal.
- Theorem (Milnor) Let M and N be two smooth
manifolds, and - P N submanifold. Then any smooth mapping f M
? N can be - approximated arbitrarily closely by one which is
transversal to P.
Stability or Openness
Universality or Denseness
25Principle of Generic Viewpoint in Vision
- Generic Viewpoint (Nakayama Shimojo, Science
1992 Freeman, Nature 1994) - What we see is generic w.r.t. the viewpoint !
- Mathematical Model
- Suppose we see an image
- Then
- where denote small perturbations of
the as, controlled by e, - and D is a vision motivated measure, metric or
distance. - In terms of curves, D can be based on
invariants of differential topology - smoothness, corners, connected components,
26How G.V. Principle Regularizes Perception 3
- How the Generic Viewpoint Principle regularizes
visual perception (conditioning the
illposedness) - Set up preference/biases among all possible
scenes. - (Uniqueness) Lead to topologically unique
solutions. - (Stability) Lead to the stability of perceptual
27Example 1 Curve Perception
A pitchfork
Two curves
- Given the image g , which 3-D scene (curve)
satisfies the G.V. Principle? - Answer G1. For G2, when the viewing angle q
is perturbed a little bit, the image would be - which is not diffeomorphic to g (since
branching degree d and number of connected
components c are invariants). Take the metric D,
for example, - D difference in d difference in c other
visual metric terms.
28Example 2 Shape Perception
A painted planar plate
a uniform V-wing
- Given the image u, which 3-D scenario satisfies
the G. V. Principle? - Answer Planar Plate. If the viewer moves a
little bit (i.e. viewing angle q ?qe), the image
of the V-wing scene would become - The two 2-D shapes are NOT diffeomorphic since
corner is an invariant. (This is because if f is
a diffeomorphism, then the Jacobian Jf is
non-singular, and a corner can never be smoothed
out leading to a straight line.
29Example 3 shape perception Simian or Human
Dan Kersten, Vision Psychology, UMN
Two human faces
Two simian faces
- For image u, we see two human faces. No doubt.
- If we move the face contours closer till touching
(image v), do we still percept two human faces?
or two simians? Psychologists show that most of
us percept the latter. WHY? My explanation based
on G. V. Principle - In 3-D, give the two faces a slight distance
difference (from the viewer). Then the
perception of two human faces violates the G.V.
Principle, while the perception of two (100
transparent except along the outlines) simian
faces satisfies the G.V. Principle, or the
Stability Principle. Classical Interpretation
is based on Gestalt.
30- Geometric Regularization
- Perception and Roles of
- Curvature
31Why Curvature (A) Architectural Evidence
St. Louis Arch, USA
Eiffel Tower, Paris
MITs Big Dome, Cambridge, USA
- If human vision were blind to curvature,
architects would not have bothered to build these
beautiful structures ! (Disclaimer All
pictures are Internet downloads, not taken by the
32Why Curvature (B) Anatomic Evidence
- The work of Nobel Laureates (1981) David Hubel
Torstern Wiesel (1962)
Visual cortical surface
In my opinion, this provides the most intimate
evidence of visual processing of the curvature
information. WHY ? Because Curvature Spatial
Organization of Orientations k dq/ds !
Down to the interior
Quantized array of cortical visual neurons and
their oriented receptive fields
33Why Curvature (C) Heuristic Mathematical
- Taylor expansion for a curve
- Question Which orders do matter to human visual
perception? - Answer Like Newtonian mechanics, only up to
the second order. - Heuristic Mathematical Argument
- ? First order matters since we can
detect rotation! - ? Second order matters since we have a
- strong sense of concavity/convexity/inflecti
on. - ? Third order?
34What Do All These Mean?
