Title: Summary of Fourfold Gospel
1Summary of Fourfold Gospel
- Prof. Jintae Kim, Ph.D.
- Alliance Theological Seminary
- Nov 2, 2003
2I. Jesus Christ the Savior
- Basis
- Atonement Redemption
- Biblical Absolute
- No other name (Acts 412)
3Meaning of Salvation in 6 Perspectives
- 1) Guilt of sin
- ? Forgiveness
- 2) Curse of the law
- ? Justification
- 3) Evil consciences
- ? A New Heart (regeneration)
- 4) Satans kingdom ? Kingdom of Christ
- 5) Eternal death ? Life Healing
- 6) Wrath of God ? Love of God
4II. Jesus Christ the Sanctifier
- Basis
- Atonement Redemption
5What is Not Sanctification
- 1) Regeneration (just a seed yet)
- 2) Morality or any attainment of character.
- 3) Human work.
- 4) The work of death (monasticism)
- 5) Self-perfection
- 6) State of emotion
6Two Meanings of Sanctification
- 1) Separation from sin
- 2) Dedication to God
7The Source of Sanctification
- Jesus himself
- our sanctification
- our sanctifier
8The Means of Sanctification
- Reliance on Christ
- ? Entire surrender
- ? Personal indwelling of Jesus
- ? Sanctification
9The Ultimate Goal of Sanctification
- Conformity
- to the likeness of God
- to the will of God
10Genuine Sanctification
- It must be expressed in
- Love, supreme love to God and all mankind ?
Mission (!!!!!!!). - Distinctive of CMA
- Link sanctification to mission.
11III. Jesus Christ the Healer
- Basis Atonement Redemption
- Key passage Isa 535 by his wounds we are
12What is Not Divine Healing (6)
- Medical healing
- Healing by mind-cure, mysterious force, or
spiritualism - Prayer cure forcing God to heal
- Faith-cure faith as a means regardless Gods
will - Will-power
- Mercenary medical profession
13Definition of Divine Healing by A. B. Simpson
- Supernatural divine power of God infused into
human bodies, - renewing their strength and
- replacing the weakness
- of suffering human frames
- by the life and power of God (p. 44)
14IV. Jesus Christ the Coming King
- Basis
- His promise and
- Apostolic witnesses
15Historical Premillennialism
- Premillennial,
- Personal, bodily, visible,
- and glorious appearing
- at the end of the ages
- (1 John 32-3 Rev 17 Acts 110-11).
16Acts 111
- They said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand
looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has
been taken up from you into heaven, will come in
the same way as you saw him go into heaven.
17The Second Coming and the Tribulation
- CMA takes no position on the tribulation and
Christs return.
18The Catch-Phrase of CMA
- Hasten the coming of the Lord
- by preaching the Gospel
- to the end of the earth
- in our own generation!
- (ref. Matt 2414)