Title: ODEs: Adaptive Methods and Stiff Systems
1Chapter 21
- ODEs Adaptive Methods and Stiff Systems
2Adaptive Runge Kutta Method
Use small step size in high gradient region
(abrupt change) automatic step size adjustment
3Adaptive Runge Kutta Method
- First approach Step halving
- Estimate local truncation error using two
different step sizes - Solve each step twice, once as a full step and
then as two half steps - Second approach Embedded RK methods
- (also called RK-Fehlberg methods)
- Estimate local truncation error between two
predictions using two different-order RK methods
4Step Halving Method
- Step Halving (Adaptive RK) method
- Compute the solutions at each step twice using
4th-order classic RK method - Once as a full step h and independently as two
half steps (h/2) - y1 one full step y2 two half steps
Error estimate Correction 5th-order
5Adaptive 4th-order RK Method
- One full-step with h
- Two half-steps with h/2
- Therefore,
Two half-steps
6Embedded Runge-Kutta Method
- MATLAB function ODE23
- BS23 algorithm (Bogacki and Shampine, 1989
Shampine, 1994) - Use 3rd-order 4th-order RK methods
simultaneously to solve the ODE and estimate the
error for step-size adjustment - Error estimate (Note k1 is the same as k4 from
previous step)
7Embedded RK Method ODE23
- Uses only three function evaluations (k1, k2, k3)
- After each step, the error is checked to
determine whether it is within desired tolerance.
If it is, yi1 is accepted and k4 becomes k1 for
the next time step - If the error is too large, the step is repeated
with a reduced step sizes until the estimate
error is acceptable - RelTol relative tolerance (default 10?3)
- AbsTol relative tolerance (default 10?6)
8Adaptive RK Method ode23
- Example 21.2 Use ode23 to solve the following
ODE from t 0 to 4
function yp ex21_2(t, y) Example 21.2 in the
text book yp 10exp(-(t-2)(t-2)/(20.0752))
- 0.6y
9Example 20.2 ode23
gtgt options odeset('RelTol',1.e-4) gtgt
ode23('ex21_2', 0 4, 0.5, options)
gtgt options odeset('RelTol',1.e-3) gtgt
ode23('ex21_2', 0 4, 0.5, options)
(a) RelTol 10?3
(b) RelTol 10?4
10Other MATLAB Functions
- MATLAB Function ode45
- Dormand and Prince (1990)
- Solve fourth- and fifth-order RK formulas
simultaneously - Make error estimates for step-size adjustment
- MATLAB Function ode113
- Adams-Bashforth-Moulton solver (order 1-12)
- Predictor-corrector method
11Runge-Kutta Fehlberg Method
These coefficients were developed by Cash and
Karp (1990). Also called Cash-Karp RK Method
12Runge-Kutta Fehlberg Method
- Identical coefficients (k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6)
for both the fourth and fifth order
Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg methods - Save CPU time
- Error estimate use two RK methods of different
order to estimate the local truncation error
13Runge-Kutta Fehlberg Method
- First, calculate yi1 using 4th-order Runge-Kutta
Felberg method ? (y1)4th - Then, calculate yi1 using 5th-order Runge-Kutta
Felberg method ? (y2)5th - Calculate Error Ea (y2)5th - (y1)4th
- Adjust step size according to error estimate
14Step Size Control
- Use step-halving or Runge-Kutta Fehlberg to
estimate the local truncation error - Adjust the step size according to error estimate
- Increase the step size if the error is too small
and decrease it if the error is too large - For fourth-order schemes
15Step Size Adjustment
For nth-order RK Method
- For step size increases (RK4, n 4)
- For step size decreases, h is implicit in ?new
Reduce hnew also reduce ?new
Forcing function
Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method with adaptive step
size control
small step size around t 2
17Predator-Prey Equation
- A simple predator-prey relationship is described
by the Lotka-Volterra model, which we write in
terms of a fox population f(t), with birth rate
bf and death rate df and a geese population g(t)
with birth rate bg and death rate dg
18Predator-Prey Equation
- Example Given bf 0.3, df 0.8, bg 1.2, dg
0.6, find the populations of predators and preys
as a function of time (t 0 to 20) using ode45.