- The proceeding evidences clearly demonstrate the
significance, feasibility, legitimacy of
curvature processing in visual perception. So
what? It implies to - Employ curvature as a deterministic regularizer
for solving numerous ill-posed inverse problems
in image and vision analysis ( Mumfords proposal
of Eulers elastica regularizer (1994), also
Masnou-Morel (1998, ICIP ), Chan-Kang-Shen,
(2002, SJAP ), Esedoglu-Shen (2002, EJAP ) ) - Encode curvature in data structure and
organization (e.g., Candes-Donohos curvelets
(1999 2002, IEEE Trans. IP )) - Develop and study curvature-based mathematical
models (e.g., Chan-Shens CDD 3rd nonlinear PDE
model (2001, JVCIR ), Esedoglu-Shens proposal of
Mumford-Shah-Euler model (2002, EJAP ) Euclidean
and affine invariant scale spaces
(Alvarez-Guichard-Lions-Morel, 1993
Calabi-Olver-Tannenbaum, 1996) mean curvature
motions (Evans-Spruck, 1991)).
We focus on this point.
35Perceptual Interpolation of Missing Boundaries
Occluding object
- Problem Find a curve g (t), 0lttlt1, which passes
through the two endpoints p and q , and looks
natural. - Vision background Most objects in our material
world are not transparent. Occlusion is
universal. Human vision must be able to integrate
the dissected information (by suitable
interpolation), in order to successfully perceive
the world. - Why regularization is needed (1)
(non-uniqueness) otherwise too many curves to
choose from Brownian paths, say (2) to
regularize is to properly model being natural.
36Second Order Polynomial Regularization
Modeling Being Natural
- Let us try polynomial regularization
- But which order is generically sufficient?
- Count the constraints in 2-D, totally 22116
conditions. - Theorem. As long as , there exists a
unique parabolic interpolant in the form of
This solution echoes the earlier claim of second
order sufficiency
37Second Order Geometric Regularization Eulers
Mumford 1994
- Variational approach under these constraints, to
minimize - called Eulers elastica. Energy was studied by
Euler (1744) to - model the steady shape of a thin and torsion
free elastica rod. - The equilibrium equation
- which is an elliptic integral, and the solution
can be expressed by - elliptic functions (Mumford 1994).
38Image Interpolation or Inpainting
- Inpainting is an artistic way of saying Image
Interpolation (as first used in IP by Bertalmio
et al (SIGGRAPH, 2000)) - Partial image information loss is very common
- Occlusion caused by non-transparent objects
- Data loss in wireless transmission
- Cracks in ancient paintings due to pigment
aging/weather - Insufficient number of image acquisition sensors.
Example I Occlusion
Example II Cracks
Read Shen (SIAM News, 36(5), Inpainting and
Fundamental Problem of IP, 2003)
39Chan-Shens Inpainting Model via BV Regularizer
Chan-Shen (SIAM J. Appl. Math., 62(3), 2001)
Existence is guaranteed, but uniqueness is not.
The TV inpainting model
BV regularizer
least square (for uniform Gaussian noise)
The associated formal Euler-Lagrange equation on
Fidelity Index
with Neumann adiabatic condition along the
boundary of W.
Formally looks very similar to Rudin-Osher-Fatemi
s denoising model !
40Chan-Shens Model for Inpainting Noisy Blurry
Suppose KGt, is the Gaussian kernel. Then, the
model gives a good inverting of heat diffusion.
Without the BV regularization, backward diffusion
is notoriously ill-posed.
Chan-Shen (AMS Contemporary Math., 2002)
movie forever
41The BV Regularizer is Insufficient for Inpainting
(Kanisza, Nitzberg-Mumford, Chan-Shen)
Long distance connection is too expensive for
the TV cost ! Cheaper to simply break it. We
need curvature!
42Lifting Curve Regularity to Image Regularity
- Using the level-sets of an image, we can lift a
curve model to an image model (formally
theoretical study by Bellettini, et al., 1992) - Connection to the mean curvature flow
(Evans-Spruck, 1991)
Curvature of level sets
43Elastica Inpainting Model Curvature Incorporated
Chan-Kang-Shen (SJAP, 2002 also ref. to
Masnou-Morel, 1998 )
- Theorem (associated E.-L. PDE).
- The gradient descent flow is given by
- where V is called the flux field , with proper
boundary conditions.
44Elastica Inpainting Nonlinear Tranport CDD
Chan-Kang-Shen (SJAP, 2002 )
- Transport along the isophotes (level sets)
- Curvature driven diffusion (CDD) across the
isophotes - Conclusion
- Elastica inpainting unifies the earlier work
of Bertalmio, Sapiro, Caselles, and Ballester
(SIGGRAPH, 2000) on transport based inpainting,
and that of Chan and Shen (JVCIR, 2001) on CDD
inpainting (motivated by human visual perception).
