Title: Neural Networks in Bioinformatics
1Neural Networks in Bioinformatics
I-Fang Chung ifchung_at_ym.edu.tw Institute of
Bioinformatics, YM 4-27-2006
2Experience and Education
- 1989-2000 Electrical and Control Engineering in
NCTU - 2000-2003 (Postdoc) ECE Laboratory of
Intelligent Control - 2003-2004 (Postdoc) Laboratory of DNA Information
Analysis of Human Genome Center, Institute of
Medical Science, Tokyo University - 2004-now Institute of Bioinformatics, Yang-Ming
- Motivation
- To solve one problem in bioinformatics
- Identification of RNA-Interacting Residues in
Protein - Current projects
4Neural Networks
- Neural networks are constructed to resemble the
behavior of human brains (neurons) - Characterizes the ability to learn, recall, and
generalize from training patterns
Output path
5Neural Networks (contd)
- Good at tasks such as pattern matching,
classification, function approximation, and data
clustering - Good at tasks in bioinformatics such as coding
region recognition, protein structure prediction,
gene clustering
6Basic Principles of Discrimination
- Each object associated with a class label (or
response) Y ? 1, 2, , K and a feature vector
(vector of predictor variables) of G
measurements X (X1, , XG) - Aim predict Y from X.
Predefined Class 1,2,K
Y Class Label 2 X Feature vector
colour, shape
Classification rule ?
X red, square Y ?
Learning set
Bad prognosis recurrence lt 5yrs
Good Prognosis recurrence gt 5yrs
Good Prognosis Matesis gt 5
Predefine classes Clinical outcome
Objects Array Feature vectors Gene expression
new array
Reference L vant Veer et al (2002) Gene
expression profiling predicts clinical outcome of
breast cancer. Nature, Jan.
Classification rule
8Design Issues
Human brain
Domain knowledge, e.g. biology (molecule,
Problem definition (desired input/output mapping)
Output encoding
Neural Network
Molecular Structure
Sequence discrimination Feature
detection Classification Structure prediction
Training Data Sets Testing Data Sets
System Evaluation
Network Architecture Learning Algorithm Parameter
Feature representation (knowledge
extraction) Input encoding
9Prediction of Protein 2nd Structures
Adopted from Qian and Sejnowski, 1988
10Sliding Window
2-D info
Amino Acids
- Sliding window concept
- Considering a piece of strings as inputs
- Only looking at central position in a piece of
strings to detect what kind of 2-D info. happens
11Binary Bit Encoding Method
- Input encoding for each input pattern
- Unary encoding scheme for protein sequence
- 21 binary bits for 20 kinds of amino acid type (1
bit for overlapped terminal) - Input layer with multiple Input patterns
- A window size w of consecutive residues been
considered. - 21 w units for sequence only
- Output layer with 3 units
- To describe what kind of 2-D info. Happens (1,
0, 0 for helix, 0, 1, 0 for sheet, 0, 0, 1
for coil) - One hidden layer for non-linear 2-class pattern
12More Complex NN Structure PHD
Multiple sequence Alignment, it is a way to
compare multiple sequence, the result is called
alignment profile.
breakthroughuse evolutionary information in MSA
instead of single sequence
Adopted from Rost and Sander, 1993
- Motivation
- To solve one problem in bioinformatics
- Identification of RNA-Interacting Residues in
Protein - Current projects
14Identification of RNA-Interacting Residues in
- Task
- Predicting putative RNA-interacting sites within
a protein chain - Given a protein sequence? Finding the
RNA-binding positions (residues) - Method
- Using feedforward neural network based on
sequence profiles - Analyzing and qualifying a large set of the
network weights trained on sequence profiles
15Data Generation
- Source Protein Data Bank (PDB)
- Collect Protein-RNA complexes, resolved by X-ray
with 3.0Ã… - Remove redundant protein structures with sequence
identity over 70 - 86 non-homologous protein chains (21990 residues)
- Residues in interaction sites
- The closest distance between atoms of the protein
and the partner RNA is less than 7Ã…. - hydrogen bonds, stacking, electrostatic,
hydrophobic, and van der Waals, interactions
considered - Residues in interaction sites 21.7 (4782)
interaction site or not
Amino acids
2D info.
