Physician burnout - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Physician burnout


As a society? Why is it happening? Burnout and satisfaction with work/life balance among US physicians Burnout among physicians was measured using the Maslach ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Physician burnout

Physician burnout
  • Tuesday, March 27, 2018
  • Seth D Bilazarian, MD

Physician burnout
  • Nearly 46 percent of 7288 surveyed physicians
    said they experienced at least one symptom of
    serious burnout, according to a study published
    in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
  • Compared with workers in the general population,
    physicians had an 8.6 higher risk of emotional
    exhaustion and 10 higher risk of overall

Arch Intern Med 2012 DOI10.1001/archinternmed.20
Defining burnout
  • What is it?
  • Should we care?
  • As individuals?
  • As a profession?
  • As a society?
  • Why is it happening?

Burnout and satisfaction with work/life balance
among US physicians 
  • Burnout among physicians was measured using the
    Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)
  • 45.8 of physicians reported at least one symptom
    of burnout
  • The MBI has three subscales to evaluate each
    domain of burnout
  • Emotional exhaustion
  • Depersonalization
  • Low personal accomplishment

Arch Intern Med 2012 DOI10.1001/archinternmed.20
Lay press articles
  • The root of physician burnout - The Atlantic
  • The physician burnout epidemic What it means
    for patients and reform - The Atlantic
  • The widespread problem of doctor burnout -
  • Doctor burnout Nearly half of physicians report
    symptoms USA Today
  • Is your doctor burned out? Nearly half of US
    physicians say they're exhausted Time

Shortage of physicians?
  • "By 2015, the US will be 62 900 doctors short,
    and the future looks even worse," Archambault
    said. "By 2025, the estimated shortage of doctors
    will more than double, as baby boomers require
    more care and Obamacare grants more insurance
    cards. Seeing a doctor in a reasonable amount of
    time may be a thing of the past, unless
    meaningful consumer-directed reform is passed

Romneycare hints at future doc shortage.
Six in 10 physicians would quit today
  • Doctors are working less, seeing fewer patients,
    and many would quit if they could, a sweeping
    survey of 13 575 physicians from across the
    nation shows.
  • A Survey of America's Physicians Practice
    Patterns and Perspectives was commissioned by the
    Physicians Foundation. It is the latest and
    perhaps the largest and most comprehensive of a
    number of surveys that have identified wide,
    deep, and increasing discontent among the
    nation's physicians regardless of their age,
    gender, specialty, location, or employment

A Survey of America's Physicians
Changes in patient-physician interaction
  • EMR
  • Patient autonomy Can a patient demand care the
    doctor feels is inappropriate?
  • Patient satisfaction?
  • Appropriate-use criteria and Choosing Wisely
  • Patient-centric care

Changes in the law
  • ACA or Obamacare
  • Romneycare
  • Physicians' reaction to it
  • Physicians being blamed for the inefficiencies
    and inadequacies of the healthcare system

Cardiologists speaking after SCOTUS upholds ACA
  • Almost universally praised aspects of it
    (universal coverage)
  • Almost universal in expressing uneasiness, poorly
    articulated views about
  • Impact on societal costs
  • Practice and delivery of medicine
  • Impact on American medical innovationdrugs and
  • Clumsy

The Anti-ACA view
  • This bureaucratization will amplify everything
    patients and businesses despise about the current
    system the unintelligible 103 234.61 bill for a
    turned ankle, the doctor who can't take a phone
    call because of how the hospital schedules shift.
  • Why aren't mom's eight specialists aware of each
    other's existence? Why is healthcare mostly
    conducted via a pad and pen and beepers and fax
    machines in the iPhone era? Why are there so few
    geriatricians when the first wave of baby boomers
    is already turning 65? Why is it still so hard to
    find usable information about quality and prices?

Cheesecake Factory Medicine WSJ August 27, 2012
Doctors who view medicine as a calling are more
satisfied (part 1)
  • They feel better about caring for patients with
    complex conditions such as obesity and alcohol
    addiction than other physicians, research shows.
  • The reasons that drive doctors to practice
    medicine can have an impact on how satisfied they
    are caring for patients with challenging
    conditions, says an Archives of Internal
    Medicine research letter published online August
  • Researchers analyzed data from a national survey
    of 1504 primary-care physicians. They found that
    doctors who see medicine as a calling are more
    likely than other physicians to be satisfied
    treating patients who are obese or addicted to
    nicotine or alcohol.