Predator Prey
function yp predprey(t,y) Fox (Predator)
population y1(t), birth rate bf, death rate df
Geese (prey) poupulation y2(t), birth rate bg,
death rate dg bf 0.3 df 0.8 bg 1.2 dg
0.6 yp y(1)(bfy(2)-df) y(2)(bg-dgy(1))
19Adaptive RK method ode45
gtgt tspan0 20 y0 1, 2 gtgt t,y
ode45('predprey',tspan,y0) gtgt out t y out
0 1.00000000000000
2.00000000000000 0.08372954771699
0.98466335925883 2.10387606351447
0.16745909543397 0.97217906418030
2.21469691968449 0.25118864315096
0.96261463455261 2.33264806768044
0.33491819086794 0.95606000043195
2.45787517860514 0.62870201024789
0.95940830414765 2.95257534365817
0.92248582962784 1.00915715534212
3.53554512325941 1.21626964900779
1.11944001342999 4.17743733245175
1.51005346838774 1.31420023093313
4.80288705430266 1.70029730481714
1.49877617603179 5.14418160032910
1.89054114124654 1.73932623590652
5.37426899115905 2.08078497767594
2.03724630610217 5.44284022577897
2.27102881410534 2.38123550265509
5.31619117469119 2.46127265053474
2.74867929767025 4.98122010458805
2.65151648696414 3.09373931102751
4.48531246964154 2.84176032339354
3.37201992118282 3.89965751560944
3.03200415982294 3.55414367377695
3.29772307544844 3.21873982743099
3.62508046596480 2.75627545562992
3.40547549503903 3.59592495497541
2.29786856084044 3.59221116264708
3.48499741488926 1.93369109247072
3.77894683025512 3.31638942318525
1.65488750920928 3.94714350340851
3.13529220765148 1.46223282653043
4.11534017656189 2.93901369774356
1.31685686503153 4.28353684971528
2.73779832900552 1.20974621108398
4.45173352286867 2.53877488937042
1.13408335792525 4.65875081398499
2.30372716989349 1.07647855767312
4.86576810510130 2.08503830477357
1.05104469525303 5.07278539621762
1.88590370110986 1.05298367705029 ...
... ...
19.13258672508553 1.39621015109817
1.21506308763510 19.36078504002272
1.26894875046392 1.33168491347240
19.58898335495991 1.16392668931057
1.48284270918163 19.69173751621993
1.12358612912238 1.56325743063018
19.79449167747995 1.08747228241032
1.65192298666833 19.89724583873998
1.05554028549720 1.74928308667197
20.00000000000000 1.02776980338246
20Predator-Prey Model
- Time history of predator (fox) and prey (geese)
21Predator-Prey Model
State-space plot
22Multistep Methods
- Runge-Kutta methods
- -- one-step method
- -- use intermediate values between ti and
ti1 - -- several evaluations of slope per step
- Multistep methods
- -- use values at ti , ti-1 , ti-2 etc
- -- only one evaluation of derivative per step
23One-Step and Multistep Methods
24Multi-step methods use several previous points
(yi-1 , yi-2 ,) in addition to the present point
- - explicit (b0 0) implicit methods.
- - of the previous steps.
- Non-self start Huen method
- Adams-Bashforth Methods (explicit methods b0
0) - Admas-Moulton Methods (implicit methods)
- Predictor-Corrector Methods
25Heuns Method (Review)
- Start with second-order method
- Look at Heuns method (Self-Starting)
- Euler predictor - O(h2)
- Trapezoid corrector - O(h3)
26Non-Self-Starting Heuns Method
- To improve predictor, use 3rd-order Euler method
- along with the same old corrector
- iterated until converged
Note are the final results of the
corrector iterations at the previous time step
27Non-Self Starting Heuns Method
(a) 3rd-order predictor (b) 3rd-order
Non-self starting, need yi-1 and yi (two initial
28Heuns Method
(a) 2nd-order predictor (b) 3rd-order
Self-starting, need yi only
29Truncation Errors
- Non-self-starting Heun method
- Predictor truncation error
- Corrector truncation error
- Corrector Modifier
- Predictor Modifier (not used in textbook)
Error in textbook
31Non-Self Starting Heuns Method
- So the sequence is
- Predict
- Adjust prediction
- Correct
- Converged?