Tangential component
Normal component
level sets
45Elastica Inpainting. I. Smoother Completion
- Effect 1 as b/a increases,
- connection becomes smoother.
Chan-Kang-Shen (SJAP, 2002 )
46Elastica Inpainting. II. Long Distance is Cheaper
- Effect 2 as b/a increases,
- long distance connection gets cheaper.
For more theoretical and computational (4th order
nonlinear!) details, please see Chan-Kang-Shen
(SJAP, 63(2), 2002).
47Inpainting Regularized by Mumford-Shah
Chan-Shen (SJAP, 2000), Tsai-Yezzi-Willsky
(2001), Esedoglu-Shen (EJAP, 2002)
- The Mumford-Shah (1989) image model was initially
designed for the segmentation application
Mumford-Shah based inpainting is to minimize
Inpainting domain
possible blurring
A free boundary optimization problem.
48Mumford-Shah Inpainting Algorithm
Esedoglu-Shen (Europ. J. Appl. Math., 2002)
- For the current guess of edge completion G, find
u to minimize
? equivalent to solving the elliptic equation
on W\G
- This updated guess of u then guides the motion
of G
Jump across G of the roughness measure
M. C. Motion
We can then benefit from the level-set
implementation by Chan-Vese.
49M.-S. Inpainting via G-Convergence Approximation
Esedoglu-Shen (Europ. J. Appl. Math., 2002)
The G-convergence approximation of
Ambrosio-Tortorelli (1990)
Esedoglu-Shen shows that inpainting is the
perfect market for G-convergence
edge G is approximated by a signature function z.
50Leading to Simple Elliptic Implementation
Esedoglu-Shen (2002)
The associated equilibrium PDEs are two coupled
elliptic equations for u and z, with Neuman
boundary conditions
which can be solved numerically by any efficient
elliptic solver.
51Applications Disocclusion and Text Removal
Esedoglu-Shen (2002)
inpainted u
the edge signature z
inpainted u
Inpainting domain
52Insufficiency of Mumford-Shah Regularity for
Defect I Artificial corners
Defect II Fail to realize the Connectivity Princi
ple, like BV.
53Esedoglu-Shens Proposal Mumford-Shah-Euler
Esedoglu-Shen (2002)
- Idea change the straight-line curve model
embedded in the - Mumford-Shah model to Eulers elastica
- The G-convergence approximation (conjecture) of
De Giorgi (1991)
For the technical and computational details,
please see Esedoglu-Shen.
54Inpainting Based on Mumford-Shah-Euler Regularity
Esedoglu-Shen (2002)
- Issues
- Very costly 4th order PDE
- Many local minima
- Without approximation, it is
- difficult to implement geometry
55Conclusion for Curvature Based Regularization
- Curvature processing has its anatomical vision
foundation - Curvature processing has its cognitive/perceptual
foundation - Curvature based regularization is necessary for
- Image analysis and coding
- Image processing and modeling
- Image computation algorithms and implementation
schemes - Curvature imposes both theoretical
computational challenges non-quadratic objective
functionals nonlinear 3rd and 4th order PDEs
insufficient theory for wellposedness (existence,
uniqueness, definition domains, etc.)
56- Statistical Regularization
- Gibbs Fields and Learning
57Stochastic View of Images Random Fields
Geman-Geman (1984), Grenander (1993), Zhu-Mumford
- An observed image u is treated as a randomly
drawn sample. - The sample space is an ensemble of images with
its own (often unknown) distribution. - An ensemble equipped with a probability
distribution m or p naturally leads to a random
field (R. F.) on the image domain. - Two distinguished features of such stochastic
view - We are not interested in the pixelwise details of
a particular image, rather, the key statistical
features of the R. F. associated. - The R. F. is assumed to be ergodic for a
typical sample image u, spatial statistics
converge to ensemble/field statistics. - In this view, image regularization is built into
the distribution m .