Doctors who view medicine as a calling are more
Doctors who view medicine as a calling are more
satisfied (part 2)
  • Of the three conditions, physicians were most
    satisfied treating nicotine dependence (62),
    followed by obesity (57) and alcoholism (50).
  • Physicians who are unhappy with their career
    choice are less likely to be satisfied treating
    those disorders, and they often blame patients
    for their conditions.
  • The findings are significant, given high rates of
    burnout in the profession, said study coauthor Dr
    John D Yoon, an assistant professor in the
    University of Chicago's Section of Hospital
    Medicine and associate faculty member at the
    MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics.

Changes in response to legal and financial
pressures by the healthcare system
  • Family farm vs ADM
  • A1 Deli vs Cheesecake Factory

Anti-Cheesecake view
  • Political counterpoint to the Big Medicine piece
    of Dr Atul Gawande in the New Yorker
  • The highlighted aspects are the corporatization
    of medical practices and the payment advisory
  • "The 'most important institutional change' after
    ObamaCare passed in 2010 the independent payment
    advisory board composed of 15 philosopher kings
    who will rule over US healthcare."
  • The unknown aspects of who, what, and why and
    perceived hazards of this decision-making process
    are discussed.
  • "The longer-run danger is . . . cost board starts
    to decide what types of care 'work' for society
    at large and thus what individual patients are
    allowed to receive."'
  • "The Cheesecake Factory is a great place to eat
    but you probably wouldn't want to be operated on
    thereespecially if it's run by the government."

Cheesecake Factory Medicine. Wall Street Journal
Big medicineCheesecake Factory Where they fall
  • No discussion on inelasticity of pricing
    (high-end restaurants don't cost the same as
    fast-food restaurants)
  • Not responsible for patient's care before and
    after interactions
  • Restaurants are incentivized to capture as much
    business as possible but are not required legally
    or expected ethically to serve all comers
  • There is no defensive-medicine equivalent in the
    dining industry
  • The problem of poor coordination as described is
    real and serious but this has been foisted on
    doctors ("Too many cooks spoil the pot") but we
    are complicit
  • I didn't have as good a meal as Dr Gawande did

Should we care about burnout?
  • "Ultimately resistance that is not addressed
    creatively can frazzle nerves . . . and overly
    burden. . . . Prolonged contact with conflict and
    criticism wears them down, robs them of joy.
    Many . . . simply want out"

Leadership Essentials by Greg Ogden and Daniel
Meyer p 154
What's frustrating
  • EMR has several advantages but reviewing it is
    time consuming"Where's the beef?"
  • Oversight in the office ICAEL, ICANL 48-hr
  • Hospitalappropriate-use criteria, malpractice,
    public reporting
  • Daily practice hospital computer systemsnot
    ready for prime time order preop antibiotic, nine
    signatures prior to cath
  • Post hoc scrutiny

Is life is easier?
  • Night float, hospitalists, nocturnists

Exclusive Nocturnists on hand for the critical
Relevant articles in the Atlantic
  • The Physician Burnout Epidemic What it means for
    patients and reform
  • The Root of Physician Burnout

The root of physician burnout "Incentivizing
with money is a self-fulfilling prophecy
of cynicism. We must promote compassion, courage,
and wisdom among our physicians before we "make a
sordid business of this high and sacred
  • Reducing dissatisfiers
  • Reduce stressors by cutting back on working
    hours, relaxing intrusive oversight, and finding
    ways to lift the burden of "busywork" from the
    shoulders of physicians.
  • Fair pay
  • Enhance fulfillment
  • Focus on the work itself.
  • Do physicians recognize what they find most
  • What does their best work look like?
  • Are they making full use of their knowledge,
    skills, and innate abilities?
  • Are they growing and developing as human beings?
  • Do they feel that they are making a real
    difference in the lives of their patients and

The widespread problem of doctor burnout (NY
Times and the Atlantic)
  • Almost half complained of being emotionally
    exhausted, feeling detached from their patients
    and work, or suffering from a low sense of
  • She feels increasingly frustrated with what she
    calls the "bureaucratization" of medicine and
    resents spending "more time filling out forms
    than caring for patients." 