Appearance probability
- Position Specific Iterative BLAST (PSI BLAST)
- A strong measure of residue conservation in a
given location - Position specific scoring matrix (PSSM)
- A 20-dimensional vector representing
probabilities of conservation against mutations
to 20 different amino acids including itself - The position of the important function of protein
will be kept in the course of evolving
18Experimental Results (contd)
- Agreement with structural studies of protein-RNA
interactions - Arg, Lys, Ser, Thr, Asp and Glu prefer to be in
hydrogen bonding - Phe and Ser are frequently located in van der
Waals interacting and stacking interacting - Some conflicting situations
- Ala, Leu and Val known to less preferred types in
interactions - Asn typically though of one of the most preferred
amino acid types in hydrogen bonding
Adopted from Jeong and Miyano, 2006
19Saliency Factor
- Objective Define a matrix to represent the
importance of the presence of specific residues
at specific positions - Step1 Normalization of weight xij for each
input unit aij
M the window size, 1 i M N the of
distinct residue symbols, 1 j N H
the of hidden units, 1 k H
Adopted from Jeong and Miyano, 2006
20Saliency Factor (contd)
- Weight conservation the amount of weight
information represent at each position i in
the given window, defined as the difference
between the maximum entropy and the entropy of
the observed weight distribution - Saliency factor of residue j at window position
i - New input
M the window size, 1 i M N the of
distinct residue symbols, 1 j N H
the of hidden units, 1 k H
Adopted from Jeong and Miyano, 2006
- Four kinds of measuring parameters are defined
- True Positive (TP) the number of accurately
predicted interaction sites - True Negative (TN) the number of accurately
predicted not-interaction sites - False Positive (FP) the number of inaccurately
predicted interaction sites - False Negative (FN) the number of inaccurately
predicted not-interaction sites - Examples (1 positive, 0 negative)
0101000010011001111000 ?
1100001110001111110011 ? Predicted
22Measuring Performance
- Total accuracy
- Percentage of all correctly predicted interaction
and not-interaction sites - Accuracy (Specificity)
- To measure the probability that how many of the
predicted interaction sites are correct - Coverage (Sensitivity)
- To measure the probability that how many of the
correct interaction sites are predicted - Mattews correlation coefficient (MCC)
- Takes into account both under- and
over-predictions - ranges between 1 (perfect prediction) and -1
(completely wrong prediction)
23Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve
24Experimental Results
Adopted from Jeong and Miyano, 2006
25Experimental Results (contd)
Adopted from Jeong and Miyano, 2006
26Experimental Results (contd)
Adopted from Jeong and Miyano, 2006
- E. Jeong, I F. Chung, and S. Miyano, Prediction
of Residues in Protein-RNA Interaction Sites by
Neural Networks, Proc. of the 14th International
Conference on Genome Informatics, pp. 506-507,
2003. - E. Jeong, I F. Chung, and S. Miyano, A Neural
Network Method for Identification of
RNA-Interacting Residues in Protein, Proc. of
the 4th International Workshop on Bioinformatics
and Systems Biology, pp. 105-116, 2004. - E. Jeong and S. Miyano, A weighted profile based
method for protein-RNA interacting residue
prediction, Trans. on Comput. Syst. Biol., IV,
LNBI 3939, pp. 123 - 139, 2006.
28Current Projects
- To discover the relationship between protein
sequence and protein structure - To identification of RNA-interacting residues in
protein - To perform protein metal binding residue
prediction - To predict the phosphorylation sites
- Microarray data analysis
- Significant gene selection, clustering,
classification - Prediction of the polymorphic short tandem
29Mini-Workshop Knowledge Discovery Techniques
for Bioinformatics
Dr. Limsoon Wong
30Hierarchy of Protein Structure
2nd structure prediction
3rd structure prediction
31Protein Secondary Structures
Anti-parallel beta sheet
Alpha helix
Parallel beta sheet