58Stochastic View of Images Examples
(Shen-Jung, 2003)
(Shen-Jung, 2003)
Reaction-diffusion spots
Reaction-diffusion stripes
Wood texture (Internet download)
Crops (Internet download)
59Stochastic Regularization Gibbs Fields
Geman-Geman (1984), Grenander (1993), Zhu-Mumford
- Stochastic regularity is encoded or specified by
the random field distribution p (u ) . - If p is a uniform distribution, then there is not
much tangible information associated to the
images, or in Shannons language, the information
content is the lowest (equivalently, no
regularity is in presence as the entropy reaches
highest). - In Grenanders (founder of Pattern Theory, Brown
U) language, textures are built from basic
building elements (atoms), and these atoms,
like molecules, are bound together by local
regularity energies, leading to informative
images. - Thus Gibbs Fields Model seems natural to
characterize such stochastic regularity Gibbs
Canonical Ensemble/Formula
regularity energy
visual temperature
partition function
60Regularization Visual Potentials and Their Duals
- What can a box of air (molecules) tell us
- Microscopically never stops fluctuating (lacking
regularity) - Macroscopically there are a few key feature
potentials - Temperature T
- Pressure p
- Chemical potentials m
- These potentials have their dual (additive)
variables - Energy E, dual to the inverse temperature b1/kT.
- Volume V, dual to the pressure p.
- Mole numbers N, dual to the chemical potential m.
- Gibbs Generalized Ensemble Model says,
- Prob (a micro state) 1/Z .exp(- b E. - b p
V. b m N. ). - Conclusion to apply Gibbs regularity in image
analysis, one needs to properly identify visually
meaningful potentials and their duals. (These
feature parameters will regularize images.)
61Example of Gibbs Canonical Images Binary Ising
- Isings Model (1925, for ferromagnetic phase
transition originally) - Binary images on the Cartesian lattice Z2.
- uu(i,j)1 or 1 (spin up or down).
- In an external (biasing) magnetic field H , the
energy associated to each observed field u is - J internal energy of magnetic dipole (neighbor
pair) - a, b, c representing general pixels,
neighboring. - But generic (natural) images are not generated
from such clean physics. Challenge is to develop
good models for (generalized) energies, and
properly model short-range or long-range visual
62What Features to Regularize Visual Filters
Zhu-Mumford (1997)
- Treat the human vision system as a system of
linear filters T (F1 , F2 , , FN ). - Each filter Fn is characterized by its special
capability in resolving a particular orientation
q with a particular spatial frequency w at a
particular scale s . That is, Fns are
parametrized by the feature vector ( q, w, s ). - Basic Assumption
- To human vision, the random image fields are
completely describable (at least in satisfactory
approximation) by the filter response Tu. All
other features are blindly filtered out, and
treated visually insignificant. This is the
hidden rule of visual regularization!! - Justification (from Statistical Mechanics)
- Though the dimension of the phase space of a box
of air molecules is huge, in equilibrium such a
system can be accurately described by three
feature parameters temperature, pressure, and
63From Visual Filters to Potentials Maximum
Entropy Learning of Zhu-Mumford
Zhu-Mumford (1997)
- Following the proceeding basic assumption, a
Gibbs image model would be ONLY based on the
statistics of the filter outputs Tu ( F1
u, F2 u, , FN u ). - But how exactly? Zhu-Mumfords MEL Model/Scheme
- Each filter output vn Fn u is by itself a
random field. - In the ideal case, suppose we do know the random
field distributions qn ( vn ), n 1N. Then,
these can be used as a set of constraints on the
original Gibbs image u. That is, pp(u) should
lead to Prob( vn ) qn ( vn ), n 1N. - Under these set of constraints, one can use Gibbs
variational formulation of Statistical Mechanics
to find the unique Gibbs field that maximizes the
entropy, which necessarily takes the form of - In reality, the spatial structure of vn is often
ignored and each is treated as a field of
i.i.d.s. Thus the joint p.d.f qn is a direct
tensor product, and is replaced by its 1-D
Diracs delta
64Learning of Regularization Will Be Momentous
- A brief conclusion
- Statistical regularization is often achieved
through visually meaningful filters and filtering
processes. - The Gibbs field model can be learned based on the
empirical statistics (e.g. histograms) of these
filter outputs of a typical image sample, and the
ergodicity assumption is thus crucial in such
learning processes. - Maximum Entropy based Learning Processes (Melp)
will play an increasingly important role in
vision and pattern analysis.