The widespread problem of doctor burnout. New
York Times
Dave Scott (Cornwall Bridge, CT)
  • Burned-out doctors will not question or fight the
    system. They will cheat to survive. And those who
    profit from the system as it is will want to
    leave burned-out doctors as they are.
    Unburned-out doctors would try to change things.
  • If you want to find out why doctors are burned
    out, figure out who benefits from burned-out
    doctors. Those who benefit from burned-out
    doctors would be those whose routines and
    practices would be disrupted by doctors who
    weren't burned out, who were still trying and
    caring. Burning people out gets rid of their
    idealism, and medicine is one of the fields
    (teaching is another) that uses idealism and
    service to attract people.

My comment Why are physicians frustrated and
burning out?
  • Weak?
  • Entitled (I've worked really hard and got all
  • Anxiety from transition, change, and uncertainty?
    "Broken contract"
  • Addicted to affirmationless appreciation shown
    by patients
  • Frustrated with blame for ills of the system
    (especially cost)
  • More deep rooted? This is not what I signed up
    for, this is not my calling, these are not my
  • Is it because physicians' values are being

Systemic American healthcare system values are in
  • ACA
  • MA referendum on physician-assisted suicide
  • Impact of declining small group practices and
    rise of Big MedicineHCA (family farmADM)
  • Geographic variability (Dartmouth Atlas) and
    recent reports of grotesque fraudulent care (HCA
    in NY Times)

Physician values
  • Largely comes during training internship,
    residency, and fellowship
  • Messages I heard
  • "Did you sleep?"
  • "Trust no one"
  • Things I saw
  • Meticulous review of every lab and imaging value
    prior to discharge
  • Want everything at discharge to be tied up in a
    neat package"put a bow on it"

Ethical concerns Always put the patient first
  • Not treat (therapeutic nihilism)
  • Treat
  • Treat if the patient wants treatment (patient
  • Treatment if guidelines and evidence warrant
  • Avoid treatment if uncertain (nonagenarians, PFO,
    renal stenosis, atherogenic dyslipidemia, vitamin
  • What would you do if I were your mother?

Studies question P4P (part 1)
  • Programs that reward doctors and hospitals for
    hitting certain quality targets are being rolled
    out in Massachusetts and across the country. A
    major focus is that doctors should be paid for
    keeping patients healthy rather than for the
    volume of tests or treatments they order.
  • A review of seven studies of primary-care
    programs that paid doctors extra for meeting
    certain targets, published by the Cochrane
    Collaboration in September, was inconclusive
    about the effect on quality of care.
    "Implementation should proceed with caution," the
    authors wrote.
  • Published in March (NEJM) a large Medicare pilot
    program that paid providers more if they met
    certain process targetsand docked those who did
    poorlydid not reduce short-term patient
    mortality rates. A version of the program is
    being rolled out nationally. The authors of the
    paper called the results "sobering."

Studies question medical rewards.
Studies question P4P (part 2)
  • In BMJ editorial 8/14/2012
  • Explains why they think paying doctors more based
    on quality metrics is inherently problematic
  • Hospitals and doctors can easily change their
    reporting practices to improve their quality
  • Financial incentives can undermine doctors'
    intrinsic desire to help their patients. The idea
    that people will be motivated to do better if
    they are paid more as a result may seem like
    common sense, but medicine is complex. Often the
    measures used to determine success do not match
    the conditions of care or patient outcomes the
    program is meant to address
  • Other fields have struggled with
    pay-for-performance programs. Under national
    education policy, schools that score poorly on
    standardized tests receive less funding. "They're
    the ones who need it most," he said. "Is the
    right reaction to poor quality that those
    institutions need fewer resources, not more?"

Studies question medical rewards.
  • Burnout is real and has both qualitative and
    quantitative risks for healthcare delivery and
    our profession
  • My take Physicians are dealing with a time of
    transitionlike it or not we are becoming more
    like tradespersons than professionals with a
  • The systemic changes that contributed to this had
    noble intent(eg, physician work-hour limitation)
    but have diminished physician autonomy to such an
    extent that following the rules and feeling
    "excessively scrutinized" and avoiding criticism
    is becoming the chief professional motivation
  • Aspiring to conduct oneself in a profession as a
    career with a calling is a noble intent and may
    have benefits for both patients and physicians
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