- If not, correct again
32Hand Calculations
- Non-self-starting Heuns method
- Need two initial conditions
- Example 21.3 (p523- 524)
Exact solution y 3.076923e 0.8t 1.076923 e
0.5 t
33Hand Calculations First Step
Predictor Corrector
- First Step (i 0) need two initial conditions
- Predictor
34Hand Calculations First Step
35Hand Calculations Second Step
- Second Step (i 1)
- Predictor
36Hand Calculations First Step
- A stiff system involves rapidly changing
components (usually die away quickly) together
with slowly ones - Long-time solution is dominated by slow varying
38Numerical Stability
- Amplification or decay of numerical errors
- A numerical method is stable if error incurred at
one stage of the process do not tend to magnify
at later stages - Ill-conditioned differential equation
- -- numerical errors will be magnified
regardless - of numerical method
- Stiff differential equation
- -- require extremely small step size to
achieve - accurate results
40Euler Explicit Method
- Stability criterion
- Region of absolute stability
Amplification factor
41Euler Implicit Method
Forward, Backward, or Centered Scheme?
- Explicit Euler method
- Second-order Adams-Moulton
- Implicit methods are in general more stable than
explicit methods.
If a 1000, then h ? 0.002 to ensure stability
Unconditionally stable
43Example 21.5
Euler Explicit Euler Implicit
44MATLAB Functions for Stiff Systems
- ode15s based on Gear backward differentiation
- for stiff problems of low to
medium accuracy - ode23s based on modified Rosenbrock formula
- ode23t trapezoidal rule with a free interpolant
- for moderately stiff problems
without - numerical damping
- ode23tb implicit Runge-Kutta formula
- for more explanation please see page 529
45Stiff ODE van del Pol equation
- Van der Pol equation for electronic circuit
- Convert to two first-order ODEs
46Stiff ODE van del Pol equation
- M-file for van del Pol equation
function yp vanderpol(t,y,mu) van der Pol
equation for electronic circuit d2y1/dt2 -
mu(1-y12) dy1/dt y1 0 initial
conditions, y1(0) dy1/dt 1 convert to two
first-order ODEs The solution becomes
progressively stiffer as mu gets large yp
y(2) mu(1-y(1)2)y(2)-y(1)
47Nonstiff ODE van del Pol equation
gtgt t,yode45(_at_vanderpol,0 20,1 1,, 1) gtgt
Hplot(t,y(,1),t,y(,2),'m--') gtgt
48Stiff ODE van del Pol equation
gtgt t,yode23s(_at_vanderpol,0 6000,1 1,,
1000) gtgt Hplot(t,y(,1)) gtgt set(H,'LineWidth',3
49Bungee Jumper Coupled ODEs
- Vertical Dynamics of a jumper connected to a
stationary platform with a bungee cord (Ex21.4) - Air resistance depending on whether the cord is
slack or stretched use sign(v) for drag force - Spring constant k (N/m) and damping coefficient ?
(Ns/m) - Need to solve two simultaneous ODEs for x and v
k ? 0 if x ? L
50Non-stiff ODEs Bungee Jumper
- Use ode45 for non-stiff ODEs to solve for the
distance and velocity of a bungee jumper
function dydt bungee(t,y,L,cd,m,k,gamma) g
9.81 cord 0 if y(1) gt L determine if the
cord exerts a force cord k/m (y(1)-L)
gamma/m y(2) end dydt y(2) g - sign(y(2))
cd/my(2)2 - cord
51gtgt t,y ode45(_at_bungee,0 50,0
0,,30,0.25,68.1,40,8) gtgt h1
plot(t,-y(,1),t,y(,2),'m--') gtgt h2 legend('x
(m)','v(m/s)') gtgt set(h1,'LineWidth',3)
Bungee jumper velocity
Bungee jumper distance
52CVEN 302-501Homework No. 14
- Chapter 21
- Prob. 21.3 (30) (Hand Calculation) 21.5 (30)
- Prob. 21.8 (40) (using MATLAB program except for
part a)) - Due 12/02/08 before 500 pm