65- Psychological Regularization
- Role of Webers Law A Case Study
66Webers Law
Shen (Physica D, 175, 2003)
- Webers Law in Psychology
- Let u denote the mean field of a background
(sound/light), and du the intensity increment
just detectable by human perception (ears/eyes)
or the so-called JND just-noticeable-difference
. Then du/u constant. - First qualitatively described by German
physiologist E. H. Weber in 1834 Later
formulated quantitatively by the great
experimental psychologist G. T. Fechner in 1858. - Search your own experience for validating Webers
Law - In a fully packed stadium high bgsound u gt have
to cry loud to be effectively heard by other
folks (i.e., du has to be high as well) - ???? (An ancient Chinese idiom) translated to
In a night with a bright full moon, the stars
always look scarce.
67Is Webers Law Psychological or Physiological ?
James Keener (Math. Physiology, 1998)
- Jackie Shens Theorem Any commonly shared
psychological phenomenon (among most of the
6,000,000,000 people on this planet) has to be
physiological. - Webers Law expresses the light adaptive
capability of the frontal end of the entire
vision system the two retinas. - Without Webers Law, the retinas would not be
able to operate over a wide range of light
intensities from several photons to bright solar
light, since the membrane potential V of a
neuron cell has a saturated maximum value. - Webers Law is the result of a feedback mechanism
(Tranchina-Perskin, 1988) of the retina system,
which is implemented by the biochemical
physiology (ion channels) of the photoreceptors
(McNaughton, 1990).
68Webers Law Regularization Can Respect Real
Shen (Physica D, vol. 175, 2003)
- What does Webers Law have to do with
regularization? - Before Shen (2003), all variational image
regularizers in image and vision analysis are
defined by either the Sobolev norm - as in the Linear Filtering Theory, and the
Mumford-Shah model (1989), or the Total Variation
(TV) Radon measure - as in the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi model (Physica D,
1992). - The fundamental assumption of such regularizers
is that human visual sensitivity to small
fluctuations (or irregularities) depends on
nothing else but themselves. But this is
inappropriate according to Webers Law !
69Weberized Regularization and Applications
Shen (Physica D, vol. 175, 2003)
- Thus Shen (2003) proposed to Weberize (a word
conveniently coined) the conventional Sobolev or
TV regularizers to - or,
- For example, the Weberized TV denoising and
deblurring model (for additive Gaussian noise)
would be to minimize the energy - where the light intensity field (or image) u is
70Existence and Uniqueness of Weberization
Shen (Physica D, vol. 175, 2003)
- Admissible space of u
- Existence Theorem
- Assume that and . Then there exists at
least one minimizer in the admissible space D. - Uniqueness Theorem
- Assume that u z(x) in D is a minimizer and
at each pixel x. Then z(x) is
71Weberized TV Restoration An Example
Profile of one horizontal slice
from noisy image
after Weberized TV restoration
72One-Sentence Conclusion of Todays Talk
- Regularization is crucial for visual perception,
and presents numerous challenges as well as
opportunities for further statistical and
mathematical modeling.
73- That is all, folks
- Thank you for your patience!
- School of Mathematics and IMA, University of
Minnesota (UMN). - Tony Chan, Stan Osher, Luminita Vese, Selim
Esedoglu (UCLA) S.-H. Kang (U. Kentucky)
Yoon-Mo Jung (UMN). - Gil Strang (my Ph.D. advisor, MIT) for his
vision, guide, and support on research. - David Mumford and Stu Geman (Division Appl Math,
Brown U). - Dan Kersten and Paul Schrater (Psychology EECS,
UMN). - S. Masnou and J.-M. Morel (France) G. Sapiro and
M. Bertalmio (EECS, UMN). - Fadil Santosa, Peter Olver, Hans Othmer, Bob
Gulliver, Willard Miller, Doug Arnold, Mitch
Luskin (Colleagues at Math, UMN). - National Science Foundations (NSF), Program of
Applied Mathematics Office of Navy Research
(ONR). - All the generous support and warm words from
- Jayant Shah, Andrea Bertozzi, David Donoho, James
Murray, Rachid Deriche.